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Thread: Bloodwork Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Bloodwork Advice


    Age 43
    Stats 5' 10" 188lbs
    12.9% bf - caliper measurement

    I started my Prop/Primo cycle Sunday 9/27. I am dosing EOD of 100mg Prop and 100mg of Primo. In addition, I am doing 2iu of growth ED; 5 on and 2 off.

    Today I saw my Endocrinologist for a follow-up regarding my thyroid disease and HRT eval. I mentioned to him I was having libido issues. He wants me to get a cortisol and free testosterone labs drawn. My blood pressure was low
    (100/56) and my body temp is also low (97.4). In addition, my t-3 is ok but my t-4 is high and my TSH is high (10.7). He upped my meds to 188mcg of Synthroid and 15mcg of Cytomel ED.

    I didn't disclose to my endocrinologist that I just started a cycle

    How will the 2 shots of gear affet my bloodwork? Will my test values come back as high or low? He is suspecting it will be low and wants to increase my androgel from 5mg ED to 7.5mg ED.

    Speaking honestly, I'd prefer my free test to come back on the low side so he will increase the andro gel. I asked him if we could run an ESTRADIOL and he said, 'not yet'.

    Comments? Questions?
    Last edited by Indymuscleguy; 09-30-2009 at 09:16 AM. Reason: Forgot to add GH dose

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Bump x's 2

  4. #4
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post

    Age 43
    Stats 5' 10" 188lbs
    12.9% bf - caliper measurement

    I started my Prop/Primo cycle Sunday 9/27. I am dosing EOD of 100mg Prop and 100mg of Primo. In addition, I am doing 2iu of growth ED; 5 on and 2 off.

    Today I saw my Endocrinologist for a follow-up regarding my thyroid disease and HRT eval. I mentioned to him I was having libido issues. He wants me to get a cortisol and free testosterone labs drawn. My blood pressure was low
    (100/56) and my body temp is also low (97.4). In addition, my t-3 is ok but my t-4 is high and my TSH is high (10.7). He upped my meds to 188mcg of Synthroid and 15mcg of Cytomel ED.

    I didn't disclose to my endocrinologist that I just started a cycle

    How will the 2 shots of gear affet my bloodwork? Will my test values come back as high or low? He is suspecting it will be low and wants to increase my androgel from 5mg ED to 7.5mg ED.

    Speaking honestly, I'd prefer my free test to come back on the low side so he will increase the andro gel. I asked him if we could run an ESTRADIOL and he said, 'not yet'.

    Comments? Questions?

    I can not advise you since you have other things going on here.I would assume that the injections will effect the blood work.I would advise you to talk to him about what you are doing or purpose to do. It may not be in your best interest to cycle.I'm not a doctor, nor pretend to be one.



  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Of course your prop injections are going to have a influence on your test levels on your blood work results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I can not advise you since you have other things going on here.I would assume that the injections will effect the blood work.I would advise you to talk to him about what you are doing or purpose to do. It may not be in your best interest to cycle.I'm not a doctor, nor pretend to be one.


    I hate to sound like a prick, so why did you bother responding?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Of course your prop injections are going to have a influence on your test levels on your blood work results.

    You have a PM

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