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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #1441
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    Ronnie...Just thought you might want to know...IFBB PRO...Dexter Jackson.... uses your recommened deltoid routine!!!!You really have taught us some valuable lessons brother...I hope it contines...Props!!!!
    It may take me some time to get to everyone's questions due to an increased workload at work but I will always shoot you guys straight on the facts!

  2. #1442
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post the rumor true.... Youns both are doing the masters national next year in pittsburg??? yes what be the game plan for bring up your legs...leg presses and accupuncture. Upper body already qualifies as pro-level in my book..keep digging brother..that's what many keep telling me but i still have some improvements to make upper body wise as well ..

  3. #1443
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by archangel. View Post
    anyways, as i stated in my previous post, here is a shot of me at the 15 week mark of my very first sts training and cycle. This is also the only cycle i have ener ran before. Thanks goes to ronnie 100%, i hope you like the progress ron.
    awesome progress!

  4. #1444
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Ciao Ronnie, I am preparing my 3rd cycle and decided to run it using your reload/deload sample.
    I have direct experience on all the drugs reported, except Masteron, NPP and rEPO.

    Thank you very much for your expertise.

    Current Stats: 187 cm (6'2 feet), 95.5 kg (210 lbs), 10% bf

    Target: To reach 102 Kg (225 lbs) keeping the same fat percentage and hold that weight after the PCT.

    Note: I will have several garage fights during those months, this is the reason for rEPO.

    Week 1 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 1 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 1 Testosterone Suspension 50 mg ed
    Week 1-2 Erythropoietin 1000 iu ed
    Week 1-8 Testosterone Propionate 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Mesterolone 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 1-8 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 2-8 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 2-8 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 9-10 Testosterone Propionate 50 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Drostanolone Propionate 70 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Somatropin 15 iu ed
    Week 9-10 L-Thyroxine 150 mcg ed

    Week 11 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 11 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 11-18 Testosterone Propionate 150 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 75 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Mesterolone 125 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 11-18 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 12-18 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 12-18 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 19-22 Clomiphene Citrate 150/100/100/100 mg ed
    Week 19-24 Tamoxifen Citrate 40/40/30/30/20/20 mg ed
    Week 19-38 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 19-38 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    Week 25-26 Glutathione 1200/600 mg ed
    Let me start by asking you "why are you wanting to run 30 ius of GH each day during the reload?" Also, i would suggest winstrol along with the deca for improved performance. Test e or test c would be much better than 150 mgs of prop ed. You will feel like a pin cushion doing all those shots of prop! Remember, test is test so using the prop has no advantage for you.

  5. #1445
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bear89 View Post
    Im thinking of starting 1ml of tren and 1ml of super 350 every 3 days for 30 days, then 1ml of winstrol and 1ml super 350 every 3 days for 30 days. Is this a good cycle for lean muscle and what pct should I be taking?
    PCT has been talked about throughout this entire thread. Please go back and read.

    In regards to your stack I would do tren and super test for 8 weeks (first reload) then change over to test/tren/winny for second 8 week reload.

  6. #1446
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 50+ View Post
    as previously discussed, i started my 2nd reload about a week ago and was going to stack deca with the sust. 250. I've read much about getting deca dick and from what i have learned is that the possibility of being effected is much less when stacking with test. test will help. my question is, how likely would it be that i am effected in a negative way. it varies but there's a high chance it will lower your sex drive and even cause possible problems with getting an erection. Once you get an erection you can be okay for a while but deca does numb your privates per se. It's very important to me and will not use the deca if the chances are still high being i'm dating a new girl and sure as hell don't want to have those kind of problems. stay away from deca!!!thanks

  7. #1447
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Ciao Ronnie, I am preparing my 3rd cycle and decided to run it using your reload/deload sample.
    I have direct experience on all the drugs reported, except Masteron, NPP and rEPO.

    Thank you very much for your expertise.

    Current Stats: 187 cm (6'2 feet), 95.5 kg (210 lbs), 10% bf

    Target: To reach 102 Kg (225 lbs) keeping the same fat percentage and hold that weight after the PCT.

    Note: I will have several garage fights during those months, this is the reason for rEPO.

    Week 1 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 1 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 1 Testosterone Suspension 50 mg ed
    Week 1-2 Erythropoietin 1000 iu ed
    Week 1-8 Testosterone Propionate 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Mesterolone 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 1-8 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 2-8 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 2-8 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 9-10 Testosterone Propionate 50 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Drostanolone Propionate 70 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Somatropin 15 iu ed
    Week 9-10 L-Thyroxine 150 mcg ed

    Week 11 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 11 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 11-18 Testosterone Propionate 150 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 75 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Mesterolone 125 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 11-18 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 12-18 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 12-18 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 19-22 Clomiphene Citrate 150/100/100/100 mg ed
    Week 19-24 Tamoxifen Citrate 40/40/30/30/20/20 mg ed
    Week 19-38 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 19-38 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    Week 25-26 Glutathione 1200/600 mg ed
    why the need for so much? professional I guess?

