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Thread: I was busted. What to expect?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    I was busted. What to expect?

    Hi bros,

    I'm 25 years old and was arrested with a bottle of sustanon with 3cc in it. 2cc was used for testing so I'm being charged with possession of a controlled substance (1 count for 1cc a D felony) and possession of a hypodermic syringe (D felony) I've a full time job and I'm a full time student with no prior convictions. I'm trying to finish up school to enlist in the Marines as an officer but a drug charge will really mess me up. A D felony is punishable in this state from 6mon-3 years per D felony so I'm looking at 1-6 years! I'll never cycle again that's for sure. Am I going to get time, a fine, community service, probation? Just nervous. I've consulted a criminal attorney but I'm not sure how much more time the judge will give me to gather funds to pay him and I don't wanna piss her off.
    Last edited by RyanRoss; 10-06-2009 at 10:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Should have ripped off the label! Did u get pulled over in a car?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadman05 View Post
    Should have ripped off the label! Did u get pulled over in a car?
    I sure did that and I denied that I knew what it was as well but they took it in for testing, it came back positive, and I was charged. I was in a car yeah.

    I also denied the right to search. I always do. This gear wasn't even mine that's the sad part. It fell out of a friends gym bag in the back seat and was in plain view and I didn't even notice
    Last edited by RyanRoss; 09-30-2009 at 09:29 PM.

  4. #4
    Damn u have shit luck. Well I hope they let u off easy! Sorry bro

  5. #5
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadman05 View Post
    Damn u have shit luck. Well I hope they let u off easy! Sorry bro
    Yeah me too...Hope I don't end up doing time..ugh I'm sick from this

  6. #6
    First offense you will likely get Find and community service. I stole a 4 wheeler out of someones house and got fined and community service. My 1st offense and only!
    This is way less of a crime then what I did.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcePowerZ View Post
    First offense you will likely get Find and community service. I stole a 4 wheeler out of someones house and got fined and community service. My 1st offense and only!
    This is way less of a crime then what I did.
    I wonder what kind of plea agreement they're going to work. Do you think they'll drop the D felony's down to a lesser charge?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    wow thats harsh..... i got done is oz i got a small fine

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    dont say you will never cycle again cause you are going to be charge with one or the other felony. there for kiss the marine job good by. so just start another cycle now that you fvck up your currier.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEE151 View Post
    dont say you will never cycle again cause you are going to be charge with one or the other felony. there for kiss the marine job good by. so just start another cycle now that you fvck up your currier.
    In my state though they will drop first offense D felony's to misdemeanors. They'll probably give me a plea agreement to plead guilty to one, and drop the other--and then enter the other as a D felony. After fines/probation they'd drop it to a misdemeanor.....God now I'm going to need a ****ing waiver. ****

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    san diego

    Marines and juice

    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRoss View Post
    Hi bros,

    I'm 25 years old and was arrested with a bottle of sustanon with 3cc in it. 2cc was used for testing so I'm being charged with possession of a controlled substance (1 count for 1cc a D felony) and possession of a hypodermic syringe (D felony) I've a full time job and I'm a full time student with no prior convictions. I'm trying to finish up school to enlist in the Marines as an officer but a drug charge will really mess me up. I am in Terre Haute Indiana but this happened in Indianapolis What should I expect? A D felony is punishable in this state from 6mon-3 years per D felony so I'm looking at 1-6 years! I'll never cycle again that's for sure. Am I going to get time, a fine, community service, probation? Just nervous. I've consulted a criminal attorney but I'm not sure how much more time the judge will give me to gather funds to pay him and I don't wanna piss her off.
    Wow, really sorry to hear it! The shit&y part is Marines up until recently and still maybe now are encouraged to juice from high up. Up until recently and maybe still now a large part of Camp Pendleton was on juice I know first hand. I guess you should have waited. Hope it turns out ok.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 07sandiegomuscle View Post
    Wow, really sorry to hear it! The shit&y part is Marines up until recently and still maybe now are encouraged to juice from high up. Up until recently and maybe still now a large part of Camp Pendleton was on juice I know first hand. I guess you should have waited. Hope it turns out ok.
    Yeah it really sucks. The main reason I cycled was because I can't run for anything. I had a 32 inch waist and 26 inch quads. Always had big legs. great for squats bad for long distance. I was doing a small amount of sust and some winny at 50mg every other day to get some endurance for running. So was my training partner who's going in with me...I can't believe that he let that shit out of his bag. God. I just hope they don't give me time or make me a felon that's my main concern. I could always get a waiver but right now my main concern is not becoming a felon and staying the hell out of jail

  13. #13
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    i bet the worst you will get is probation.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    i bet the worst you will get is probation.
    I hope so. I just hope they don't hit me with the felonies and let me plea it out or something.

  15. #15
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    dude i got a DUI 2wks b4 i was gonna go to the Corps and the judge gave me jail time cause you cant ship out if your on probation. did 11 days in jail, lost my security clearance(was gonna be a com guy). after getting in i went grunt, became scout sniper and got clearance back. dude after you get in, half the people you will meet will have a record and they are usually the best Marines.

  16. #16
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    yea.. felony doesn't go away bor.. sorry for your life change, but you need to fight this all the way down the line..
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  17. #17
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    I agree with above post........ your young and you need to fight this at all cost and it will pan out and its also unfortunate that the law states gear is a felony............good luck

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    something the guys forgot.



    apologize to the court, apologize to your family, say you're turning your life around, and that you've realized your one simple mistake can and will haunt you for the rest of your life.

    and be GENUINE when you say it.

    honest remorse goes a long way.

