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Thread: "test flu"

  1. #1

    "test flu"

    Me and a friend got some homemade test which we heard from alot of people at our gym is a legit source.

    My buddy got pretty sick after taking the stuff for the first time.... I planned to start on Monday but was a bit worried bc he felt so bad he didnt even want to work out.

    Some one told me "test flu" is normal for first timers.... Is this true?

    Also he was going to do 2cc a week which seemed like a bit much to me, could he have also just over done it?
    Last edited by Nismo39; 09-24-2009 at 03:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    What is the strenght per ml of the gear? I would not trust someone elses homebrew unless I knew them very very very well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    not sure on your stuff. but from mine i felt pretty shitty for about 2 weeks. Then after that i was right as rain.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I've never had "test flu". I wouldn't run someone elses brew unless i knew them for like 20 years.

  5. #5
    My buddy got pretty sick after taking the stuff for the first time.... I planned to start on Monday but was a bit worried bc he felt so bad he didnt even want to work out. . ..

    i had similar sides wen using test 400

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    What is the strenght per ml of the gear? I would not trust someone elses homebrew unless I knew them very very very well.
    250mg per ml. Alot of people at the gym said his stuff is good. My friend that I have known for about 4 years has know the dude since high school.

    Just wondering if its a sign that its bunk or if it just happens sometimes.

  7. #7
    number twelve's Avatar
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    i think its just a reaction in your body to the unknown substance being introduced. your immune system tries to fight the oil in your muscle, it thinks its a infection, then your body just gets used to it and your fine. i had the same thing on my first and only test cycle, and thats the way it was basically explained to me. basically, your fine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    number twelve hit the nail on the head pretty much. From what I've read, when you inject the test into your body it weakens your immune system which can make you feel a bit funny in the beginning. I experienced it slightly on my 2nd cycle but not to the point that I couldn't make it into the gym.

    Random story, a close friend tried his first cycle last year and thought that he had "test flu" and had an allergic outbreak to the test and ended up getting really sick for a week. Ended up going to the doctor and it turned out he had herpes and when his immune system weakened, it finally surfaced. He took it pretty hard to say the least.

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