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Thread: bring gear from lebanon to australia!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    bring gear from lebanon to australia!!

    Hey guys, im currently in australia...i am going overseas in 3months to lebanon for a wedding. i will b there for 1 month and now deciding to bring back some gear with me!! im not talking about a big amount maybe 100mL but not in the vials or amp just for personal use...i will b pouring them into something anyway does anyone know the best gear to get from their? do the pharmacies sell fake gear also?? and whats the best test that i should purchase...Aburaihan Test?? and pls dont say u will get caught, australian customs are strict...i no they are but 3 of my mates have used the same technique and customs had no idea! and 4 of my other mates done it coming back from thailand and got away with it soo yeah!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Well talking about how you will do it on here isnt the brightest idea as customs and law enforcement are all over boards picking up info. Secondly be very careful in how you transfer the gear. Make sure the containers you use are completely sterile, the last thing you want to do is inject dirty gear. I have no experience with buying gear in Lebanon nor do I know if it is even legal, sorry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    ok i won't say you'll get caught!!!! but good luck! your going to need it!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    ok i won't say you'll get caught!!!! but good luck! your going to need it!
    LMFAo i agree

    theirs a 99% chance of getting caught

    and pouring it into something isnt going to help, they do check ur shit, their not idiots (unline some),
    ALSO ur going to pour it into something? REAL HYGENIC considering ur going to stick it into ur blood stream later

    when u have issues of blood poisioning, tumors, disease etc emerging dont wonder why

    good luck

    also 100ml IS ALOT, maybe not to u, BUT to customs and our legal system their going to laugh at u and lock u up nicely
    , u can get charged with trafficing on a large scale, i suggest u look up the penalties and sanctions before u try ur leap of faith all to try save money

    GOOD LUCK, ull need it

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    LMFAo i agree

    theirs a 99% chance of getting caught

    and pouring it into something isnt going to help, they do check ur shit, their not idiots (unline some),
    ALSO ur going to pour it into something? REAL HYGENIC considering ur going to stick it into ur blood stream later
    very true
    when u have issues of blood poisioning, tumors, disease etc emerging dont wonder why

    good luck
    as i said he'll need it

    also 100ml IS ALOT, maybe not to u, BUT to customs and our legal system their going to laugh at u and lock u up nicely

    , u can get charged with trafficing on a large scale, i suggest u look up the penalties and sanctions before u try ur leap of faith all to try save money

    GOOD LUCK, ull need it

    oh yeah

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    A Lot of places
    Quote Originally Posted by rj90 View Post
    Hey guys, im currently in australia...i am going overseas in 3months to lebanon for a wedding. i will b there for 1 month and now deciding to bring back some gear with me!! im not talking about a big amount maybe 100mL but not in the vials or amp just for personal use...i will b pouring them into something anyway does anyone know the best gear to get from their? do the pharmacies sell fake gear also?? and whats the best test that i should purchase...Aburaihan Test?? and pls dont say u will get caught, australian customs are strict...i no they are but 3 of my mates have used the same technique and customs had no idea! and 4 of my other mates done it coming back from thailand and got away with it soo yeah!!
    it's better you do your shit there and finish it, then come back to aus and buy your shit from aus, i don't think it's hard to find gear in aus, plus 100ml is a big amount, btw if they catch you they will give you a hard sentence, it's not worth it bro, GOOD LUCK
    Last edited by rocafella; 09-21-2009 at 05:00 AM. Reason: edit...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    ^^^ that would be the smartest idea!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Australia has the best customs in the world man, lol good luck, neway why not just buy your gear here in australia????

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Wollongong Australia
    might help to know that a woman got caught at sydney airport trying to bring gear back from lebanon about 3 weeks ago too

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I hear what u guys are saying and im beginning to think twice. So i guess 100mL is too much!! The thing is yeah I can buy it hear in Sydney quiet easily actually, but gees it costs a fortune!! It’s just that all my buddies who have been overseas have brought some back with no problems, cos even if customs does open the little container I put it in and see a bit of oil? It’s not like they can swab it and steroids come up, if anything they will just be like we suspect this could be some type of anabolic and we will have to confiscate it from you. And if I disagree with them they could test it, but ill be like it’s a bit of skin care u can have it?? I think if I bring say now 50mL it a small skin care bottle which originally had oil into it and put it into my toiletry bag I doubt she will grab it and open it and be like that’s steroids??
    I watched a episode of border security a bout a year of the officers found some pink thai dianabol he asks the guy what are these he goes vitamins and he was like “ok no worries” let him through with a good amount of d.bol!! I couldn’t stop laughing, he was just 1 lucky fella...and with that lady getting caught wasn’t she the one with a large amount of 1mL amps? I would never bring them in their vials/amps…even though one of my mates did who just dropped them in a large bottle of Vaseline cream and brought back heaps…got away with it quiet easily…still i got a bit of brains to know thats is f**king stupid!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Cheaper Gear

    Strong possibilty of getting caught
    Paying 1000x more in the end and gettnig no gear.


    Take your time wit your funds, if stuff is expensiv then just save up bro!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    hey bro i am lebanese and live in lebanon , IT IS VERY EASY to get gear here , and nobody even give a damn , go to the pharmacy and buy some schering testoviron , it will cost you about 6-7$ each , but they are damn legit and very effective , aburaihan test in the black market here is 1-3$ per vial , very cheap. there is also legit organon deca in the pharmacies , sustanon also , PM for more info.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    delete those prices mate!!!!

  14. #14
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    All these posts are monited u could be trracked and arrested id watch every word u say on hear.

  15. #15
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    ur guna have K-Rud at your door saying ur under arrest

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midds View Post
    Australia has the best customs in the world man, lol good luck
    x 2

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    What about getting a P.O. Box at home and mail them to the address under a different name?

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