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Thread: wat r anabolic precursors

  1. #1

    Question wat r anabolic precursors

    r these legit abs aload of garbage things like ddrol an hypertest as im not gonna be using the dbols i bought an realise im not ready 2 b using the proper stuff any1 help me out? plus is ****** extreme any good they say its the most advanced whey formula sounds pretty impressive but 42pounds for 10 days isnt that bit steep?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Lets be honest, if it can be bought over the counter in Canada or the US, you probably wont see mind shattering results. Some products help your body do what it needs to during recoverym rebuilding etc, but forget what the packaging promises you. Head over to the diet section, proper nutrition is far more important than suppliments to get your body where you want to be. Suppliments do just that "suppliment" your diet.

    Good call on not using the Dbol, not something to play with as you didnt mention Test with it.


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