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  1. #1
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Arrow Cutting cycle... Need some input

    Currently on my first bulk cycle. Already looking into my next cycle in February which will be a cut. So lets get to it.

    For sure current thoughts are:
    Test E:500mg/week for 12 weeks
    Test P:50mg/day weeks 1-4

    Now i am thinking about throwing in Masteron into the mix since after reading what Marcus has said in the past about EQ, I doubt ill use that. Im trying to stray away from orals and winny. I want to keep my liver healthy.

    Can someone also explain if I were to kickstart with prop, do I also inject test E every mon/thurs during the first 4 weeks or save it until week 4????

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    cycle seems fine.



    yes, you'd still shoot the long ester test while shooting the prop for the first four weeks.

  3. #3
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
    Sauced_Up is offline Associate Member
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    6' 3"
    Currently 232lbs
    Goal to get to 245-250 by end of this cycle
    PCT will be standard nolva/clomid

    Any suggestion on the masts dosage??? never taken it before

  4. #4
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    I would up the dosage of prop to match the Test-E.

    75mg/ED for the first 5 weeks = ~525mg each week.

    I would run primo as well @ 700mg EW.

    But if you're interested in masteron then perhaps a dosage of 400-500mg each week.

  5. #5
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauced_Up View Post
    Currently on my first bulk cycle. Already looking into my next cycle in February which will be a cut. So lets get to it.

    For sure current thoughts are:
    Test E:500mg/week for 12 weeks
    Test P:50mg/day weeks 1-4

    Now i am thinking about throwing in Masteron into the mix since after reading what Marcus has said in the past about EQ, I doubt ill use that. Im trying to stray away from orals and winny. I want to keep my liver healthy.

    Can someone also explain if I were to kickstart with prop, do I also inject test E every mon/thurs during the first 4 weeks or save it until week 4????
    Looks OK to me also.

    I would use sust myself.

    And then incorporate the mast into it.


    But,if this works for you, then thats all that matters.

    We all react a little different to gear.



  6. #6
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    From the looks of your cycle you appear to have no problem with frequent pinning and haven't bought your gear yet. If so then save the test e. Do either of these
    weeks 1-10
    test prop 75mg/day
    masteron 75mg/day
    npp 75mg/day
    with the short esters you'll recover faster, see results much sooner, and you won't be bloating.

  7. #7
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    From the looks of your cycle you appear to have no problem with frequent pinning and haven't bought your gear yet. If so then save the test e. Do either of these

    test prop 75mg/day
    masteron 75mg/day
    npp 75mg/day
    with the short esters you'll recover faster, see results much sooner, and you won't be bloating.

    I was actually thinking about the possibility of NPP. Just wasnt sure what everyones though of it for cutting. Also read you can inject it EOD as to ED. The reason I want to run test E is because after I finish my current cycle ill have 6cc's left at 250mg/cc. So Ill need to buy less test for my next cycle. What about:

    weeks 1-12
    Test E at 500mg/week

    weeks 3-11
    NPP at 75mg/EOD

  8. #8
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    cycle seems fine.



    yes, you'd still shoot the long ester test while shooting the prop for the first four weeks.
    ok. now a few people I have talked to have said that you run the prop first then just switch over, because basically the test has built up in your system and the ester effects how long it takes to build up, thus since the prop has kept my test say at 500mg/week, by switching to test E after 4 weeks it will kick in immediately...

    Please tell me your thoughts on this

  9. #9
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauced_Up View Post
    I was actually thinking about the possibility of NPP. Just wasnt sure what everyones though of it for cutting. Also read you can inject it EOD as to ED. The reason I want to run test E is because after I finish my current cycle ill have 6cc's left at 250mg/cc. So Ill need to buy less test for my next cycle. What about:

    weeks 1-12
    Test E at 500mg/week

    weeks 3-11
    NPP at 75mg/EOD

    ^^ Something I wrote about NPP. It's an excellent compound; and I highly recommend it for a cutter. I outlined a protocol for cutting in that thread.

    NPP + Test-E is a really nice cycle. However, for cutting prop/NPP/primo = a rival to tren IMO. (you can substitute primo for masteron or anavar )

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