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Thread: from bulk to HULK

  1. #1

    from bulk to HULK

    Aite guys im plannin way ahead..I am plannin my third cycle which will start after i get out of some legal trouble and get back to where i was w/ otc supps b4 i got shot 3 months ago...two seperate instances... i will be 23 and am lookin to lean bulk then fade into a cut i did it on my second cycle w/ good results w/ my diet....MY first cycle was 4 weeks while my jaws were wired shut to maintain waht i had due to some brass knuckles

    stats: 5'11 225 bf way to high right now but prolly 15-17%
    Stats when i go on cycle i want to be back at 220+ at 12% or lower

    cycle experience 1
    4 weeks test p @ 50mg ed and tren a @ 35 mg ed

    cycle 2
    1-10 test p 50mg ed
    1-8 tren a 35 mg ed
    1-4 anadrol 50mg ed

    Cycle 3
    1-8or10 test p 75-100 mg ed
    1-8 tren a 75-100 mg ed
    1-4 anadrol 50 mg ed
    6-10 clen and t3
    10 dnp if needed
    i have cabergoline, arimidex, clomid, nolva on hand

  2. #2
    mainly lookin to see what yall thinkg about dosages and length of time...and ive been workin out for 10 years in january

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    I would seriously stay away from the DNP, its not a toy. Not a bad cycle, run the Test to 10 weeks if Tren is 8.

  4. #4
    ive ren dnp before...i go 200mg first 3 days then 400 split dose last 4 days thenn off and take lots of precautions and protectants....i think its made out to b worse than it is personally but it does make u redicously hott..u dont really feel it build up to its potential b/c of the long ass half life so ppl will keep takin more n more untill they have 1000 or more mg in there body and then there screwed for 36 hours

  5. #5
    anyone any thoughts or suggestions??

  6. #6
    come on someone has to have an opinion??? or suggestion

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Sure, I agree with the above, stay away from the tren until MUCH later. It's not something the take to bump you up or get you up to the big boys, it should not be taken until you are one of the BIG boys. Maybe cycle 6+

  8. #8
    ok so if i drop the tren is there anything else you would suggest????

  9. #9
    only reason i like tren is b/c its the easiest and cheapest to acquire not to mention its completely bad ass shit lol

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