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Thread: Help About HCG !!

  1. #1
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    Question Help About HCG !!

    hey guys, i went today to the pharmacy to buy the HCG, he asked if i wanted the 1500 i.u's or the 5000 i.u's, i asked for the 5K and asked him how to take it, he actually told me to take it in 4 injections (twice/week) after i finish my test cycle for 12 weeks... did i ask for the wrong thing ?or is he just not too good to be a pharmacist ?
    PS: starting the cycle on Monday i need to buy it as soon as possible...
    thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    blue trunks
    Is that your entire pct plan?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by H_U_G_O View Post
    hey guys, i went today to the pharmacy to buy the HCG, he asked if i wanted the 1500 i.u's or the 5000 i.u's, i asked for the 5K and asked him how to take it, he actually told me to take it in 4 injections (twice/week) after i finish my test cycle for 12 weeks... did i ask for the wrong thing ?or is he just not too good to be a pharmacist ?
    PS: starting the cycle on Monday i need to buy it as soon as possible...
    thanks in advance
    you got the right thing but were misinformd on how to use it

    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Is that your entire pct plan?
    i would also like to know what your post cycle consists of...

  4. #4
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    ofcourse its not my entire pct
    1-12 weeks Testoviron 500mg/week
    HCG on cycle 200 i.u's 2-3 times weekly

    12-16 weeks clomid 100/100/50/50
    12-16 weeks Nolva 40/40/20/20

    23 years old
    10.3 % body fat
    90 kg
    Last edited by H_U_G_O; 10-04-2009 at 05:42 AM.

  5. #5
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    5000 i.u's of hcg how can i take 200 i.u's twice weekly

  6. #6
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    get a 10ml vial and some extra sterile water, mix the hcg solution with the 1ml water amp and add to the vial, add in 9ml of sterile water and then you have 500iu per ml in the vial, easier to measure out now.

  7. #7
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    and oh, im using hcg throughtout cycle for the first time, (beta protocol than at the end) and was advised tht 500iu every 5th day yields good results. also less measuring and injecting to do
    Last edited by dec11; 10-04-2009 at 05:59 AM.

  8. #8
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    alright thanks for the advice, so its ok to take 500 i.u's at the end of the week in 1 injection right ?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by H_U_G_O View Post
    alright thanks for the advice, so its ok to take 500 i.u's at the end of the week in 1 injection right ?
    yeah and rem to refridgerate the vial after each use

  10. #10
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    Your pct starts week 15 not week 12

  11. #11
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    truee i didnt pay attention after posting it !!

  12. #12
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    Never mind as long as you know

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    get a 10ml vial and some extra sterile water, mix the hcg solution with the 1ml water amp and add to the vial, add in 9ml of sterile water and then you have 500iu per ml in the vial, easier to measure out now.
    can u give more details bro ?

    what i have with me is the following:

    * "Water for injection" STERILE - APYROGENE / STERILE - PYROGEN FREE
    5 ml - BP
    is this supposed to be the extra sterile water ?

    * HCG 1500 i.u's 3 amps, and 2 amps of water (all in 1 box)

    the 10 ml vial i couldn't find it, i found 10 ml vial with water and salt in it, i was thinking to buy it and throw all the water from it and mix the hcg etc..

    could u be more specific please (its my fifth day already)

    thanks again

  14. #14
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    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned by now that hCG is to be used during your cycle, not afterwards. In fact, if you use hCG afterwards, it can further inhibit your HPTA.

    Take hCG while on-cycle, and then after you're finished you do PCT consisting of Clomiphene and Tamoxifen.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by H_U_G_O View Post
    can u give more details bro ?

    what i have with me is the following:

    * "Water for injection" STERILE - APYROGENE / STERILE - PYROGEN FREE
    5 ml - BP
    is this supposed to be the extra sterile water ?

    * HCG 1500 i.u's 3 amps, and 2 amps of water (all in 1 box)

    the 10 ml vial i couldn't find it, i found 10 ml vial with water and salt in it, i was thinking to buy it and throw all the water from it and mix the hcg etc..

    could u be more specific please (its my fifth day already)

    thanks again
    you can order vials frm red banner top right. mix your hcg in the amp its in with the 1ml water amp supplied, add 9ml sterile water to the vial then you have 500iu per ml, as for the salt vial thing id assume if you sterilise it, it should be ok but dont take my word, safer with the sealed vial i reckon

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    you can order vials frm red banner top right. mix your hcg in the amp its in with the 1ml water amp supplied, add 9ml sterile water to the vial then you have 500iu per ml, as for the salt vial thing id assume if you sterilise it, it should be ok but dont take my word, safer with the sealed vial i reckon
    DO NOT MAKE YOUR HCG 500iu's/ML!!!!! Thats too much water to be injecting for no reason.....

    here's how you doit.....

