Hi all,
Need a little help i want to start a cycle but need some help on dosage's
I' 118 kg 6'0 and been lifting on and off for about 10 years and solid for the last 2. I've done a couple of cycles but this time i'm going to use test prop at 150mg/ml eod.
My question is does anyone know how much tribolin could i incorperate with the test. I also have 100ml of stanazol and about 1kg of broncopulmin aka clenbuterol at 14.1ug/g for cutting. any help would be much appreciated
This is what i have to play with
1 bladder of test prop 100mg/ml
tribolin '75' 20ml
Methandriol Dipropionate 40mg/ml
Nandrolone Decanoate 35mg/ml
test e... 75mg/ml i got about 30mls of this left