  19. #19
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    A felony for that small amount? DAMN and since when are needles illegal? Have they not hear of the needle exchange program?

    fvck if you where a heroin addict they would just look the other way.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    your not gona see time for 2cc of juice! I swear this country's priorities are f'ed up.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    if was uk they woulda probs just taken it off u

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    you wont ever see the inside of a jail cell but that felony conviction will destroy your chance of becoming a officer so you need to get a lawyer to plea bargin the charges down and its possible since you have never been arrested before
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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  23. #23
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    Thank god I live in Canada. Good luck I hope it pans out for you.

  24. #24
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    Seattle but in Iraq now
    Yea you probly won't be able to be an officer man. I been in the military for 9 years and your record has to be sqeeky clean to get in as a officer. Could be worst man could already be in the military and then you get poped then you really screwed I known a
    1SG and CPT that did that and there carreer was over. The worst part is you get kicked out and then its on your record so you wasted all that time in the military. So better get caught out then in. Good luck man

  25. #25
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    if this means so much to, hire an attorney..
    what the hell are u doing trying to handle this urself, spend the money now, this is ur future we are talking about..

    and get a good attorney, not one u can afford, spend the extra money, u will happy u did...

    also, i hope u beat the living sht out of ur friend..
    real talk, he should pay for ur attorney, there should be no questions asked..

  26. #26
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    Ask for a conditional discharge and make sure you get a good good lawyer!!
    Iam fighting with a assult charge here in canada right now and take this as some good advice!! (never ever take the first deal the crown offers)

    Go in with a non guilty plea as you can always change to a guilty plea at the pre-trial. This method cost a tad more but you will get a much better deal.


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumachi View Post
    if was uk they woulda probs just taken it off u
    They wouldnt have even taken it off you over here

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymguy30 View Post
    your not gona see time for 2cc of juice! I swear this country's priorities are f'ed up.
    I agree. My wife's cousin has been busted for meth about 6-8 times and still walks around a free man. The last time he was locked up over night and the day he left jail he tried to sell a cop a sawed off shot gun. He is still free!

  29. #29
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    Goto the Gym man....

    Your sweating and getting all worked up over nothing....

    Mark my words you will not get jail time!!!! (if your telling the truth about your clean criminal record)
    You got burnt..... big deal.... Dont let it drag you down..

    We ALL break laws from time to time and some get caught and some dont.
    Enjoy your life and let this speed bump take its course.
    Only thing you can and need to do is just call a lawyer.

  30. #30
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    Spend the money on a good lawyer. You can't put a price on freedom. Borrow money if you have to.

    You will get those felonies dropped down to misdemeanor and definitely get probation.

    I'm speaking from experience. I got busted with a helluva a lot more drugs than that.

    Get a good lawyer and don't be stingy with it....bottom line.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    man get a lawyer and study up on your states laws,, i have never seen a needle being treated as a felony.

  32. #32
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    fk i just read up on indiana d laws,, they must be the hardest state out there.
    looks like first time offenders of class D felonies get dropped to misdemeanors.
    youll get probation and fines.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    So you didnt inject any of it? Im confused. You say you got caught with 3cc, you say it was your friends, but then you state you will never cycle again? I didnt read the whole thread, sorry if I missed something.
    Last edited by IggySupra; 10-01-2009 at 10:14 AM.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ok now for the truth bro, You have nothing to worry about its a possesion charge which is misdemeanor!!!!! Personal use!!! and you can have it expunged after 2 years. My friend just got busted with 15 bottles of Enan and 1500 dbol and got drug classes with misdemeanor. They are just throwing all this at you to try and scare you. When are you trying to get into marines as officer? Tell the court this also as it will help, I got caught with 5 bottles of test in 2001 and I still got into the Navy as it helped the court not give me a felony. Like I said its not as bad as you think. UB

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by IggySupra View Post
    So you didnt inject any of it? Im confused. You say you got caught with 3cc, you say it was your friends, but then you state you will never cycle again? I didnt read the whole thread, sorry if I missed something.
    Reading the whole thread normally answers questions like these.
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  36. #36

    Adjourned in Contemplation of Dismissal

    i took a bunch of law classes and criminal justice classes. first thing you need is a lawyer. he'll plea bargain with the d.a. to get a reduced sentenced under certain terms. ask your lawyer about being adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (ACD). your lawyer and the da will come up with an agreement that basically will say if u stay out of trouble for 6 months to a year and see drug counseling maybe that all charges will be dropped from your record.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Seems crazy that you can get done for having needles! I really hope it all works out for you, thats just so over the top.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanbody View Post
    Ok now for the truth bro, You have nothing to worry about its a possesion charge which is misdemeanor!!!!! Personal use!!! and you can have it expunged after 2 years. My friend just got busted with 15 bottles of Enan and 1500 dbol and got drug classes with misdemeanor. They are just throwing all this at you to try and scare you. When are you trying to get into marines as officer? Tell the court this also as it will help, I got caught with 5 bottles of test in 2001 and I still got into the Navy as it helped the court not give me a felony. Like I said its not as bad as you think. UB
    differs from state to state,, it is a felony in Indiana

  39. #39
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    If it wasn't yours and wasn't on your person, why are you being charged for it? It was on the floor in your friends car.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    If it wasn't yours and wasn't on your person, why are you being charged for it? It was on the floor in your friends car.
    It was on the floor of mine. He let it fall out of his gym bag

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