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  1. #1
    shepa is offline New Member
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    First time cycle is this good?? Please help

    I am interested in doing my first cycle. iv been doing alot of research and learned alot but still am nervous on taking the right things to have a safe and effective cycle. i have provided what my cycle is going to be. if anyone thinks im doing something wrong or not enough of something or should do something differently please let me know i am looking for suggestions and advice.
    i am curently 20 years old 5'7" and weigh 156lbs with about 10% BF

    my cycle will be test prop for 8 weeks with test e frontloaded the first 4 weeks

    TEST E once a week for four weeks. 500mg day 1, 250mgs day 8 15 and finally 22

    Test Prop EOD 100mgs weeks 1 -8

    Arimidex : .5mg every third day weeks 1-10, then .25mg weeks 11-12

    HCG weeks 6-10 at 250IU taken monday wens friday

    tamoxifin 40mg ed week 11 and 20mg ed week 12-15

    and finnaly clomid 100mg day 1 of week 11 and then 50 mg every day from weeks 11-12

    plkease let me hear what you guys think and if im missing anything or am doing somehting worng

  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i saw that ur 20 y/o after i wrote the bottom... why are you wanting to do a cycle now? just for looks? just wait cuz you are young and natty test is super high....your diet and such can improve and help you get gains... at your height, i dont know weights :-S but the bf% is good...

    how are your workouts right now? when do u work out? how often do you work out? doing a cycle is a lifestyle change u need to do certain things while on cycle so u get the most from it...

    why are you doing test e once a week? .... prop is a fast acting ester, enth is not...

    if you wanted to front load you would front load the first 4 weeks of a test e or c cycle....

    just go with prop ED for the 8 weeks...

    the hcg is good...

    i wouldnt worry about the arimidex cuz its a first cycle you dotn know ur sides and its a simple test only... just have it ready if you need it

    tamox should be 4 weeks at 40/40/20/20 mg ed for your pct

    with a simple test only cycle like prop you can just do a tamox pct....

  3. #3
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Where have you been researching? Certainly not on this site.

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