  8. #1448
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie, what do you think the most effective way of carbing up is. carb up on leg and back day since trainign these muscles burn the most fuel and can tap into protein stores. I personally do it twice a week on off days (so they wont be used as energy and would be stored as glycogen in the muscles) taking in around 400g of carbs throughout the day. Would this amount be enough considering i take in 150-200g carbs 100g fats and 600g protein a day? it is for some but try 5-600 carbs and see what happens and reduce from there as needed. i also limit my carb intake in the evenings even on the carb up days - is this okay or would it be beneficial to keep carb refeeding going throughout the whole day? re-feed all day long
    also how is your recovery from the surgery going? just got back from vacation and started lifting heavy this week. I am sore as all get feels good! hopefully you'll be back to your best soon.
    Thanks ronnie.

  9. #1449
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    why the need for so much? professional I guess?
    I agree Reed. I can understand him running higher amounts of blue tops (which are weaker) but that's way too much somatropin IMO. It's better to run 8 ius of GH per day for 6 months straight than do 30 ius per day for only a few weeks.

  10. #1450
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisx View Post
    Ron how long after the last test c injection should pct begin? 14-18 days when the cyp is out of the system??Honestly, you can wait 2 weeks to let it fully get out of your system or wait only 1 week after your last injection. Both ways work!

  11. #1451
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by scotimus View Post
    hey ron.

    Start off by saying that this is the best thread on this forum. thank you!ive read 60-70% of the thread(no one person can read it all lol) and have learned a shit ton.props to you man and every one else with some great input.

    I have a fairly basic question. Did my first cycle march-may this year. 500mg/wk test e for 13 weeks. Last shot was on may 28th with pct just finishing up on july 9th.

    So i havent shot any aas for basically 2 months now. I have managed to keep around 80% of my gains by following all the tips on this forum. I am anxious to keep the gains and actually keep growing on my next cycle which i tentatively scheduled for october or november start. I read through the slingshot system and i must say i love the idea and am very intrigued.

    My question is have i been off long enough to start a 20 week reload/deload slingshot system? absolutely i would love to start blasting asap(who wouldnt?) but would like to see what you have to say. Do i need to get bloodwork done to determine if i should start or not? you can get blood work done 6 weeks after 20 week slingshot cycle.
    220 lbs
    est 13-15% bf
    28 yo

    taking in approx 4500 cals per day. 90% clean foods with the odd cheat meal to make up the other 10%

    was planning

    1-8- 500mg/test e+450mg/deca per week
    9-10-nothing (run 250 mgs of test e per week)
    11-18-500g/test e+300mg/week tren enth
    19-20-nothing (run 250 mgs of test e per week)21 start full pct

    thanks in advance ronnie

  12. #1452
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by burn219 View Post
    alright lads,

    just read thu the workout and eager to start but i’m a lil confused about diet requirements for the prime. Do u simply cut protein in half and replace the removed cals with carbs? yes cut protein in half and replace with carbs. It's a prime per se but i call it a deload.what fat % do u recommend make up the diet? it really depends . Once protein needs are met and fuel needs are met through carb intake, "the rest is fats"! and finally, should the meals be set out like on the low carb/cal days of the blast diet? it can but it's not mandatory.

    Thanx to ronnie for posting this belter workout, legend!

    Apologies if this has already been covered, just read thru the workout and i’m fried!

  13. #1453
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    hi ronnie,
    found this on an earlier post of yours regarding growth hormone. What would you consider to be a low dosage and what would be the norm?
    4 ius is a low dosage and 8 ius the norm. Top level bodybuilders use around 20-30 iu per day. It also depends on the quality as name brand gh like ********** is much stronger per iu than generic [u]blue tops[/u].

  14. #1454
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by johnmaher1985 View Post
    ive just started using steroids an am reading all this stuff on forums an im confused to **** lol can anyone help me out with what im mena be doin with sus an deca, how often do i need to take each one do 2 ccs of test and 1 cc of deca per week. Shoot test twice a week and deca once but you can shoot test only once a week. an for how long? 8 weeks for test/deca an do ya get better gains injecting it in ya shoulders? im a major novice so any help would be appreciated, thanks

  15. #1455
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by skeletal pump View Post
    ronnie, what do you prefer, barbell shrugs or dumbell shrugs? i like dumbbell. And if you do rear delts on back day do you also do them on shoulders day? no, just once a week! if so do you do the same exercise on both days or change it up?

