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Thread: A point in the right direction (new to the game)

  1. #1

    A point in the right direction (new to the game)


    I need advice on cycles and what I should be taking and when.

    I currently have Omnadren and T/Enanthate (both 250).

    I have trained for almost a year and want to go to the next level. Please can you advise the best and safest way forward.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    can you post up your stats?

    years training

    Theres a lot to learn..... i'd suggest browsing through the Q&A, reading the stickies at the top of the page, and using the search function for any questions you may have.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    Nobody is going to spoon feed you here however if you do some research and then you have questions then look at the stickies and search the posts. After that you still have a question we will gladly answer it for you. Till then you must do some of the work for yourself before starting anything!

    Also welcome to the forums and get your stats up such as weight,height,age stuff like that!

    ^Bah you beat me to it :P

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro View Post
    ^Bah you beat me to it :P


  5. #5
    I just need a starting point -

    age - 33
    height - 6ft
    weight - 13.5 st
    bf% - not sure im not carrying much fat
    years training - in all 5 yrs


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by push & squeeze View Post
    I just need a starting point -

    age - 33
    height - 6ft
    weight - 13.5 st
    bf% - not sure im not carrying much fat
    years training - in all 5 yrs

    Here's a good starting point..... there are a TON of links with lots of good info..... read them all.....


  7. #7
    Thank you - ive got a lot of reading to do!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by push & squeeze View Post
    Thank you - ive got a lot of reading to do!
    LOLOL yeah you do..... but that information is worth it's weight in gold. A lot of people don't take the time and just want to get going..... you are only benefitting yourself by taking the time to research and do things right. Also..... by researching and trying to understand this stuff.... you may help someone else down the road one day.

    good luck man,

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