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Thread: Tell me what side-effects to expect! Test & Deca & D-bol

  1. #1
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    Tell me what side-effects to expect! Test & Deca & D-bol

    My stats:

    22 years old
    63 kg (that's 139 pounds)
    5'3" tall (that's 160 cm)

    I've just finished my first ever cycle, I did Testosterone on its own. I started the cycle at 54 kg. I peaked at 65.2 kg. Now in my final week of PCT, I'm about 62.8 kg.

    After this week, I'm going to stay off the juice for 3 months, and then I'm starting my 2nd cycle.

    Here's what I have in mind:

    Week 1-4: 50mg of Dianabol taken orally every day
    Week 1-10: 1cc of Deca-Durabolin every 3 days
    Week 1-12: 1cc of Sustanon250 every 3 days
    Week 1-12: 200iu of hCG every day
    Week 13-14: --- 2 weeks of taking nothing ---

    I'm gonna mix the Sustanon and Deca in the same cyringe and shoot 2cc's at once into my glute.

    At Week 15 I start a four-week-long PCT as follows:

    Clomiphene 100/50/50/50
    Tamoxifen 40/20/20/20

    From my first cycle I didn't experience any bad side effects, I didn't have any gyno problems or health problems. The Clomiphene and Tamoxifen didn't cause me any problems either. I did bloat up quite a bit during the cycle though, so I'm thinking I might take a small mount of an anti-estrogen while on-cycle, how does 10 mg of Tamoxifen per day sound?

    One of my testicles shrank really small during my last cycle so that's why I'm gonna take hCG for this cycle.

    Anyway, first of all tell me if there's anything RIDICULOUS in what I've written above, maybe I've got a dosage wrong somewhere.

    What side effects should I be aware of when taking Test, Deca & D-bol at the same time? What's the worst that can happen? I want to be fully educated before I do this. I don't want to be frightened when side-effects start coming on, I want to be expecting them and know how to deal with them. What other drugs do I need to keep on-hand if side-effects appear?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your to young to cycle, the risk is not worth it. Shutting down your system before its fully functional is reckless when you can achieve great gains with a proper diet and training program.

    Why shutdown your hormonal system when its not fully developed? ive seen to many young BB's go down this route over the yrs who regret it now because they have low testosterone and some are even on HRT in their 20's,

    The answer to your goals is not in a injection or tablet at your age!, stop cycling until your 24-25yrs old and build a natural base from hardwork.

    Did you get blood work before and after your first cycle?

  3. #3
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    Everyone is different, the first time I ran that combo my sides were a bit of bloat and some acne on my back and shoulders. I later found that arimidex at .25mg/eod coupled with a low sodium diet and drinking plenty of water eliminated the bloat for me, and I showered scrubbing my back and shoulders with Dawn dish soap to remove excess oil and it was a much better cycle.
    I hope that helps.

  4. #4
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    Good chance of feeling sluggish and having a lower sex drive.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have only been bodybuilding for 10-12 months,
    Your 22yrs old,
    You have no idea about foods or eating to build muscle,
    You shouldnt be cycling, you should concentrate on your diet, training and build some base to work off,
    Your going to damage yourself,
    Slow down and build a foundation.

    example of his diet -

    Two fried eggs, two slices of toast, two slices of bacon
    Three large pieces of breaded chicken breast (each piece about the size of your hand)
    Steak and french fries at a restaurant
    Three chicken's eggs mixed in with pancake (two of these so that's 6 eggs)

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Good call Marcus, my answer was more general info than specific to his case, you're right as usual.
    Last edited by Big; 10-08-2009 at 07:58 AM.

  7. #7
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    I never got any bloodwork done. When I embarked on my first cycle, I was under the supervision of a F***ING IDIOT at my local gym who's been on steroids non-stop for the past 30 years. When I mentioned PCT to him, he was like "No bro you don't need that, you're young". He gave me my first 17 injections, and not once did he aspirate or even wipe the skin with alcohol beforehand. Luckily by the time I finished my cycle, I was doing my own injections, and I'd already gotten advice here about PCT, so I went to my local pharmacy and picked up Tamoxifen and Clomiphene. I've only got 6 days left of PCT now.

    It's easy for an older person to tell a younger person to wait. But c'mon you know what it's like, you know that I have goals I want to achieve. I'm not going to say that diet and training don't make a big difference, but without being sensational I have to say that when I started taking Testosterone, I put on muscle ten times quicker. I mean really, no matter how good my diet is, no matter how well I train, no matter how much Creatine, BCCA, Whey Protein I pump into myself, none of that will ever compare to taking a shot of T in the butt every 3 days. I know that isn't something to preach about, because of course steroids can do damage and they have to be used with care, but I have to be honest about the results I got from my 1st try with them. I'd like to give both sides of the story, the good and the bad, and let the individual make a voluntary informed decision. I mean some people like to partake in Extreme Sports, and that's their choice at the end of the day.

