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Thread: When do you notice Winstrol?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    When do you notice Winstrol?

    Hi guys, i'v read for loads of other compounds that they have a certain time period when you begin to notice there effects. Just wanted to learn if this was the case for winstrol?
    Cheers guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I tried doing a search and went back a couple years and could not find anything definate.
    You can get a lot of information out of this except how soon to see results. LOL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    I would give it 3-4 weeks myself. That was my experience.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    for me usually within 2 wks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    I would give it 3-4 weeks myself. That was my experience.
    Most people don't recomend taking winstrol longer then 4 weeks. The only cycle i have done was oral winstrol at 50mg/ day for 4 weeks during my recent competition. I never noticed any feeling of being "on" The only thing i noticed was after the first week a much more hardened look. I was VERY lean, and that was really the only reason i saw anything. I never "felt" any benifits of taking it.

    From what I know you need to be low bf 11% or less for winstrol to have any benefit to your physique.

  6. #6
    I noticed my hair falling out and my joints killing me within the first week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bump for more opinions!! Cheers guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Live and let live
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazytron View Post
    I noticed my hair falling out and my joints killing me within the first week.
    + when my liver enzymes are fukked... I hate winstrol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    I recently posted a thread where I had been taking winny for 7 days and hadn't felt a single thing.
    Today I'm on day 12 and I fvckn LOVE WINNY!

    It literally kicked in on day 8 right after I made that thread.
    It is very different though then something like superdrol.

    With superdrol I was getting pumps after 4 days but with winny I don't get those mean massive pumps (well I do its just different). Like today when I was working out the main thing I notice is just how unbelievably hard my body feels.

    And the pumps aren't really like pumps you'd get on Superdrol (its the only thing I know to compare it too) its more like just one really long pump the entire workout. After I was done with bis for instance my arms were SO HARD it hurt when I'd flex, but I loved it cause my bis felt like that had 10 pounds of dynamite in them ready to explode.

    And what it does for vascularity and strength is incredible too. My veins are hiding literally for just the first couple mins I'm out of bed, once I get in the shower and come out theres just veins rippling everywhere, it looks fvckn sick.

    And another thing I've actually noticed which is weird, is it appears like I'm putting on actual muscle mass. I know I'm losing fat, but my weight is staying the same, and everytime I look in the mirror my muscles look full and hard. I did have a few headaches and joint pains last week (when I wasn't feeling it) but it actually seems cardio gets rid of the pain instead of making it worse.
    Like I'll get on the treadmill to run and I feel it in my joints but after 5 mins it goes away. And another thing I've notice is after a workout I just get this immense feeling of relaxation that I never use to get. I get a kind of warm cozy relaxed feeling all around and I just love it.

    This had been my first experience with winny and I was afraid I might not like but I'm loving the shit out of it right now. I'm about 2 weeks in and will be going 4 more at 50mg/day, whether its recommend or not Im just liking it too much and have enough so wtf.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by V6A6L6O View Post
    Hi guys, i'v read for loads of other compounds that they have a certain time period when you begin to notice there effects. Just wanted to learn if this was the case for winstrol?
    Cheers guys.
    2-3 weeks you should definitely be able to see and feel its effect.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    within about a week i start to get stronger.thats what i notice first oh and the hellish pain the 3 days after I inject

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