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Thread: Days in the gym.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Days in the gym.

    How many times a week do you work out?

    I met a body builder who would spend 3 hours a week in the gym. He went just 3 times a week and was just fuckin huge. His philosophy was that if you go and do say chest and tri's, and for the next 3 or 4 days you were sore, than you need not go to the gym. If your body is sore it means that you have succeeded in the workout and torn muscle tissue. Now why would you go say 2 days after and train something else when your body is concentrating on repairing the chest and tri's still?

    I know everybody is completely different and no two people can achieve the same progress under the exact circumstances.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    I work out 4 days a week and one of those days, twice. Just because your muscle isnt sore doesnt mean its done repairing itself. i wait a full week to 8 days before training again. This really something that should be posted in the workout thread though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Sin City
    WOW, thats weird. I have never heard anything like that. I just work each muscle directly every 8 days. Then I switch it every 12 - 14 weeks. After the 12-14 week period I stop heavy weight lifting since your body can only take so much for extended periods of time and I do fitness and other activities to keep my mass but not shock the muscle. i do that for about a month and go back to the gym and my muscles blow up again. I gained almost 30 lbs naturally last doing that. Best regards

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    5 days a week, same routine for the last 2 years,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dansteelman, if that is your real name.....Your right I should have posted this elsewhere. I did not state that if only you are sore you succeded, I'm saying for instance 3-4 days. Nonetheless thanks for your reply!

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