  16. #1456
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    Last edited by Reed; 08-01-2010 at 09:29 PM.

  17. #1457
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    thanks for the quick reply ronnie. ive been checking the forum like every ten mins waiting for an answer.

    i will be looking to start a slingshot cycle asap. i still may wait a bit as i have the time on=time off pounded in my head. also there are a few things i may wanna go to my doc for before i start blasting again(got bad acne from cycle,and also have suspicions of colitis or chrones disease or something similar to that.....i know i should really get on that one)but thanks for your two cents man

  18. #1458
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Ciao Ronnie, I am preparing my 3rd cycle and decided to run it using your reload/deload sample.
    I have direct experience on all the drugs reported, except Masteron, NPP and rEPO.

    Thank you very much for your expertise.

    Current Stats: 187 cm (6'2 feet), 95.5 kg (210 lbs), 10% bf

    Target: To reach 102 Kg (225 lbs) keeping the same fat percentage and hold that weight after the PCT.

    Note: I will have several garage fights during those months, this is the reason for rEPO.

    Week 1 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 1 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 1 Testosterone Suspension 50 mg ed
    Week 1-2 Erythropoietin 1000 iu ed
    Week 1-8 Testosterone Propionate 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Mesterolone 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 1-8 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 2-8 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 2-8 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 9-10 Testosterone Propionate 50 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Drostanolone Propionate 70 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Somatropin 15 iu ed
    Week 9-10 L-Thyroxine 150 mcg ed

    Week 11 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 11 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 11-18 Testosterone Propionate 150 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 75 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Mesterolone 125 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 11-18 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 12-18 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 12-18 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 19-22 Clomiphene Citrate 150/100/100/100 mg ed
    Week 19-24 Tamoxifen Citrate 40/40/30/30/20/20 mg ed
    Week 19-38 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 19-38 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    Week 25-26 Glutathione 1200/600 mg ed
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Let me start by asking you "why are you wanting to run 30 ius of GH each day during the reload?" each day of the first weeks actually. i want to create hyperplasia with those blasts and mature it with test. Also, i would suggest winstrol along with the deca for improved performance. you mean in my second reload right? Test e or test c would be much better than 150 mgs of prop ed. why? You will feel like a pin cushion doing all those shots of prop! i just finished a test susp cycle with 2 up to 3 injections daily for 80 days. pinning is no problem really. Remember, test is test so using the prop has no advantage for you. prop is a short ester, comparing different tests on a same diet base, one should has less water retention and that for me is an issue since i am a martial artist. also if something goes wrong, by using only short esters except for rEPO, i can get my system clean in no more than 3 days.
    thank you for you time, bold^
    Last edited by BJJ; 08-02-2010 at 02:32 AM.

  19. #1459
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Hi Ronnie,
    Have you ever heard of Diclofenac (an anti inflammatory) affecting gains or protien synthesis?

  20. #1460
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Houston, Tx
    Ronnie in regards to taking test cyp for 3 1/2 weeks before stopping, is it necessary to pct? And from the last injection, how long do I have to wait before beginning my first REAL cycle?

  21. #1461

    good info

    hey guys:
    new here...just read through all these threads.. appreciate those sharing the wealth of info from your xperience. hope to keep learning and make some improvement with knowledge i gain here. still trying to get the lingo down too.

  22. #1462
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by scotimus View Post
    thanks for the quick reply ronnie. Ive been checking the forum like every ten mins waiting for an answer.

    I will be looking to start a slingshot cycle asap. I still may wait a bit as i have the time on=time off pounded in my head. you can do time on = time off if you desire but it's not optimal. also there are a few things i may wanna go to my doc for before i start blasting again(got bad acne from cycle,and also have suspicions of colitis or chrones disease or something similar to that.....acne is common (get you some of the generic form of proactive at wamart) but if you have suspicion of of severe stomach problems please go see a doctor asp! i know i should really get on that one)but thanks for your two cents man

  23. #1463
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=BJJ;5291239]Originally Posted by BJJ
    Ciao Ronnie, I am preparing my 3rd cycle and decided to run it using your reload/deload sample.
    I have direct experience on all the drugs reported, except Masteron, NPP and rEPO.

    Thank you very much for your expertise.

    Current Stats: 187 cm (6'2 feet), 95.5 kg (210 lbs), 10% bf

    Target: To reach 102 Kg (225 lbs) keeping the same fat percentage and hold that weight after the PCT.

    Note: I will have several garage fights during those months, this is the reason for rEPO.

