So I am considering a trip to the dark side, lol...I have been working out since 1998, but became very serious about bodybuilding in college and through my current life...I began to seriously work out in 2003 after exiting my Marine service at 155 lbs, had freakin superman's metabolism being an infantryman...At this time I was 22...I fell in with a group of guys that were into bodybuilding, I got my diet right, started taking proteins, even experimented with a few pro-hormones between 03-05...Upon graduation I was 175 lbs...After 6 months off, 2005-2006, I got back into it again...I have run most types of pro-hormones out there, trens, superdrols, bolds, 1-test, etc. to good effect...I was 185 lbs benching 385
Now I'm 29 y/o, 5'11", 187 lbs and 8% bodyfat. I have been doing tons of reading on here and decided on one of the novice stacks,
1 – 13 Enan 500mg/wk
1 – 12 EQ 500mg/wk
1-4 (6) T-Bol
1 – 15 Nolvadex 10mg ED
1 – 15 L-dex .25mg ED-Clomid?
that I found on the website. The only addition is a friend telling me to run something like T-bol for the first 4-6 weeks as a kick start to the cycle, but did n't give me a lot of info on dosage. My goal is to get up to about 205 but retain my same bf, give or take a couple of %. I like being strong but I like the look even better.
One of my questions is, after reading an article on here about tapering off your cycle, would I do that with this cycle or is that more geared towards individuals running cycles much longer than 12 weeks?
So this is all probably way to damn much information, but its like the ppl that talk way too much when they get nervous...LOL
Thanks in advance