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Thread: Need Help!

  1. #1
    mlannon is offline New Member
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    Need Help!

    Hey there, my stats are as follows...

    41 yr old male
    5'11" tall
    197lbs (fat around side of chest and mid-section but tone everywhere else)
    about 20% BF
    Looking to gain some muscle but really want to lean out and get more defined or cut.

    I've been emailing one of those HRT clinics and really considering doing a cycle for the very first time.

    My problem is that this is all so confusing. I don't know what to use. The HRT place recommended the following....

    2 bottles of test cyp/prop blend - 2cc/week
    1 bottle of nandrolone Decanoate - 1cc/week
    30 tabs of tamoxifen - 1tab/every other day

    1 kit of HCG - 1000un/twice a week
    60 tabs of clomid - 2tabs/Day

    Here's the problem, I don't know if this is good or not. I hear cypionate can makes you look bloated. I'm already heavier then I would like, although I don't look fat in clothes.

    Ideally, I would like to lose 20lbs of fat, lean out but look solid if that makes any sense. Is it even possible? If so, does anyone have any suggestions they could pass along to me.

    Don't know what can and can't be said here so feel free to e-mail me if that's better. I'm not looking for anyone to supply me with anything. Just honestly, looking for help in selecting the right combination to accomplish my goals without causing damage to my body or organs along the way.

    Please help.

    Thanks in advance or your assistance.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Well, if you're 41 you can get tested and see if you qualify for TRT, if you have lower test levels.

    keep in mind, though, that won't be a cycle, that will be for life.

    If you're just interested in doing a cycle, I'd suggest dropping some body fat first.

    How long have you been working out? Hows the diet?

  3. #3
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    agreed bf% is a little high. try to drop down to about 15%.

  4. #4
    mlannon is offline New Member
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    Diet is pretty good. I work out about 5 days a week. 3 days of weights and 2 days of cardio (generally 45 min).

    I was thinking of taking Test Prop with deca but I hear the prop injections are more frequent and hurt quite a bit. Also I just read that deca can cause ED, which I certainly don't want.

    So aside from dropping BF down to 15%, any suggestion on what combos to take as a beginner?

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