    Week 1 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 1 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 1 Testosterone Suspension 50 mg ed
    Week 1-2 Erythropoietin 1000 iu ed
    Week 1-8 Testosterone Propionate 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Mesterolone 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 1-8 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 2-8 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 2-8 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 9-10 Testosterone Propionate 50 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Drostanolone Propionate 70 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Somatropin 15 iu ed
    Week 9-10 L-Thyroxine 150 mcg ed

    Week 11 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 11 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 11-18 Testosterone Propionate 150 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 75 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Mesterolone 125 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 11-18 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 12-18 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 12-18 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 19-22 Clomiphene Citrate 150/100/100/100 mg ed
    Week 19-24 Tamoxifen Citrate 40/40/30/30/20/20 mg ed
    Week 19-38 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 19-38 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    Week 25-26 Glutathione 1200/600 mg ed

    Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
    Let me start by asking you "why are you wanting to run 30 ius of GH each day during the reload?" each day of the first weeks actually. i want to create hyperplasia with those blasts and mature it with test. YOU CAN DO THAT BUT IF YOU GO THAT ROUTE YOU'LL NEED TO TAKE GH FOR A LONGER DURATION. MY SUGGESTION IS TO RUN HIGH DOSAGES EVERY DAY THROUGHOUT ENTIRE 20 WEEK SLINGSHOT CYCLE (INCLUDING DELOADS). Also, i would suggest winstrol along with the deca for improved performance. you mean in my second reload right? Test e or test c would be much better than 150 mgs of prop ed. why? You will feel like a pin cushion doing all those shots of prop! i just finished a test susp cycle with 2 up to 3 injections daily for 80 days. OUCH! WHY NOT JUST USE TEST E AND DO LESS INJECTIONS. THIS WILL DECREASE YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING AN ABCCESS AND SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY! pinning is no problem really. Remember, test is test so using the prop has no advantage for you. prop is a short ester, comparing different tests on a same diet base, one should has less water retention and that for me is an issue since i am a martial artist. also if something goes wrong, by using only short esters except for rEPO, i can get my system clean in no more than 3 days. TEST E CLEARS OUT IN 7-8 DAYS AND PROP CAUSES JUST AS MUCH WATER RETENTION AS TEST-E IF YOU ARE SHOOTING THE PROP EVERY DAY! BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THE rEPO.

    thank you for you time, bold^


  24. #1464
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Hi Ronnie,
    Have you ever heard of Diclofenac (an anti inflammatory) affecting gains or protien synthesis?
    Any anti-inflammatory or tylenol product does in fact decrease protein synthesis to some degree (how much to be exact is not known so higher dosages of anabolics are usually needed to get the same response ). Unfortunately, I have to take both of these products on a daily basis due to chronic lower back pain.

  25. #1465
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisx View Post
    ronnie in regards to taking test cyp for 3 1/2 weeks before stopping, is it necessary to pct? no! and from the last injection, how long do i have to wait before beginning my first real cycle? i would start as soon as you get your others in

  26. #1466
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Ciao Ronnie, I am preparing my 3rd cycle and decided to run it using your reload/deload sample.
    I have direct experience on all the drugs reported, except Masteron, NPP and rEPO.

    Thank you very much for your expertise.

    Current Stats: 187 cm (6'2 feet), 95.5 kg (210 lbs), 10% bf

    Target: To reach 102 Kg (225 lbs) keeping the same fat percentage and hold that weight after the PCT.

    Note: I will have several garage fights during those months, this is the reason for rEPO.

    Week 1 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 1 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 1 Testosterone Suspension 50 mg ed
    Week 1-2 Erythropoietin 1000 iu ed
    Week 1-8 Testosterone Propionate 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Mesterolone 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 1-8 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 2-8 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 2-8 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 9-10 Testosterone Propionate 50 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Drostanolone Propionate 70 mg ed
    Week 9-10 Somatropin 15 iu ed
    Week 9-10 L-Thyroxine 150 mcg ed

    Week 11 Somatropin 30 iu ed
    Week 11 L-Thyroxine 200 mcg ed
    Week 11-18 Testosterone Propionate 150 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 75 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Mesterolone 125 mg ed
    Week 11-18 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 11-18 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d
    Week 12-18 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 12-18 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed

    Week 19-22 Clomiphene Citrate 150/100/100/100 mg ed
    Week 19-24 Tamoxifen Citrate 40/40/30/30/20/20 mg ed
    Week 19-38 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 19-38 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    Week 25-26 Glutathione 1200/600 mg ed