    Now that I've done one cycle of steroids, I really couldn't be bothered making much of an effort while I'm not on juice. Sure, I'll still go to the gym, I'll still eat as much as I can, but I'm not going to bust my ass to gain one measley pound per month. That's just my own choice.

    I'm thinking, if I'm very careful using hCG and doing PCT, that I'll be able to come out of this with little-to-no damage to my body. I know full well that steroids can do damage, I mean I'm still a little unsure about my left testicle because it's still frightfully small, but if I didn't think steroids could be used safely and that the risks could be minimised then I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. For instance, there about a month ago I tried Melanotan for the first time (that's the stuff that makes your skin tan really dark); after about 2 days using it I got little red bumps on my skin and I was like "Do I really wanna f*** around with an experimental drug?", so I stopped taking it.

    The reason I'm willing to take steroids is because there's thousands of people around the world who have taken them, and they've got statistics. For instance, I heard one guy on the PCT forum say that 99% of men regain normal Testosterone levels within 6 months after finishing a cycle. Now that's pretty good odds if you ask me. If I was totally reckless I'd just pump myself full of Trembolone, Test, Winny, Deca, but I wanna be sensible.

    I do appreciate all the advice you give me here, and I know where you're coming from, but I really have to say:
    Given that I've already done one cycle and gotten fantastic results without bad side-effects, it's pretty certain that I'll be cycling again in the future.

    If I thought that my next cycle would damage my HPTA at all, I wouldn't do it, but I think I can pull it off with hCG, Clomiphene and Tamoxifen.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You cant stop the damage to your HPTA with hcg,clomid and nolva, your hpta isn't fully developed, its not fully functional, your going to shut it down when its not reached full function.What do you think its going to react like if its not fully grown!!

    You say you didn't get any bad sides, but what about your small testicles you keep starting threads on? i would say thats a just bad side to have in your earlier 20's, what you going to do next time your cycle and the side is low test and you cant get hard?? what you going to do then!

    Your diet is awful,
    You have been training for 10-12 months,

    You do not need drugs you need to train in the gym very hard and get your diet sorted, you have no idea about muscle building foods, you need to stay in the diet section of this forum for a few yrs.

    You also need to train off cycle aswell as on cycle, not training when your off is plain stupid, you say you listened to a prick in the gym who put you on AAS, well we are not pricks HERE we are educated guys in the field of AAS and we are telling you to not to take them, don't risk the damage and go to the diet section and sort your awfull diet out and start training and get some foundation under your belt, 10-12 months worth of training is not any good to man or beast.

    Concentrate on getting your testicle back to the normal size ( thats if they ever do) get some blood work done, don't take AAS again until your 24-25yrs old, sort your awfull diet out and start training.

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    So you're only going to push yourself while on cycle? Not the best plan I'm afraid.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You cant stop the damage to your HPTA with hcg,clomid and nolva, your hpta isn't fully developed, its not fully functional, your going to shut it down when its not reached full function.What do you think its going to react like if its not fully grown!!

    You say you didn't get any bad sides, but what about your small testicles you keep starting threads on? i would say thats a just bad side to have in your earlier 20's, what you going to do next time your cycle and the side is low test and you cant get hard?? what you going to do then!

    Your diet is awful,
    You have been training for 10-12 months,

    You do not need drugs you need to train in the gym very hard and get your diet sorted, you have no idea about muscle building foods, you need to stay in the diet section of this forum for a few yrs.

    You also need to train off cycle aswell as on cycle, not training when your off is plain stupid, you say you listened to a prick in the gym who put you on AAS, well we are not pricks HERE we are educated guys in the field of AAS and we are telling you to not to take them, don't risk the damage and go to the diet section and sort your awfull diet out and start training and get some foundation under your belt, 10-12 months worth of training is not any good to man or beast.

    Concentrate on getting your testicle back to the normal size ( thats if they ever do) get some blood work done, don't take AAS again until your 24-25yrs old, sort your awfull diet out and start training.
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    So you're only going to push yourself while on cycle? Not the best plan I'm afraid.
    You should really listen to these guys. They really know what they are talking about. I could have really messed myself up if it wasn't for this board. The people here really want to help you andthey wouldnt lead you the wrong way.

