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Thread: second cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question second cycle?

    was doing some research and wanted opinions, and suggestions

    in few months(prob after summer,) would like to start my second cycle and not to sure what to use?

    goals are to bulk up and put on size and strength

    really want the size BUT im abit of an addict for strength, so id like to gain ASMUCH strength as possible


    i was thinking 14 week cycle
    weeks 1-14 test eth/cyp 750mg
    weeks 2-13 tren eth 400mg
    weeks 1-4 anadrol 150mgs daily
    weeks 1-14 equipose <---- not to sure

    reasons behind cycle are, testerome since its just an amazing compound and obviously i need it in my cycle for both sex drive, muscle building etc

    anadrol becuase ive read up on BIG strength gain abilities, and i didnt really like dianabols bloat, plus its short active life annoyed me

    equipose is purely for appetite, i find it hard eating 4500-5000 calories everday, so the eq would really help

    the trenbelone is purely for strength, ive read up amazingly lean muscle gains and HUGE strength gains on trenbelone (strength is what i am really looking for)

    if ur wondering why i didnt opt for deca, its becuase ive heard, read and seen more size gains, and weight gains on deca, rather then strength, unless ive been mislead?

    opinions/ suggestions

  2. #2
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    Imo, you don't need all those compounds for your second run.

    play it safe, and you'll have plenty of years ahead of you to experiment with them.

    you've been around long enough to know most people won't recommend tren on a second cycle....especially tren e. If you can't deal with the sides on tren e, it will take at least two weeks to clear your system.

    I'd think about keeping your test dose about the same as your last cycle, and throwing in the drol (100mg/day is good dose) will see really good strength gains with drol.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Imo, you don't need all those compounds for your second run.

    play it safe, and you'll have plenty of years ahead of you to experiment with them.

    you've been around long enough to know most people won't recommend tren on a second cycle....especially tren e. If you can't deal with the sides on tren e, it will take at least two weeks to clear your system.

    I'd think about keeping your test dose about the same as your last cycle, and throwing in the drol (100mg/day is good dose) will see really good strength gains with drol.
    thanks mate

    yes ive read ALOT of people saying tren isnt the best idea for second cycle

    however im not really keen on using deca since it seems to be more ideal for size then anything else

    as for tren, i can only get the ethanthate version, so thats why i went for the longer ester

    also i cant get drol, im from australia

  4. #4
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    750mgs of test is high enough. Like D7 said, go with the drol. Tren e's one powerful mofo and i don't recommend it either.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    750mgs of test is high enough. Like D7 said, go with the drol. Tren e's one powerful mofo and i don't recommend it either.
    lol I CANT GET DROL, so its not something i can option for

    my first cycle was neally (on it now) 600mg of test weekly

    so id liek my second cycle to be more then just 750mg of test, i really like test but the water retention im not the biggest fan of

    so id liek to use another compound


  6. #6
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    Seriosly, it sounds like you have made up your mind no matter what. I still say drop the Tren this round and hold on to it. Run the Test/EQ/drol... no need to go overboard. Besides that stack with EQ/drol and test is no joke. There are a lot who hate EQ, but I have found that it keeps me lower on the bloat and hard. I would run a test and tren only on your next one after this.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Seriosly, it sounds like you have made up your mind no matter what. I still say drop the Tren this round and hold on to it. Run the Test/EQ/drol... no need to go overboard. Besides that stack with EQ/drol and test is no joke. There are a lot who hate EQ, but I have found that it keeps me lower on the bloat and hard. I would run a test and tren only on your next one after this.
    lol thanks mate

    NO i havent made up my mind lol

    OMG I CANT GET DROL CAN PEOPLE PLEASE STOP SUGGESTING IT!!!!! its making me cranky coz everyone is saying its good and i cant get it

    okay so if i was to opt with

    test 750mg
    and equipose, whats a good dose for eq? anyone experince good gains on it? and what are its strength effects?

    as for strength can some suggested another steroid apart from tren or drol

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    lol thanks mate

    NO i havent made up my mind lol

    OMG I CANT GET DROL CAN PEOPLE PLEASE STOP SUGGESTING IT!!!!! its making me cranky coz everyone is saying its good and i cant get it

    okay so if i was to opt with

    test 750mg
    and equipose, whats a good dose for eq? anyone experince good gains on it? and what are its strength effects?

    as for strength can some suggested another steroid apart from tren or drol

    lol thats gold

  9. #9
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    I thought your proposed was anadrol,test,tren, and eq? Did it change.