    2500iu bottle of hcg
    1ml bacteriostatic water

    each 10iu "tick mark" on the insulin syringe will be 250iu's.....

    Since each insulin syringe holds 1ml of water - you only need to inject 1/10th of the syringe. This will be much easier to do than injecting a full ML of water only a 1/2 inch under the skin.....


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    DO NOT MAKE YOUR HCG 500iu's/ML!!!!! Thats too much water to be injecting for no reason.....

    here's how you doit.....

    2500iu bottle of hcg
    1ml bacteriostatic water

    each 10iu "tick mark" on the insulin syringe will be 250iu's.....

    Since each insulin syringe holds 1ml of water - you only need to inject 1/10th of the syringe. This will be much easier to do than injecting a full ML of water only a 1/2 inch under the skin.....

    i've always done 1ml and no probs, whats the adverse effect then Haz?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    i've always done 1ml and no probs, whats the adverse effect then Haz?
    I'm not saying it's going to hurt you...... but thats quite a lot of water so close to the surface of the skin.

    It's just as easy to use 1ml and not have to push that much water in..... why bother?


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I'm not saying it's going to hurt you...... but thats quite a lot of water so close to the surface of the skin.

    It's just as easy to use 1ml and not have to push that much water in..... why bother?

    im mean for IM injection mate

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned by now that hCG is to be used during your cycle, not afterwards. In fact, if you use hCG afterwards, it can further inhibit your HPTA.

    Take hCG while on-cycle, and then after you're finished you do PCT consisting of Clomiphene and Tamoxifen.
    as i did some readings of some threads over here and in the PCT section i understood that its better to take 125 i.u to 250 i.u's 2 or 3 times weekly to maintain penis size and testecular function... i prefer the safe side mate. i'm worried enough about shutting down my system, just being too careful.
    as for the PCT i'm planing to take Clomid and nolva. while on cycle HCG and armidex and if its possible proviron.

  21. #21
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    Haz and Declan, did u make up ur minds ? lol i need to knw how to do it :P wats the best ways

  22. #22
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    Well I've never taken hCG before, so don't take my word for it, but I've heard you're supposed to take about 200iu per day while you're on-cycle, and then you stop taking it before you start your PCT.

    By the way I have a question: Are sub-cutaneous injections supposed to sting like a motherf***er? I injected myself maybe 2 or 3 times and each time I have difficulty injecting even one tenth of a cc because it stung so bad. Strangely, intramuscular injections are no problem at all, the most I get is a dull kind of discomfort, nothing worth moaning about.

  23. #23
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    So it's cool to IM the HCG? Or it can only be taken subcutaneous?

  24. #24
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    you can buy HCG over the counter?

    say what?

    it's IMPOSSIBLE to find in canada.....

  25. #25
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    lol mate, hcg wont change your pecker length!! jus keeps the nuts proper. i think haz is talking subq and i meam IM. follow tht procol of inject if u want, im just following advice frm BIG, whateva works for you pal

  26. #26
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    Originally Posted by Turin;4899***
    I just got my HCG pack today,

    Package says:
    Essex Pharma: Predalon 5000 I.E.

    It comes in a packet with 6 ampules, 3x powders and 3x 1ml liquids.

    I have never done a HCG run before and I am not very savvy on I.E. and unit measurements, so I just want to make sure I understand this correctly.

    If each ampule is 5000i.e. and that is 1ml ... A ml syringe is broken down into 10 units... If I want a 500i.e. injection that is 1 unit mark on the syringe correct?

    A 1ml syringe is frickin small and measuring out 1 unit is not bad but some people were saying 250i.e. .. thats half a unit measurement, I would have to get some pretty tiny syringes to get that drawn correctly.

    Do I have this straight or am I completely wrong? I dont want to draw up and inject the wrong dosage of this stuff..

    Also people mentioned storage, can someone gives some details on how to safely store the remaining content? ... Can I just draw it all into one syringe and store it in that? (not inj. from that same one of course)..

    Get some sterile 10ML empty vials and some extra sterile bac. water. You can get them from AR-R. Then mix the 5000ius with 10ML of bac. water. 1ML = 500ius HCG.

  27. #27
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    Get some sterile 10ML empty vials and some extra sterile bac. water. You can get them from AR-R. Then mix the 5000ius with 10ML of bac. water. 1ML = 500ius HCG. in the words of swifto, he knows his stuff

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    Get some sterile 10ML empty vials and some extra sterile bac. water. You can get them from AR-R. Then mix the 5000ius with 10ML of bac. water. 1ML = 500ius HCG. in the words of swifto, he knows his stuff
    Very cool, gonna get that stuff today... I think I should be able to order it at my local pharmacy here.

    thx for the info!

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