    Let me start by asking you "why are you wanting to run 30 ius of GH each day during the reload?" each day of the first weeks actually. i want to create hyperplasia with those blasts and mature it with test. YOU CAN DO THAT BUT IF YOU GO THAT ROUTE YOU'LL NEED TO TAKE GH FOR A LONGER DURATION. MY SUGGESTION IS TO RUN HIGH DOSAGES EVERY DAY THROUGHOUT ENTIRE 20 WEEK SLINGSHOT CYCLE (INCLUDING DELOADS). Also, i would suggest winstrol along with the deca for improved performance. you mean in my second reload right? Test e or test c would be much better than 150 mgs of prop ed. why? You will feel like a pin cushion doing all those shots of prop! i just finished a test susp cycle with 2 up to 3 injections daily for 80 days. OUCH! WHY NOT JUST USE TEST E AND DO LESS INJECTIONS. THIS WILL DECREASE YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING AN ABCCESS AND SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY! pinning is no problem really. Remember, test is test so using the prop has no advantage for you. prop is a short ester, comparing different tests on a same diet base, one should has less water retention and that for me is an issue since i am a martial artist. also if something goes wrong, by using only short esters except for rEPO, i can get my system clean in no more than 3 days. TEST E CLEARS OUT IN 7-8 DAYS AND PROP CAUSES JUST AS MUCH WATER RETENTION AS TEST-E IF YOU ARE SHOOTING THE PROP EVERY DAY! BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THE rEPO.

    thank you for you time, bold^


    I took some of your considerations into account and got rid of the hgh blasts.
    What do you think?
    Also, what should be taken into account when speaking about rEPO, that brought you to warn me about that compound?

    Week 1 Testosterone Suspension 50 mg ed
    Week 1-2 Erythropoietin 1000 iu ed
    Week 1-8 Testosterone Propionate 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 75 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Mesterolone 100 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 1-8 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    Week 1-8 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 1-8 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d

    Week 9-12 Testosterone Enanthate 250 mg ew
    Week 9-12 Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg ed
    Week 9-12 Somatropin 5 iu ed
    Week 9-12 L-Thyroxine 50 mcg ed

    Week 13-18 Testosterone Propionate 150 mg ed
    Week 13-18 Trenbolone Acetate 75 mg ed
    Week 13-18 Mesterolone 125 mg ed
    Week 13-18 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 13-18 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    Week 13-18 Exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    Week 13-18 Chorionic Gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d

    Week 19-22 Clomiphene Citrate 150/100/100/100 mg ed
    Week 19-24 Tamoxifen Citrate 40/40/30/30/20/20 mg ed
    Week 19-47 Somatropin 10 iu ed
    Week 19-47 L-Thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    Week 25-26 Glutathione 1200/600 mg ed
    Last edited by BJJ; 08-03-2010 at 11:11 AM.

  27. #1467
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    big ron... we know you are a busy man right now with training booming...would you suggest lateral raises or presses over-head....for building larger caps on side of shoulders???presses are the number one exercise for building capped deltoids! Lateral raises help and should be added as well. And yes I have been extremely busy at work. I'm having to turn people away which is both good and bad.

  28. #1468
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    Whwn using "life fitness" lying leg curl lower back hurts....You have two options: #1 Do seated leg curls. #2 Roll up a mat used in yoga class and place underneath hips when doing lying version as this decreases compression at the top of the movement. A mat also works well when placed behind the back while doing the seated version.

  29. #1469
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Any anti-inflammatory or tylenol product does in fact decrease protein synthesis to some degree (how much to be exact is not known so higher dosages of anabolics are usually needed to get the same response ). Unfortunately, I have to take both of these products on a daily basis due to chronic lower back pain.
    Yeah I have just this last few days started to take it for lower back pain also. It took away my back pain by the second day, I was amazed. I have been suffering with my back for about 10 years now and just put up with it, but it has got much worse as of late to the point it was starting to hold me back in training, so I went to see my doctor. I told him I wanted a scan and he prescribed me some diclofenac. I was pissed off and just threw the prescription in the back of my car, until my wife told me to try it. Well as I said, 2 days later and it was like it was never there. As with any drug I use, I always look to see if it may impede what i'm trying to achieve with AAS. I have been given enough tablets for 28 days and was thinking of using them and then see how my back is when I stop using them. What do you think to this Ronnie?
    You may also recall that some time back it appeared that Winstrol was causing my hair to thin so I stopped taking it. I also normally take Tren which doesn't normally cause me any issues, but I have stopped taking it anyway because I know that it can be quite harsh on the scalp with certain people just to see what happens with my hair. I have replaced the Tren with Deca so i'm now taking Test, Deca and HGH. How harsh is Deca on the scalp in your experience compared to Winstrol and Tren?

    Many thanks Ronnie for everything.

