What's up guys? So I have been on here for a bit now and have done much research and have figured out that obviously my first cycle should be Test E only . I figure I will do 12 weeks at 500mg WK split into injects every 3.5 days.
31 yrs. Old
205 at 12% bf
lifting serious for 3 yrs.
A few PH cycles (with Clomid/Nolva PCT) No AAS cycles
Here is the question. I am now pretty dialed in with diet and I understand that a cutting Cycle is 80% diet 20% Training and cardio but I am wondering if Test E would work in to that equation somewhere. Can I consider making a long ester Test cycle a cut as my first cycle, or is that just not something that would work out? Would it be more of a recomp or should I just scrap the cutting idea for my first cycle and do a lean bulk for the winter and then maybe run Test P/Mast for a second cycle cut? Thoghts?