  11. #11
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    You should build a base first. Aas is just a tool.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I never got any bloodwork done. When I embarked on my first cycle, I was under the supervision of a F***ING IDIOT at my local gym who's been on steroids non-stop for the past 30 years. When I mentioned PCT to him, he was like "No bro you don't need that, you're young". He gave me my first 17 injections, and not once did he aspirate or even wipe the skin with alcohol beforehand. Luckily by the time I finished my cycle, I was doing my own injections, and I'd already gotten advice here about PCT, so I went to my local pharmacy and picked up Tamoxifen and Clomiphene. I've only got 6 days left of PCT now.

    It's easy for an older person to tell a younger person to wait. But c'mon you know what it's like, you know that I have goals I want to achieve. I'm not going to say that diet and training don't make a big difference, but without being sensational I have to say that when I started taking Testosterone, I put on muscle ten times quicker. I mean really, no matter how good my diet is, no matter how well I train, no matter how much Creatine, BCCA, Whey Protein I pump into myself, none of that will ever compare to taking a shot of T in the butt every 3 days. I know that isn't something to preach about, because of course steroids can do damage and they have to be used with care, but I have to be honest about the results I got from my 1st try with them. I'd like to give both sides of the story, the good and the bad, and let the individual make a voluntary informed decision. I mean some people like to partake in Extreme Sports, and that's their choice at the end of the day.

    Now that I've done one cycle of steroids, I really couldn't be bothered making much of an effort while I'm not on juice. Sure, I'll still go to the gym, I'll still eat as much as I can, but I'm not going to bust my ass to gain one measley pound per month. That's just my own choice.

    I'm thinking, if I'm very careful using hCG and doing PCT, that I'll be able to come out of this with little-to-no damage to my body. I know full well that steroids can do damage, I mean I'm still a little unsure about my left testicle because it's still frightfully small, but if I didn't think steroids could be used safely and that the risks could be minimised then I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. For instance, there about a month ago I tried Melanotan for the first time (that's the stuff that makes your skin tan really dark); after about 2 days using it I got little red bumps on my skin and I was like "Do I really wanna f*** around with an experimental drug?", so I stopped taking it.

    The reason I'm willing to take steroids is because there's thousands of people around the world who have taken them, and they've got statistics. For instance, I heard one guy on the PCT forum say that 99% of men regain normal Testosterone levels within 6 months after finishing a cycle. Now that's pretty good odds if you ask me. If I was totally reckless I'd just pump myself full of Trembolone, Test, Winny, Deca, but I wanna be sensible.

    I do appreciate all the advice you give me here, and I know where you're coming from, but I really have to say:
    Given that I've already done one cycle and gotten fantastic results without bad side-effects, it's pretty certain that I'll be cycling again in the future.

    If I thought that my next cycle would damage my HPTA at all, I wouldn't do it, but I think I can pull it off with hCG, Clomiphene and Tamoxifen.
    99% of men do another cycle well before six months

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    You should build a base first. Aas is just a tool.
    I hope he listen's

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I hope he listen's
    Me to.

  15. #15
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    OK I'm willing to have a discussion about this. Not so much a "debate", but just an exchange of ideas. Maybe you'll convince me in the end, maybe you won't, but I'm interesting in having this discussion.

    Right now, I think I have a very healthy fully-functional HPTA and testicles. After I finished my last cycle of Testosterone, my sex drive disappeared for a few days but then it came right back even before I got a chance to start PCT.

    If anything, my HPTA and testicles are working too well, I mean really I have problems with getting boners throughout the day in public. A girl rang me on the phone earlier today and I got a boner, she just rang to say Hello. So for me it doesn't sound like the end of the world if my sex drive were to dip a bit.

    I'm in my last week of PCT now and I feel fine. After this I'm gonna stay clean for either 3 or 4 months. Then I'm thinking of going on Test, Deca & D-bol for kickstart. If I thought I would be doing any serious damage to my body, I wouldn't do this. If I use hCG during the cycle, and if I do PCT afterwards with Clomiphene and Tamoxifen, then I really think I can come out of this cycle unscathed.

    Really I know people here have decades of experience with steroids... but still I'm finding it hard to find a reason not to do this next cycle. After all I want to be big.

  16. #16
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    We get guys on here all the time that are 18 or 19 years old and say that no matter what they are going to cycle. Often they have ridiculously poor stats with plans of a dbol only cycle. While I agree that you are a bit too young, I applaud the fact that you are taking a mature approach, educating yourself, and weighing the pro's and cons. In the end only you can decide what's right for you, but I appreciate the way you're going about it.