  30. #1470
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bjj View Post
    i took some of your considerations into account and got rid of the hgh blasts.
    What do you think? I would run the somatropin at around 6-8 ius per day for 6 months or 8-12 ius for 20 weeks.
    Also, what should be taken into account when speaking about repo, that brought you to warn me about that compound? epo is like dnp and insulin (can be very dangerous). Here's a good article highlighted in red for you to read which backs up why i worry about this drug. Imo eq would be much safer!

    "why is epo dangerous?
    The reason that epo, and transfusion blood doping, is dangerous is because of increased blood viscosity. Basically, whole blood consists of red blood cells and plasma (water, proteins, etc.). The percentage of whole blood that is occupied by the red blood cells is referred to as, the hematocrit. A low hematocrit means dilute (thin) blood, and a high hematocrit mean concentrated (thick) blood. Above a certain hematocrit level whole blood can sludge and clog capillaries. If this happens in the brain it results in a stroke. In the heart, a heart attack. Unfortunately, this has happened to several elite athletes who have used epo.

    Epo use is especially dangerous to athletes who exercise over prolonged periods. A well-conditioned endurance athlete is more dehydration resistant than a sedentary individual. The body accomplishes this by several methods, but one key component is to “hold on” to more water at rest. Circulating whole blood is one location in which this occurs and, thus, can function as a water reservoir. During demanding exercise, as fluid losses mount, water is shifted out of the blood stream (hematocrit rises). If one is already starting with an artificially elevated hematocrit then you can begin to see the problem -- it is a short trip to the critical “sludge zone”.

    Additional dangers of epo include sudden death during sleep, which has killed approximately 18 pro cyclists in the past fifteen years, and the development of antibodies directed against epo. In this later circumstance the individual develops anemia as a result of the body’s reaction against repeated epo injections."

    copyright©2005 mark jenkins

    bulking 1
    week 1 testosterone suspension 50 mg ed
    week 1-2 erythropoietin 1000 iu ed
    week 1-8 testosterone propionate 100 mg ed
    week 1-8 nandrolone phenylpropionate 75 mg ed
    week 1-8 mesterolone 100 mg ed
    week 1-8 somatropin 10 iu ed
    week 1-8 l-thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    week 1-8 exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    week 1-8 chorionic gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d

    week 9-12 testosterone enanthate 250 mg ew
    week 9-12 drostanolone propionate 100 mg ed
    week 9-12 somatropin 5 iu ed
    week 9-12 l-thyroxine 50 mcg ed

    bulking 2
    week 13-18 testosterone propionate 150 mg ed
    week 13-18 trenbolone acetate 75 mg ed
    week 13-18 mesterolone 125 mg ed
    week 13-18 somatropin 10 iu ed
    week 13-18 l-thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    week 13-18 exemestane 12.5 mg e3d
    week 13-18 chorionic gonadotrophin 250 iu e3d

    week 19-22 clomiphene citrate 150/100/100/100 mg ed
    week 19-24 tamoxifen citrate 40/40/30/30/20/20 mg ed
    week 19-47 somatropin 10 iu ed
    week 19-47 l-thyroxine 100 mcg ed
    week 25-26 glutathione 1200/600 mg ed

  31. #1471
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Yeah I have just this last few days started to take it for lower back pain also. It took away my back pain by the second day, I was amazed. I have been suffering with my back for about 10 years now and just put up with it, but it has got much worse as of late to the point it was starting to hold me back in training, so I went to see my doctor. I told him I wanted a scan and he prescribed me some diclofenac. I was pissed off and just threw the prescription in the back of my car, until my wife told me to try it. Well as I said, 2 days later and it was like it was never there. As with any drug I use, I always look to see if it may impede what i'm trying to achieve with AAS. I have been given enough tablets for 28 days and was thinking of using them and then see how my back is when I stop using them. What do you think to this Ronnie?Take the meds! If the anti-flammatories work theres a good chance a cortizone shot would be of great benefit if the pain returns once you come off of them. If you do not have severe leg pain along with your back pain then surgery is probably not an option and would only increase your pain level. An MRI/CORTISONE SHOT would be a good plan given the pain returns once you finish the course of anti-inflammatories. I feel there are exercises you could avoid that would greatly reduce if not eliminate your lower back pain. Squats, deep leg presses, deadlifts, unsupported rows, heavy dumbbell work, etc can cause lower back pain. You may also recall that some time back it appeared that Winstrol was causing my hair to thin so I stopped taking it. I also normally take Tren which doesn't normally cause me any issues, but I have stopped taking it anyway because I know that it can be quite harsh on the scalp with certain people just to see what happens with my hair. I have replaced the Tren with Deca so i'm now taking Test, Deca and HGH. How harsh is Deca on the scalp in your experience compared to Winstrol and Tren? The more androgenic, the more hair you normally lose. Deca is less androgenic than tren and winstrol but can still cause hair loss. You might consider taking finasteride if you are that concerned. Test is also more androgenic than deca.
    Many thanks Ronnie for everything.

