So, i'm rotating left quad, right quad, left glute, right glute. And now they are all still sore. Does anyone on this forum inject in spots that are still sore?
Should I move onto my delts?
So, i'm rotating left quad, right quad, left glute, right glute. And now they are all still sore. Does anyone on this forum inject in spots that are still sore?
Should I move onto my delts?
What is the cycle that you are doing and how often are you injecting? I'm doing a Test C cycle with 500mg/week with 2 injections a week. I alternate glutes with each injection and by the next week I'm perfectly fine. Have you tried injecting glutes?
Delts are a great option...
2cc max IMO..
Glutes/Tris/Quads/Glutes are my split.
I could never bare the thought of calf/biceps/lats/traps. LOL.
I keep them in my glutes, but that is just me.
What are you injecting?
And how much?
I also only keep rotating glutes and thats it. is there any advantage to using more injection sites than just glutes?
I also like pecs
I shot my left pec during my current cycle. It was aweful i only put a half cc in and it was the most painful shot i ever had. I shoot quads msotly and occasionally delts.holy crap i am freaking out just thinking about injecting in my pec
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Yeah I shoot delts only. It's my fav. They're use to it, I don't get sore anymore.
Here's a present for your lovely responses...
^is that you?
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