    I would run 800mgs of test and 600mgs of EQ. run them for 14 weeks and start your post 3 weeks after. Look up the half life of the compounds.. If I remember of the top of my head I quit the EQ 1 week b4 the test. so you would go 15 weeks of test.... EQ is good for stregnth too, you should have a pretty solid cycle with that.

  10. #10
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    So can you get your hands on anadrol or not? If you really like stregnth...Halo is the cream of the crop and will probably even give more stregnth then tren. IT is expensive and sometimes hard to get. Sounds like you are limited on compounds through your source... how about you tell us what orals you can get your hands on for a kickstart of cycle and we can give you the best one for stregnth.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    lol thanks mate

    NO i havent made up my mind lol

    OMG I CANT GET DROL CAN PEOPLE PLEASE STOP SUGGESTING IT!!!!! its making me cranky coz everyone is saying its good and i cant get it

    okay so if i was to opt with

    test 750mg
    and equipose, whats a good dose for eq? anyone experince good gains on it? and what are its strength effects?

    as for strength can some suggested another steroid apart from tren or drol
    lol...I think everyone is suggesting it, since it was in your original proposed cycle.

    Anyway, I agree with Rockinred above.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    lol...I think everyone is suggesting it, since it was in your original proposed cycle.

    Anyway, I agree with Rockinred above.
    lol thanks

    can someone suggest a good dosage for eq? what are people experience from gains

    ive heard eq is pretty dissapointing in terms of gains, and its great for appetite

    thats why i wanted to run test, eq and something for strength

    suggestions? DONT DAY DROL

  13. #13
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    Cut the tren keep the test where its at. EQ is a hit or miss some ppl love it some hate it. The drol dose looks high to me 100mg/day was more then enough for me. I prefer dbol gave me a better appetite too if ur worried about bloat u cud just run an anti-e cuz drol can have some nasty sides. So in conclusion i say run test and 750mg/wk and 100mg/day of drol.

  14. #14
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    Drol=anadrol which you proposed in your first post. As far as the cycle is concerned test e/eq/anadrol and you are set. If you used 600mg a week on your first I would keep it there.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Cut the tren keep the test where its at. EQ is a hit or miss some ppl love it some hate it. The drol dose looks high to me 100mg/day was more then enough for me. I prefer dbol gave me a better appetite too if ur worried about bloat u cud just run an anti-e cuz drol can have some nasty sides. So in conclusion i say run test and 750mg/wk and 100mg/day of drol.
    read my above posts

    I CANT GET DROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



    sUggestion on eq dose?

    and any other steroids aprat from DROL?

  16. #16
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    ranging... I don't know if I look dumb to you or not... drol is short for anadrol, that is what you originaly stated that you wanted to run. another slang term is A50.

    I also told you to run EQ at 600mgs... Most suggest 400-600mgs and no less, and anymore you don't get better results just more sides. As everyone stated EQ can either be a waste or a good thing.. I have run it on 2 cycles b4 and I like it fine....good slow gains, and good stregnth.

  17. #17
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    OP, you need to cool it if you want to get some friendly advice... don't get on and start telling people to REAADDDD... wtf. No body started suggesting that compound out of the blue. You said you were going to run

    Also, if you REAADDDD you have a ton of advice and opinions on this thread.. I don't know what the heck is your problem. You have a dosage suggestion and explanation on EQ... you have anadrol suggestion on dosage, you have Dbol suggested and you also have HALO suggested. What more do you want and why are you acting out? Great way to present yourself to people that are trying to help you out. YOu have advice, but you are not acknowledging or probing.