  32. #1472
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    why the need for so much? professional I guess?
    No sir, I am not a professional, my body tells.

    Also, I do not think to be too much of a cycle but if you have some suggestions, please go for it and I will probably take them into account.

    Thank you

  33. #1473
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thank you for your help, much appreciate it.

  34. #1474
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Houston, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thank You Ronnie!

  35. #1475
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    hey ronnie im new on here and i am glad i came nice read. just wondering what a good cycle would be and a good place to get it. for about 25 lb. and alot of gain!! thanks again for the read

  36. #1476

    Ronnie, can you please help me?

    Ronnie, I've read a lot of your posts and threads over the years, you're VERY knowledgeable. I need your help.

    I'm a 30 year old white male who's been lifting on/off for 16 years. I'm 6' 270 with some body fat and a little gut on me but pretty jacked. I'm on 200 mg test cyp weekly prescribed by doc because I have naturally low testosterone and also on 3 IU HGH nightly prescribed by doc because I have adult growth hormone deficiency. My goal is just to get big and strong (pretty simple, huh? LOL). I never have competed in powerlifting or bodybuilding and never will (although I LOVE both sports).

    I will be doing a routine where I train a body part once every 7 days. Here it is:

    3 days a week weightlifting routine (Mon, Weds, Fri):

    *I do all exercises with reps of 8-10 keeping the same weight each set with a weight that I can do atleast 8 reps but can't do for more than 10 reps. I progress the weights when I can do all sets with 10 reps. All sets listed are work sets to failure (I stop when I complete a rep and know I can't get the next rep). I warm up properly and stretch out before, during, and after working out. I do warm up sets when needed. I don't have a specific rest time between sets. I just move on to the next set when I feel I'm ready. After my workout I drink a PWO shake consisting of 50 g whey protein and 100 g dextrose.


    1. Wide grip lat pulldowns to the front 4x8-10
    2. Bent over two arm db rows to chest with elbows flared 4x8-10 (as seen here except I will do them with db instead of a bb:
    3. Seated db curls 3x8-10
    4. 4 way neck machine (front, left, right, back) 3x8-10 all 4 sides


    1. Sled hack squat machine 4x8-10
    2. Lying leg curls 4x8-10
    3. Standing calf raises 4x8-10
    4. Lying crunch machine 3x8-10


    1. Flat db bench press 3x8-10
    2. Incline db bench press 3x8-10
    3. Seated db lateral raises 4x8-10
    4. Tricep pushdowns 3x8-10

    2 questions:

    1. How does this routine look?

    2. Can you build a big, strong body by training a body part only once every 7 days?

  37. #1477


    Hi Ronnie, Im a noob here and was very impressed by the level of your knowledge and exprience. I've read each and every single page of this thread, belived me it took me DAYSss to finish it and only today I got onto this page. Since you are the knowledgable one, I would like a piece of your advice or recommendation on how should myself go about a cycle, what type and quantity should I go about. Previously early this year I was on a cycle which was advice by some friends on what to take and how much.

    I was on Sustanon 250 for 8week. The cycle goes like:
    Week 1: 1ml (once per week)
    Week 2: 1ml (twice per week)
    Week 3: 1ml (three time per week)
    Week 4: 1ml (four time per week)
    Week 5: 1ml (four time per week)
    Week 6: 1ml (three time per week)
    Week 7: 1ml (two time per week)
    Week 8: 1ml (one time per week)

    Right after the 8th week I was told by a friend I should take Chromi or Clomid im not really sure. It was a red tab. I was told I need to take one tab a day for the next 10 days only and I did. Right after that cycle, I was on clen for the next 2 month plus or so. It goes like 2 days on 2 days off untill im finish with the 100 tabs. Each day I took 3 tabs at one go. And that was how my cycle was.

    But after reading all this post on this thread, I feel what I did was like shit or felt I was cheated due im very noob in this, I just followed blindly on the advices without knowing anything or even bothered to do more research.I did some minor research on what type of steroid, the side effects and what it can actually do. So with your expertise I seek ur advice on how to go about my next cycle with pct and fine tune it. My details are as follows:

    Age: 25/Male/Asian (is fine to start on cycle?)
    Weight: 77kg
    Height: 180cm
    Exprience on workout: 2 year plus(1 years seriously commited and the other on off as im tied up with work)
    Diet: I try to have 160g of protein per day which make off 80g by whey protein and 80g by food. Carbs I dont really count as I only take carbs from wheat or low GI food (pasta, sweet potato, oat meal and etc). My Fat came from Olive oil or Canola oil and snack on almond or chick peas. Minimum sugar and salt. All of that I break it into 5 to 6 small meal everyday. My supplement is Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C 1000, whey protein and proscar as my hair is dropping .
    BMI: 24 (not sure does it matter)
    Frequency of workout: 3 to 4 time per week

    What I have currently in mind for my next cycle is:
    Sus 250 or Test Prep, Deca and D-Bol. (not sure is it too little or too much for myself)

    Thanks in advance.....

