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Thread: Doctor just prescribed me statin for high cholesterol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Doctor just prescribed me statin for high cholesterol

    Figured I would post on here and see what you guys think...
    I am 24 years old. I am 5'9 190 pounds.. About 16& bf.. My cholesterol has always been high since I was a teen due to my dads side of the family genes... I have never had a set diet, I have kind of just watched what I eat and try to stay away from high fatty foods..

    Yesterday my doc prescribed me a statin for my cholesterol.. my lipid tests are as following:
    HDL 48

    I am alittle wary of taking statins just due to the fact that I workout extremely hard and train for MMA as well. The last thing I want is more fatigue and muscle soreness and just the other sides I have heard are not something I want to venture into.

    I read an article on bodybuilding

    it really got me thinking about how society is trying to convince us we need these miracle drugs to better our lives but really I wonder if I even need to be taking a statin drug. The article pretty much goes into detail about how cholesterol is actually a very essential thing that we need.. Im just wondering what you guys think and also I'm ready to change my diet completely around. Not only for my health but for the way I look as well. Sample diets considering my situation would be great.. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I'm on simvastatin for my cholesterol now no big problem Bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I've changed my first meal to oats or cherios to help lower my's supposed to help by 20percent alone

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yea thats what im eating right now for breakfast..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    you can also get rid of cholesterol in your diet by drinking 1percent or skim milk instead of the 2percent or whole and if you drink protien shakes a lot of those are LOADED with cholesterol

  6. #6
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    Apr 2006
    i only drink fat free milk and eat fat free cheese.. i didnt know protein shakes are loaded with cholesterol... what is considered a high amount of cholesterol in food? i checked my label at it has 30mg of cholesterol per serving..

  7. #7
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dreuxscott1 View Post
    i only drink fat free milk and eat fat free cheese.. i didnt know protein shakes are loaded with cholesterol... what is considered a high amount of cholesterol in food? i checked my label at it has 30mg of cholesterol per serving..
    what has 30mg per serving bro?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    what has 30mg per serving bro?
    if you mean your shakes and you mix them with milk 3 of them are probably above your daily value for cholesterol alone and then you have to add in your food so that could be bad

  9. #9
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    Apr 2006
    if thats the case then i must be really over because 1 egg is just about at the max for cholesterol you should be taking in everyday... from what ive read.. what you should be looking out for isnt how much cholesterol is in something.. you should be looking at the fat content.. sat fat trans fat etc..

  10. #10
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    Check this sight out:


    They are who I use.


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Just learned something new today...
    I did not know that Whey Protein was made from, or had cholesterol in it.

    I to have a problem with my TRIGLYCERIDES and I am on Liped EZ 45. I have been on that for years. As long as I am on the meds then everything is OK.

    Not sure how out of wack my numbers will be will I am on a cycle, but I do know that it throughs your HDLs & LDLs out of wack.

    My problem is on my moms side, she has diabetes type 1, my sugar was tested and was a little high.

  12. #12
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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    i have basically the same problem as you dreuxscott. i have hereditary high cholesterol. and my lipid profile is backasswards too. bad cholesterol is really high, and good cholesterol is really low. i was prescribed crestor. which only ends up lowering my cholesterol a couple points. and then it gave me a bunch of other health problems. so i quit taking it, because it was useless. now im looking at doing some natural form of lowering the cholesterol. no matter what i do with my diet, it doesnt change much. Lecithin, is supposed to help. i bought it, now i just gotta get into taking it for 3 months, and then check my lipids again.

  13. #13
    Just to let you know, dietary cholesterol and blood lipidemia are not correlated well at all. Don't worry about the amount of cholesterol in food, it is the effect of saturated, trans, and total fat intake that has the biggest effect on cholesterol levels, next to genetics. So don't start reading about how much cholesterol is in your whey or eggs, look at the fat content.

    Eat more fish, healthy oils and nuts, vegetables, fibrous low glycemic carbohydrates, and do some form of cardio (at least once per day), and your levels will drop dramatically.

  14. #14
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    Sep 2008
    Your body is making its own cholesterol...thats the crux of the issue. Also, oatmeal will only bind to cholesterol that you have eaten. So if your high cholesterol is coming from your diet...which its would minimally help there. Also, having high cholesterol in itself isnt the un-healthy part...its that it CAN be a contributor to heart disease later in CAN be. That being said there are plenty of older people that have high cholesterol that do not have clogged arteries. The whole cholesterol issue is largely blown out of proportion...mainly because there is a lot of money to be made with the drugs used to treat it.

  15. #15
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    i don't care what is said you do need to look at the cholesterol content in things other wise shanging your diet would'nt help a thing.Thats why things like eggs can be bad.It would be crazy to disregard cholesterol count in food/shakes!
    The doc told me to stay away from those high cholesterol shakes himself.

  16. #16
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    of course doctors want us to be on meds.. the pharm companies make billions each year from just statin medicines alone.. eggs are good for you.. period... the amount of nutrients in eggs does so much good for your body.. im getting off the meds and changing my diet.. cutting out all the sat fats and tran fats as i can... what i dont get about these statin meds is why would you want to stop your body from producing something so beneficial to your body.. im going to completely change my diet and lose about 10 pounds.. ill check my lipids in a year to see where im at.. i started taking statin the day i was prescribed it and i swear i already feel my body not reacting good to it.. so thats another reason im getting off it..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    i don't care what is said you do need to look at the cholesterol content in things other wise shanging your diet would'nt help a thing.Thats why things like eggs can be bad.It would be crazy to disregard cholesterol count in food/shakes!
    The doc told me to stay away from those high cholesterol shakes himself.
    You know your body makes testosterone from cholesterol right?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    i don't care what is said you do need to look at the cholesterol content in things other wise shanging your diet would'nt help a thing.Thats why things like eggs can be bad.It would be crazy to disregard cholesterol count in food/shakes!
    The doc told me to stay away from those high cholesterol shakes himself.
    since when are doctors nutritionists? what ive heard, in med school, doctors learn very little about actual nutrition.. and pharm companies pay to have doctors promote and distribute certain drugs.. that's why im a little hesitant to just go ahead and completely listen to the doc in this situation

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by thefunkybuddha View Post
    You know your body makes testosterone from cholesterol right?
    exactly man! your body uses cholesterol for SOOOO many essential body functions.. thats why i dont get taking a medicine that stops your body from making it..

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreuxscott1 View Post
    exactly man! your body uses cholesterol for SOOOO many essential body functions.. thats why i dont get taking a medicine that stops your body from making it..
    Your exactly right....IF you look at what the recommended cholesterol levels have been over the past 20 years you will see that they have regularly decreased....largely due to lobbying from you guessed it...large pharma companies. Now if you plot these figures against statin sales obviously there is a direct correlation. Now Im no just a chemical engineer who works in the pharma industry who's significant other is also chemical engineer who also works in the pharma industry for a company that shall remain nameless...suffice to say the first letter is a big old capital M. I do have some pretty nice access to really great in depth studies.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreuxscott1 View Post
    exactly man! your body uses cholesterol for SOOOO many essential body functions.. thats why i dont get taking a medicine that stops your body from making it..
    As I said...high cholesterol by itself isnt the issue...its that it is part of a risk factor for heart disease...and not even the largest risk factor...that being said if everything else is ok and you are healthly...there really is no need for you to lower it...unless of course you are a paranoid individual that wants to inhibit your body from making its own testosterone and other good things and likes paying money to large pharma (and my significant other's salary) oh and likes to put stress on their liver.

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