  17. #17
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    Actually I have an idea. I know a bodybuilder at my local gym who has dedicated his entire life to bodybuilding, the guy is a complete a**hole but I might take advantage of having him around and go ask him what he eats during the day, because I definitely know he has a very good diet, he even brings around Tupaware with him filled with stuff like chicken pieces and nuts. I'll ask him where he buys his food, how he cooks it and so forth.

    I realise I can ask diet questions on a forum like this but I'd find it much more helpful to actually talk to a human being and to actually see what the food looks like and where I can buy it, and how I can cook it.

    My training is great already, I have five different days: Chest, Back & Forearms, Legs, Shoulder & Abs, Arms. When I was on the juice I was doing 5 sets of each exercise and I was training 4 days on, 1 day off. Now that I'm a mortal human being again I'm doing 3 sets of each exercise, training 3 days on, 1 day off.

    So if I really put all my energy into perfecting my diet over the next 3 months then I can make the most of my next cycle. I'm aiming to have the physique of a 100-metre sprinter, something like this:,0.jpg

    or this:

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    OK I'm willing to have a discussion about this. Not so much a "debate", but just an exchange of ideas. Maybe you'll convince me in the end, maybe you won't, but I'm interesting in having this discussion.

    Right now, I think I have a very healthy fully-functional HPTA and testicles. After I finished my last cycle of Testosterone, my sex drive disappeared for a few days but then it came right back even before I got a chance to start PCT.

    If anything, my HPTA and testicles are working too well, I mean really I have problems with getting boners throughout the day in public. A girl rang me on the phone earlier today and I got a boner, she just rang to say Hello. So for me it doesn't sound like the end of the world if my sex drive were to dip a bit.

    I'm in my last week of PCT now and I feel fine. After this I'm gonna stay clean for either 3 or 4 months. Then I'm thinking of going on Test, Deca & D-bol for kickstart. If I thought I would be doing any serious damage to my body, I wouldn't do this. If I use hCG during the cycle, and if I do PCT afterwards with Clomiphene and Tamoxifen, then I really think I can come out of this cycle unscathed.

    Really I know people here have decades of experience with steroids... but still I'm finding it hard to find a reason not to do this next cycle. After all I want to be big.
    You havent got a fully functional HPTA, this is what we are trying to get across to you, Your 21-22yrs old it isnt fully developed until around the age of 25yrs old, so shutting down your hpta before its fully developed isnt a wise move to do.

    Your diet is also awful it isnt going to do much in the way of building muscle, you shouldnt be cycling you should use what you have naturally and sort your diet out and build some base.

    You have also been training for 12 months, thats nowhere near long enough to build any kind of base, you are probably not even training right.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Good call Marcus, my answer was more general info than specific to his case, you're right as usual.
    thats what i like about you big, is you answer the question first before the rambling comes

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    My stats:

    22 years old
    63 kg (that's 139 pounds)
    5'3" tall (that's 160 cm)
    And why on your location on next to your name it says 5'9" 180 lb

    I've just finished my first ever cycle, I did Testosterone on its own. I started the cycle at 54 kg. I peaked at 65.2 kg. Now in my final week of PCT, I'm about 62.8 kg.

    After this week, I'm going to stay off the juice for 3 months, and then I'm starting my 2nd cycle.

    Here's what I have in mind:

    Week 1-4: 50mg of Dianabol taken orally every day
    Week 1-10: 1cc of Deca-Durabolin every 3 days
    Week 1-12: 1cc of Sustanon250 every 3 days
    Week 1-12: 200iu of hCG every day
    Week 13-14: --- 2 weeks of taking nothing ---

    I'm gonna mix the Sustanon and Deca in the same cyringe and shoot 2cc's at once into my glute.

    At Week 15 I start a four-week-long PCT as follows:

    Clomiphene 100/50/50/50
    Tamoxifen 40/20/20/20

    From my first cycle I didn't experience any bad side effects, I didn't have any gyno problems or health problems. The Clomiphene and Tamoxifen didn't cause me any problems either. I did bloat up quite a bit during the cycle though, so I'm thinking I might take a small mount of an anti-estrogen while on-cycle, how does 10 mg of Tamoxifen per day sound?

    One of my testicles shrank really small during my last cycle so that's why I'm gonna take hCG for this cycle.

    Anyway, first of all tell me if there's anything RIDICULOUS in what I've written above, maybe I've got a dosage wrong somewhere.

    What side effects should I be aware of when taking Test, Deca & D-bol at the same time? What's the worst that can happen? I want to be fully educated before I do this. I don't want to be frightened when side-effects start coming on, I want to be expecting them and know how to deal with them. What other drugs do I need to keep on-hand if side-effects appear?
    which one is it?
    are you 5'9" 180 or 5'3" 139???