  38. #1478
    Hey Ron, I am currently on week 4 of 2nd reload and till now I have not gained even a single lb.

    1st Cycle - 8 week, 500mg Sust & 200mg Deca (gained around 17lbs)

    2nd Cycle(1st reload) - 8 week, 500mg Test E & 300mg Deca (gained around 11bs)

    2nd Cycle (2nd reload) - currently in week 4, 750mg Test E & 300mg Deca.

    My diet is much better that the previous cycle and even the dosage is high than the previous cycle but still i have not made any gains, what could be the reason? I am planning to switch to Sust from week 5 since i made the best gains on Sust. All the Test i buy is genuine since it is legal here and Deca (from Canada) is from a reliable source so there is no way that i am using a fake. Please help!

  39. #1479
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bubbles420 View Post
    hey ronnie im new on here and i am glad i came nice read. Just wondering what a good cycle would be and a good place to get it. For about 25 lb. And alot of gain!! Thanks again for the read please read the rules! You cannot ask for source info on public forum.

  40. #1480
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=Tommy Gunn;5294162]Ronnie, I've read a lot of your posts and threads over the years, you're VERY knowledgeable. I need your help.

    I'm a 30 year old white male who's been lifting on/off for 16 years. I'm 6' 270 with some body fat and a little gut on me but pretty jacked. I'm on 200 mg test cyp weekly prescribed by doc because I have naturally low testosterone and also on 3 IU HGH nightly prescribed by doc because I have adult growth hormone deficiency. My goal is just to get big and strong (pretty simple, huh? LOL). I never have competed in powerlifting or bodybuilding and never will (although I LOVE both sports).

    I will be doing a routine where I train a body part once every 7 days. Here it is:

    3 days a week weightlifting routine (Mon, Weds, Fri):

    *I do all exercises with reps of 8-10 keeping the same weight each set with a weight that I can do atleast 8 reps but can't do for more than 10 reps. I progress the weights when I can do all sets with 10 reps. All sets listed are work sets to failure (I stop when I complete a rep and know I can't get the next rep). I warm up properly and stretch out before, during, and after working out. (DO NOT STETHC OUT BEFORE OR DURING EXERCISES LIKE SQUATS AS IT CAUSE CAUSE YOU TO USE LOOSE FORM AND AN INJURY COULD RESULTS!) I do warm up sets when needed.GOOD AS IT'S SAFER TO DO ACTIVE STRETCHING. I don't have a specific rest time between sets. I just move on to the next set when I feel I'm ready. After my workout I drink a PWO shake consisting of 50 g whey protein and 100 g dextrose.(YOU DO NOT NEED 100 GRAMS POST WORKOUT UNLESS YOU ARE USING INSULIN. THAT MANY CARBS WILL MOST CERTAINLY CAUSE FAT GAIN UNLESS YOU ARE AN ECTOMORPH AND FROM WHAT YOU HAVE DESCRIBED YOU ARE MORE MESO/ENDO.) STAY WITH AROUND 40 GRAMS OR YOU CAN SKIP DEXTROSE ALL TOGETHER AND EAT A WHOLE MEAL.


    1. Wide grip lat pulldowns to the front 4x8-10
    2. Bent over two arm db rows to chest with elbows flared 4x8-10 (as seen here except I will do them with db instead of a bb:
    3. Seated db curls 3x8-10
    4. 4 way neck machine (front, left, right, back) 3x8-10 all 4 sides



    1. Sled hack squat machine 4x8-10
    2. Lying leg curls 4x8-10
    3. Standing calf raises 4x8-10
    4. Lying crunch machine 3x8-10



    1. Flat db bench press 3x8-10
    2. Incline db bench press 3x8-10
    3. Seated db lateral raises 4x8-10
    4. Tricep pushdowns 3x8-10


    2 questions:

    1. How does this routine look? IT'S NOT OPTIMAL BY ANY MEANS

    2. Can you build a big, strong body by training a body part only once every 7 days?YES, IT'S THE BEST WAY BUT YOU HAVE TO DO MORE VOLUME PER BODYPART. 6-12 SETS TO FAILURE ONCE PER WEEK![/QUOTE]ABOVE

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