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  1. #1
    Haga123 is offline New Member
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    First injection help...newbie here :(

    Well I ****ed up, not scared to do it or anything but I hate the god damn syringes that I have. They are BD from sterile syringes, 3cc's, but those mother ****ers are hard to push and pull in small motions.

    Are they supposed to be this way? I've never handled needles or anything before this, and at first I tried to inject into my glute (250mg test e) with a 25g 1.5in needle, didn't feel shit, I was in 3/4th of the way, and I wanted to aspirate . Well I tried to ever so slightly pull back, and it did NOT want to come back. I tried to pull back harder and harder but I didn't want to pull out a lot of air or blood on accident (like if it slipped which it was when I pushed out the initial air bubbles pre injection) and while doing this I suppose I was going in deeper and deeper with the needle and then a little bit of blood went into the syringe (definitely from going back and fourth with the needle) and I said **** it and pulled out.

    I got super light headed but I was pissed at myself and went back to do a thigh injection, I pushed out the blood that was in the syringe (a little bit would not come out, didn't want to loose a lot of my gear) and switched to a new 25g 1.5in. I am pretty lean and I didn't want to do the needle all the way in, in fear of hitting something, and so while going (injected middle of leg, outer quadrant at an angle, like on spot injections thigh shot #2) about 60% of the way in (which I was going to stay at and inject) I must have hit something because my leg twitched right from that site and up my leg. It didn't hurt but I felt very uneasy about that and pulled out again.

    Should the syringe be smooth when pulling/pushing or it is supposed to be so damn hard?

    I kept the gear in the syringe. Should it be okay to use again (after switching to a new needle)?


  2. #2
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    I hate BD syringes! ive found they are not very smooth either, its all about terumo brand IMO

    check another one and mess with it (without nay juice in there) see if its the same

  3. #3
    Haga123 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    I hate BD syringes! ive found they are not very smooth either, its all about terumo brand IMO

    check another one and mess with it (without nay juice in there) see if its the same
    Thanks for the quick reply...definitely going to get terumo next time because this is you think I can inject into my same glute again, since I'm right handed I think it's going to be hard to inject into my left glute.

  4. #4
    premedreject's Avatar
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    how "lean" are you?

  5. #5
    Haga123 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by premedreject View Post
    how "lean" are you?
    ~12%, not super lean, but have a 4 pack outline, veins in quads and calves, lower abdominals...etc

  6. #6
    premedreject's Avatar
    premedreject is offline Associate Member
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    What are your stats? weight? height?

  7. #7
    Haga123 is offline New Member
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    Lifting for 4 years, started out 240lbs at 30% BF.

    I have low test levels (230ng/dL, ref range 300-800ng/dL) and I wanted to get put on inj from the doc, but he would only give me gels and I knew those suck, so I am basically self-meditating.

    Also, do you think the gear is still okay to use, or should I just dump this amp since I probably have to switch syringes?

  8. #8
    Haga123 is offline New Member
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    Ok guys, I found out my problem. A 25g needle is too small for what I have. Only droplets can come out and I tried so hard (into the toilet, not my body!) to get a stream going that the needle flew out!

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yea, 25's are a bitch. I stick with 23's all the time. Yes, it's fine to stick your glute again. And yes, the juice is fine sitting in the syringe.

  10. #10
    syd-bloke's Avatar
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    Warm up your sus under the tap water before pulling and using. (not too hot, just mild temp).

  11. #11
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Yea, 25's are a bitch. I stick with 23's all the time. Yes, it's fine to stick your glute again. And yes, the juice is fine sitting in the syringe.


  12. #12
    sportfan33's Avatar
    sportfan33 is offline Associate Member
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    that sux, get terumo, there great

  13. #13
    depfife's Avatar
    depfife is offline Associate Member
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    I use 25 to shoot oil based test prop. into my glute... It is slow to inject... about 1 min. per cc.. but I love small needles...After i put the needle into the glute muscle, i give it a tug for a few seconds, until i get a "vacuum bubble" problems...

  14. #14
    Berserker88's Avatar
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    Ive used BD 3cc syringes too. Done 2 injections so far - both glutes, 22g 1.5" and didnt have any problems APART from my hands being too big for the syringe... thats the only problem ive had to far, 2nd injection i got my GF to aspirate and inject as its to hard for me to reach back there.

  15. #15
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    first post, yay!

    Quote Originally Posted by depfife View Post
    I use 25 to shoot oil based test prop. into my glute... It is slow to inject... about 1 min. per cc.. but I love small needles...After i put the needle into the glute muscle, i give it a tug for a few seconds, until i get a "vacuum bubble" problems...
    would a 25 work for test E depot? as far as i know it's similar to test prop but I'm yet to do my first cycle... still learning.

  16. #16
    Berserker88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenextcutler View Post
    would a 25 work for test E depot? as far as i know it's similar to test prop but I'm yet to do my first cycle... still learning.
    I do a 22g in my glute and hardly feel it as is! why do you need a 25?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berserker88 View Post
    I do a 22g in my glute and hardly feel it as is! why do you need a 25?
    i've read that pain is significantly reduced with a smaller needle? and that too big a needle could potentially pick up a piece of rubber from your vial.

    i'm planning on doing my first cycle soon, just hammering out the fine details (I'm obsessed with process)

  18. #18
    Berserker88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenextcutler View Post
    i've read that pain is significantly reduced with a smaller needle? and that too big a needle could potentially pick up a piece of rubber from your vial.

    i'm planning on doing my first cycle soon, just hammering out the fine details (I'm obsessed with process)
    22g is relatively small for a glute inj... Trust me - it doesnt hurt! I thought the same thing before I did my first inj just a few days ago.

    You need to do more reading man - you NEVER inject with the same needle you pull from the vial with! You switch pins after you draw!

  19. #19
    DR T is offline New Member
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    The last few times, I've used a 21 to draw, then switch to a 25g 1", no issues: quad inj, delt inj, it is slow, but not one minute per cc, maybe 20 sec per cc...
    You must have some super thick gear!... Mixed with corn syrup

  20. #20
    elitepeptides's Avatar
    elitepeptides is offline Junior Member
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    I do a glute 22g needles as well. Maybe you should try out the differences in gauge size like stated above. There's actually a non

  21. #21
    elitepeptides's Avatar
    elitepeptides is offline Junior Member
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    I do a glute 22g needles as well. Maybe you should try out the differences in gauge size like stated above. One thing I noticed is that it hasn't been as rough when you don't apply alcohol to the syringe.

  22. #22
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I got some cyp prescribed by my doc,, he said to come in for first shot to show me and then i could do the rest,, i agreed to humor them, nurse shot my cyp 200mg/ml with a 27 g 5/8ths inch slin pin,, i just bite my tounge and kept from laughing,, she must of took 5 mins to get it all in.

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