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  1. #1
    Malaypen06 is offline New Member
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    New and doing a cycle.

    7% body fat

    I have been active for a while. I started the gymike 2 years ago. My body is in very nice shape and I am really cut. I want a bigger chest and arms and a nice six pack. I don't want to turn into a giant or look unnatural. I want to keep my cut look a d lean muscle but grow. I did alot of research and think test-enanthate and euipoise sound good for me. I want to start a cycle using test-enanthate ane euipoise. I would like some input on this idea. I work out 5days a week for one hour or more. Let me know what your ideas are. Thanks

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malaypen06 View Post
    7% body fat

    I have been active for a while. I started the gymike 2 years ago. My body is in very nice shape and I am really cut. I want a bigger chest and arms and a nice six pack. I don't want to turn into a giant or look unnatural. I want to keep my cut look a d lean muscle but grow. I did alot of research and think test-enanthate and euipoise sound good for me. I want to start a cycle using test-enanthate ane euipoise. I would like some input on this idea. I work out 5days a week for one hour or more. Let me know what your ideas are. Thanks
    I think you should visit the diet forum and critique your food before considering aas. At your age you are producing enough testosterone to gain naturally 30 or 40 lbs pretty easy.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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  4. #4
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malaypen06 View Post
    152lbs Easily have another 30lbs you can put on with diet alone
    22 young to be starting roids, especially with the endless amount of progress you can still make naturally
    7% body fat

    I have been active for a while. I started the gymike 2 years ago.not a very long time to be working out before considering steroids My body is in very nice shape and I am really cut. I want a bigger chest and arms and a nice six pack. I don't want to turn into a giant or look unnatural.ok I want to keep my cut look a d lean muscle but grow. I did alot of research and think test-enanthate and euipoise sound good for me. I want to start a cycle using test-enanthate ane euipoise. I would like some input on this idea. I work out 5days a week for one hour or more. Let me know what your ideas are. Thanks
    agree with the others, diet is gonna do more for you then any steroid at this point in time

  5. #5
    Aodha's Avatar
    Aodha is offline Associate Member
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    I completely agree with these guys. However, if you're gonna do it regardless of what cyberspace tells you than do it smart. Stick with one compound for your first cycle keep it low dosed and simple. You'll grow if your diet and workout is in check. How about this, make a personal goal to eat over 3k calories a day. If you can't even do that for a month than aas really won't do much for you. You'll just lose the weight after the cycle.

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