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Thread: Lipostabil

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    North Carolina


    Hey has anyone heard of this stuff? It is legal here in the united States, and it came from china.. I know site names are not authorized but if its legal does that go against the rules? anyways... what came in the kit was;

    Fosfatidilcolina = Phosphatidylcholine,
    Melirutol = Rutin & Melilot,
    Cynalcan = Artichoke Extract,
    Silorg = Organic Silica

    anything coming from China throws up a red flag in my eyes.. but the stuff is stored in Amps. and this would be my first time using it. it came with directions and everything.... So befor i do this anyone have bad words to say about it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by WalkingDead View Post
    Hey has anyone heard of this stuff? It is legal here in the united States, and it came from china.. I know site names are not authorized but if its legal does that go against the rules? anyways... what came in the kit was;

    Fosfatidilcolina = Phosphatidylcholine,
    Melirutol = Rutin & Melilot,
    Cynalcan = Artichoke Extract,
    Silorg = Organic Silica

    anything coming from China throws up a red flag in my eyes.. but the stuff is stored in Amps. and this would be my first time using it. it came with directions and everything.... So befor i do this anyone have bad words to say about it?
    Is this stuff for injection? I've never heard of it.....

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    North Carolina
    Yeah, these are the directions for it.

    1. Every single injection contains 10 unit of mixed solutions, as follow:

    - Phosphatidylcholine 0.04 cc

    - Rutin & Melilot 0.01 cc

    - Artichoke Extract 0.02 cc

    - Organic Silica 0.03 cc

    Therefore, we recommend you do some calculations before you start mixing them together.

    Each needle can hold 50 units, equals to 0.5 cc. (each unit = 0.01 cc)

    If you are making 10 injections, here are the calculations you need to do.

    - Phosphatidylcholine 0.04 x 10 = 0.4cc
    - Rutin & Melilot 0.01 x 10 = 0.1 cc
    - Artichoke Extract 0.02 x 10 = 0.2 cc
    - Organic Silica 0.03 x 10 = 0.3 cc

    2. Break the tip of the ampoules.

    3. Insert the needle into the Phosphatidylcholine ampoules and fill the needle until it reaches 40 units (0.4 cc). Slowly release it into a sterilized container. Then insert the same needle into the Artichoke Extract ampoules and fill the needle until it reaches 20 units (0.2 cc), slowly release it into the container, then do the same for Organic Silica (30 units) and Rutin & Melilot(10 units) respectively.

    4. All together you will have 1 cc of mixture solution in the container, insert the needle into the mixed solution and fill it until it reaches 50 units (0.5 cc). Then follow the injection directions below. Beware there should not be any bubbles in the needle, injecting air into the body will cause very serious injuries.

    This stuff is that new shit all the doctors are using... its injectable liposuction... it disolves the fat through your liver..

  4. #4
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    Ive used this stuff a couple of years ago it was called lipodissolve which is Phosphatidylcholine, i didnt use much of it but I did have clients who used alot and it works, or i should say it worked on them. Very painfull and takes some time to start seeing results but it does what its suppose to.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    Ok. Maybe you can clarify something for me then, below is the injection info...
    Injection Directions:

    1. Clean areas where you will be treating with astringent or rubbing alcohol.

    2. With a washable marker circle the areas on your skin that you will be treating. Then mark yourself in a circular pattern, mark your first insertion point (starting point) with a dot. Then 2cm from that first do is your next insertion point, mark with a dot. Repeat the procedures until you have completed your circular pattern and you have arrived back at your first insertion point.

    3. Gently insert the needle into your first injection point and inject 10 unit or 20 unit (up to you) of the mixed solution. Injection point should be 2cm apart until the designated area has been covered. (This is what determines how many injections to give the designated area). If another part of the body needs to be done, then repeat the above mentioned steps. After all the injections are done, clean all the area with rubbing alcohol again, then apply some healing antiseptic cream or ointment (can get it from any drug store).

    4. When finished, the treated area might feel tingly. For the next several days some swelling, aching and bruising might occur (this is normal). You can apply ice packs to area where you are experiencing any discomfort or take Tylenol.

    Do you know how much you can use at once? like how many CC's? i know you inject and then do it 2 weeks as needed. The kit came with 20 Amps, and its a 5 Cycle kit.. i am not firmiliar with these type of products.

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