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Thread: cytomel

  1. #1


    hi guys i'm new to the forum,

    bf 18%
    weight 220lbs
    height 6'3
    age 31

    I weighed 250 3 months ago but took clen and i was able to lose 30 lbs, i was taking clen for 6 weeks with benadryl on my 3rd week every night. I was up to a dose of 120mcg daily split into two dose (60mcg in the am and 60 mid day). I'm planning on taking cytomel but am afraid it might mess my thyroid up. Any advice on cytomel on how i should take it and what the proper dose i should take it at. Plus will i LOSE my thyroid gland, meaning will i damage it and be on pills for the rest of my life. Please any advice............ is there anything other than cytomel, clen, and dieting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    not sure if the clen is working that I would mess with the cytomel. cytomel does not discriminate between fat and muscle so running it without being on a cycle or at least trt 250mg ew of test, it could cause more damage then good.

    Now this is just IMO so let other chime in


  3. #3
    How about taking a test e cycle for 12 weeks with clen and cytomel? also i was thinking to take nova and ameridex 2 weeks prior to start the cycle to prevent sides and water retention and then clomid 2 weeks after the cycle with nova and ameridex. How does that sound, any advice?

  4. #4
    is lion a pretty good source for cytomel and clen? I live in canada so is there going to be any problems with shipping? has anyone encountered any problems?

  5. #5
    steve email me richk91 @ y a h o o . c o m

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by stevebernier View Post
    hi guys i'm new to the forum,

    bf 18%
    weight 220lbs
    height 6'3
    age 31

    I weighed 250 3 months ago but took clen and i was able to lose 30 lbs, i was taking clen for 6 weeks with benadryl on my 3rd week every night. I was up to a dose of 120mcg daily split into two dose (60mcg in the am and 60 mid day). I'm planning on taking cytomel but am afraid it might mess my thyroid up. Any advice on cytomel on how i should take it and what the proper dose i should take it at. Plus will i LOSE my thyroid gland, meaning will i damage it and be on pills for the rest of my life. Please any advice............ is there anything other than cytomel, clen, and dieting.
    I would stay away unless you have your diet and training spot on. Head over to the diet forum and you will be amazed at the knowledge over there. It will help you change your body more than anything else you can take!

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