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Thread: Why does EQ cause anxiety in some?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Why does EQ cause anxiety in some?

    Is anyone aware of a real reason why EQ is known to cause anxiety in some people? Just curious because I absolutely had anxiety problems in my last cycle of test/eq w/arimidex, while I had none on fina/winny.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    What kind of anxiety problems were they? I'm curious about this side of EQ.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Never in my life have I ever experienced any type of anxiety that I felt on my cycle of dbol/enth 500mg/EQ 400mg. I would describe it as being much more withdrawn in social situations and generally worrying about things much more then I normally do. I am usually a very sociable guy and real comfortable w/ meeting chicks and flirting and shit....however when on this cycle I really did not feel like my normal, relaxed self at all in those situations. I am going to blame it on the EQ as I did not have this on fina/winny. I was alittle irritable on fina/winny, but still felt like my normal self in social situations. I really don't think it wouldve been the test doing that to me as I know it's supposed to give a sense of well being. For all I know it couldve just been from blood pressure(as I felt this anxiety slightly during dbol) but I was taking .5mg of arimidex so I don't think that was it. Anyone ever felt like this on a cycle?

    I really want to get to the bottom of this, because as of now I am going to eliminate EQ from all future cycles and that would be a shame.
    I have already decided to cut out fina bc of the irritability and loss of sex drive it caused, and would hate to add eq to that list of what I wont take.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    fucking christ i hate when these drugs give me anxiety, it fucks me up in my mind real good, i just feel safe at home when i get an axiety attack but i still am paranoid and shit , i cant really explain anxiety , but i hate it, lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    from what ive read, and im no professional on this one so dont flame me, im just regenerating what ive read, steroids DO NOT 'cause' this disorder, its an already pre-existing problem that can be increased or triggered by the drug (whatever drug it might be, coke, steroids, rec drugs, etc...), similar to GH gut and acromegaly, its not CAUSED by the GH persay, but it does increase the situation if you already have it...hope this helps a bit

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Talk to my Lawyer
    I had anxiety for years. I finally got over it when I came to terms with myself and realized Im smarter/bigger/more able than 95% of the people I met, so what is there to have anxiety over?

    Its like my mind would draw out the worse case scenario, and if I could handle it - then Id go ahead and take that course of action. Now I know I can handle anything put in my face with a high level of confidence, so I just do what I do.

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