Aite guys im plannin way ahead..I am plannin my third cycle which will start after i get out of some legal trouble and get back to where i was w/ otc supps b4 i got shot 3 months ago...two seperate instances... i will be 23 and am lookin to lean bulk then fade into a cut i did it on my second cycle w/ good results w/ my diet....MY first cycle was 4 weeks while my jaws were wired shut to maintain waht i had due to some brass knuckles
stats: 5'11 225 bf way to high right now but prolly 15-17%
Stats when i go on cycle i want to be back at 220+ at 12% or lower
cycle experience 1
4 weeks test p @ 50mg ed and tren a @ 35 mg ed
cycle 2
1-10 test p 50mg ed
1-8 tren a 35 mg ed
1-4 anadrol 50mg ed
Cycle 3
1-8or10 test p 75-100 mg ed
1-8 tren a 75-100 mg ed
1-4 anadrol 50 mg ed
6-10 clen and t3
10 dnp if needed
i have cabergoline, arimidex, clomid, nolva on hand