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Thread: First Cycle Advice

  1. #1

    First Cycle Advice

    Hey guys

    Ive been looking around the website on and off for months, reading up on articles and thought its a good time to start my first cycle.

    Im currently 21 and been training on and off for the past 5 years, but have been training straight for the past 2 years.

    Im 6'0 and 170 pounds. I do a fair bit of cardio too. My diet is pretty good atm, i eat daily 2 chicken breasts, 3 eggs, protein shakes, 4 lamb chops, potatos, rice, cereal all split up into different meals at different times of the day.

    I have on hand 1 x 10ml of deca, 1 x 10ml of test-enanthate and 1 x 10ml of trenbolone. I can get dbols if i need to aswell as nolva.

    What sort of cycle should i run with the stuff i have? Is there anything missing or i should leave out?

    Being inexperienced i was going to run 1 ml of deca and test-e a week, at different times of the week, say deca 1ml of deca on monday and 1ml of test on thursday for 10 weeks.

    Thanks for the help guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Rocky Mountains.
    First of all most of the guys on here are going to tell you your still pretty young to be using hormones. And if they dont tell you that, then I can promoise you nobody will tell to use all those compounds at once especially on a first cycle. Also you did not mention a single thing regarding PCT, which is just a little important if you want your tool to work after the cycle, and you wish to keep some gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    1) Youre entirely too young to use AAS. It would be extremely dangerous for you to do so for a varitey of reasons.
    2) Youre diet is an obvious issue according to your weight.
    3) We need to see your workout split.
    4) You have almost no mention of PCT, which leads me to believe you dont know what it is.
    5) Welcome to AR!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Rocky Mountains.
    Also man i'm the exact height as you 72inches 23 years old, I just stepped on the scale today and im at 190lbs and I have never cycled shit man not even once. Just been eating like a champ between 3000-3300 as clean as you can get calories and hitting up the gym consistently. And I still feel like I could probaly gain another 5lbs naturally then i'm hitting the juice.But dont get me wrong man i'm not trying to discourage you.I can just tell you dont have all your bases covered even with the basics like a test only cycle for a first cycle which 99% of guys on here will strongly advocate.So if I were you I would do a shitload of research.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

  6. #6
    Its all good advice guys, thanks. Like i said, ive got the stuff handy but i may choose not to do a cycle. I know plenty of guys on the gear, but none has told me about PCT .. tbh i dont think any do PCT. I have to do a bit more research on it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Rocky Mountains.
    If they dont do any PCT their not doing themselves any good and will pay for it.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vandammage07 View Post
    Its all good advice guys, thanks. Like i said, ive got the stuff handy but i may choose not to do a cycle. I know plenty of guys on the gear, but none has told me about PCT .. tbh i dont think any do PCT. I have to do a bit more research on it.
    Your to young to be going on gear, you have a very high amount of natural hormones floating around in your body to make decent gains. I wouldnt risk damaging yourself, your own HPTA hasnt fully developed yet and shutting it down can cause it to never reach its peak, trust me you dont want HPTA sides at your age.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    Bro at 6 ft u can get a lot bigger, I can tell u that u are not ttmraining, eating and sleeping enough at 21 I reached 205 before my 19th birthday and my genetics completely suck, every male in my fam weighs like 130 lb and I'm the tallest :s my bones are super light and hold a lot of water If I don't do cardio, also pubertal gyno doesn't help, If u start eating right and training and sleeping well u will se the diff in three months of training so 12 weeks instead of doing that cycle that u prob not gonna keep any gains go for the food training and sleeping that u will keep, and u will feel better about, if ur daily food intake is less that 25 dls then u have to eat more

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