Figured I would post on here and see what you guys think...
I am 24 years old. I am 5'9 190 pounds.. About 16& bf.. My cholesterol has always been high since I was a teen due to my dads side of the family genes... I have never had a set diet, I have kind of just watched what I eat and try to stay away from high fatty foods..
Yesterday my doc prescribed me a statin for my cholesterol.. my lipid tests are as following:
HDL 48
I am alittle wary of taking statins just due to the fact that I workout extremely hard and train for MMA as well. The last thing I want is more fatigue and muscle soreness and just the other sides I have heard are not something I want to venture into.
I read an article on bodybuilding
it really got me thinking about how society is trying to convince us we need these miracle drugs to better our lives but really I wonder if I even need to be taking a statin drug. The article pretty much goes into detail about how cholesterol is actually a very essential thing that we need.. Im just wondering what you guys think and also I'm ready to change my diet completely around. Not only for my health but for the way I look as well. Sample diets considering my situation would be great.. Thanks in advance