  18. #18
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    Agreed, your question has been answered many times. I think there was a communication problem as you had Anadrol as one of your compounds in your proposed cycle and then said you couldnt get it. Did you find this out after you posted it or did you not know that Drol was anadrol?

    Anyways, if test is @ 800 you will already see incredible gains on a 2nd cycle. Maybe try Tbol if you can get?

  19. #19
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    lol shit sorry guys, didnt realise drol means anadrol

    ma badddddd, apoligies, was getting ticked off coz everytime i read drol i instantly thought people werent reading, and just didnt bother reading the rest

    thanks, my fault

    okay so would yous think this is alright as a second cycle

    weeks 1-4 DROL 150mg daily
    1-14 test cyp 750-800mg weekly
    1-14 eq 600mg weekly

  20. #20
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    let the growing begin!!!!

  21. #21
    hey guys
    i was just wandering are the tren ace side effects the same and as bad as the tren e ?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    lol shit sorry guys, didnt realise drol means anadrol

    ma badddddd, apoligies, was getting ticked off coz everytime i read drol i instantly thought people werent reading, and just didnt bother reading the rest

    thanks, my fault

    okay so would yous think this is alright as a second cycle

    weeks 1-4 DROL 150mg daily
    1-14 test cyp 750-800mg weekly
    1-14 eq 600mg weekly

    What's with the high doses on your second cycle?

    You can start the drol at 100mg/day. An even more conservative approach would be to start it at 50mg/day and assess your tolerance. I personally love drol, but it gives me some wicked sides.

    And I really don't see the need to go up to 800mg/wk of test on your second cycle, either. You should still be able to grow at 500-600/wk.

    Quote Originally Posted by scott91 View Post
    hey guys
    i was just wandering are the tren ace side effects the same and as bad as the tren e ?

    please start your own thread. Or run a search. That topic has been beaten around a hundred times already.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    What's with the high doses on your second cycle?

    You can start the drol at 100mg/day. An even more conservative approach would be to start it at 50mg/day and assess your tolerance. I personally love drol, but it gives me some wicked sides.

    And I really don't see the need to go up to 800mg/wk of test on your second cycle, either. You should still be able to grow at 500-600/wk.

    didnt think they were high, since my first cycle is 600mg of test, i thought second cycle i could bump up the test by 150mg atleast, as for drol ive read 150mg seems to me the most, and since ive run 40mg of dbol in past, ive read 150mg of drol seems to be the best amount, with least sides

    going for 500-600mg of test, with 50mg of drol would be a equal or weaker cycle then my first cycle, i thought second cycle u should atleast up ur dosage?

    also ive seen many guys in this forum smaller and fatter then what i am running higher dosages, and many people have approved it......

    please start your own thread. Or run a search. That topic has been beaten around a hundred times already.
    AGREE get ur own thread bitch

  24. #24
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    ^Just my .02. And really no need to call the guy a bitch, lol.

    600mg/wk of test and 100mg/drol is a good dose, I think.

    You should definitely be able to grow off that.

    I don't know where people are getting this idea that each cycle has to be progressively larger: more compounds, higher doses.

    So you run 800mg/wk this time. Then what, your third cycle will go up to a gram a week, then....

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    ^Just my .02. And really no need to call the guy a bitch, lol.

    600mg/wk of test and 100mg/drol is a good dose, I think.

    You should definitely be able to grow off that.

    I don't know where people are getting this idea that each cycle has to be progressively larger: more compounds, higher doses.

    So you run 800mg/wk this time. Then what, your third cycle will go up to a gram a week, then....
    yea thanks mate, always good for different opinions

    i thought more gear ifs requeired the BIGGER u become? since obviously u are further beyond ur genetic potenial?

    lol no 3rd cycle i thought i would just run different compounds

    say 600mg test
    400mg deca

  26. #26
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    Completly in agreement with D7M
    Last edited by Aizen Sosuke; 09-25-2009 at 06:58 AM.

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