This is going to be my 3rd cycle, I am looking for more muscle. I would perfer a long ester but I can go either way.
This is going to be my 3rd cycle, I am looking for more muscle. I would perfer a long ester but I can go either way.
Give us some more info, stats etc. I think most would suggest the deca for a 3rd cycle as the sides are known to be less harsh than tren.
1st 250mg e3.5d for 10w
2nd 30mg dbol ed 4w
300mg e3.5d for 12w
I've run a test/decca/d-bol cycle.
Produced very good results.
Tren is the next cycle I have planed.
I don't get sides from gear, so I'm lucky in that respect.
So, your previous cycles are pretty basic in nature.
Deca is very suppressive on the T-Axis.
Tren is a hard hitter.
I would run a test/deca cycle.
See how you react to it.
Then , run a Tren cycle.
Thats what I had in mind just wanted some back up....
Just run it twelve weeks and use the dbol for kickstart
I want to run test prop and tren for my forth or so then the test/mast/tren both short cycles
stats pls
My stats are good.....6 ft 195lbs
Diet is good got it from guys on cycles posted are from help from Big from when I first joined
Leave the tren this time, go with deca and see how you respond.
I leave the the test at the dose I am currently on 300mg e3.5d and run the deca at 200mg
^^ Two cycles that produce excellent results. BTW, imo, run the deca for 12 weeks not 10, and extend the test until week 14.
Can I run adex at .25mg eod to keep sum of the bloat down or is letro better
I would run the adex if needed, letro is very very strong.
Good stuff...just buying early don't need it right now, I like to be prepared lol
1-14 300mg e3.5d test e
1-12 200mg e3.5d deca
pct same as always 2w after last inject of test e
I will decide later about anavar....not a fan of winn sides...but both are just there for strength right?
Var / Winstrol aren't necessarily used for strenght.. no.
In this cycle it would be used for cutting, and hardening up the muscles.
Winstrol + Deca is a really nice stack; because deca will lubricate the joints... which cancels out one of winstrol's worst sides = dry joints.
Wow alot of vistors in boys come to play too lol
I got redicolously strong on sust and npp.
Either dbol as kick or win at the end to harden up your gains,your call.
If I am going to stretch out the test for 14w, I think I will go for the winn....Thanks guys time to go shopping lol
If you are gyno prone just run the adex and have the letro in hand in case,
6 six weeks sweet less money
1-14 test e 300mg e3.5d
1-12 deca 200mg e3.5d
8-14 winn 50mg ed
pct starts 2w after last inject
adex on hand
That is so yummy
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