  21. #21
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    look ya going to it i would of at your age as well but gear was hard to get at that time for me at least .at the end of the day u cant put a old head on young shoulders.the guys here are here to help if u know better than them go for it.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    which one is it?
    are you 5'9" 180 or 5'3" 139???
    I have 180 pounds written beside my name because that's the weight I would be if I was 5'9". Whenever I tell people I'm 139 pounds they just assume I'm skinny so I find it's handier to take the average adult male height (which is 5'9") and give the equivalent weight for that height.

  23. #23
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    yo almond , u said u picked up clomid and nolva at your local pharmacy ,i didnt know you can get this shit without a prescription ????? i live in canada could i obtain it that way>?

  24. #24

    Same height and weight

    Hey buddy! I'm 31 years old and currently wiegh 62kg. I'm also 5'3"

    I got married at age 23 weighing exactly 50kg (110lbs) I stayed that way for appx 6 years.By the end of last year my weight was 54kg. I started gyming again for the last year and managed to get to 62kg.All this in less than a year.

    I've picked up the most in the last coupla months,all because i spent a little time reading in the diet section. Trust me,as much You think u know( as i thought i did) you will learn lots. Little things that make a diff.

    I havent taken steroids yet,but am very anxious. Just wanted to let u know there are other guys like you and that it is possible to pick up weight with a littlle fine tuning of your diet.

    Whatever you decide good luck! you've come to the right place to share your adventures. keep us posted.

  25. #25
    You need to listen.
    You probably won't, but you should. You r too young. You have no idea what you r doing. I know it seems really cool to use these things and see a difference quickly. But I would bet anything that, with a good diet, rest, Correct training, supplements and vitamins, u will grow more than when u used the test, and it will surprise u. You need to be 25, and hopefully reach your natural max size.

    Holy s@&t, 10-12 months of training. Read, read, and read again. Listen to these guys. You will learn a ton.

  26. #26
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    Why is it, that everyone state "you need to have reached your max"? How many of you have reached your max? How did you know? What if it just was a plateau? Why wait? It's my belief, that way above 50 % of the users of AAS haven't reached their max, and they are well aware. AAS is a smart method to improve one's physique, and for the average Joe, who doesn't want to be the next Cutler, it's a really effecient way to step up a bit.

    I know you criticize this due to the "dont use if you havent reached your max"-rule, it rules out a great number of newbies, ignorants etc., who haven't taken their time to read up on training and nutrition, and who haven't made the effort of tweaking what they already have. But stating that AAS isn't for people who haven't reached their max potential is simple narrowminded, if you ask me, because it looks through the fact, that the majority uses AAS to increase their physique (and only this); not breaking through the barrier of their max potential.

  27. #27
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    I know how you feel almond, im 20 and i thought i was ready to use, but after being here abit i was turned in the right direction ie, diet and stuff.

    I always see other bbs my age buffed out on gear, they look good but they dont really know what there doing, and niether do i somtimes.
    I sometimes think **** it, so and so's doin it and there ok so i probly will be aswell.

    If you choose to ignore the info the vets give on steroid use, then you will probly ignore other advices in other areas aswell like diet and rest peroids.??
    You know your taking a risk by doin it, so why not wait? That said, i know exactally where your comin from, im not being a know it all, just giving my opinion on a subject that i struggle with.

  28. #28
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I hope you do listen Almond,

    Fact is you have been training for 10-12 months, this isnt any kind of base or foundation to start any kind of cycling, it takes yrs to fully understand how you body reacts and grows from different forms of training, you need to build a solid base from intense workouts over a few yrs will give you an excellent starting point to use AAS.

    Another fact, your diet is awfull, dont think I am flamming here i am trying to help, your diet needs major work, how do you expect to grow on this rubbish -
    Two fried eggs, two slices of toast, two slices of bacon
    Three large pieces of breaded chicken breast (each piece about the size of your hand)
    Steak and french fries at a restaurant
    Three chicken's eggs mixed in with pancake (two of these so that's 6 eggs)
    so go down to the diet section and stay there for a few months and experiment on foods what will build muscle tissue, experiement with foods!!.

    Another fact is your HPTA isnt fully functional, so dont run the risk of damaging it by shutting down before its fully grown, this is common sense.

    Another fact is, I am sick of telling you which direction to go on all the threads you start, the answer isnt going to change,you are going to have to change!! listen to everyone,

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    My stats:

    22 years old
    63 kg (that's 139 pounds)
    5'3" tall (that's 160 cm)

    I've just finished my first ever cycle, I did Testosterone on its own. I started the cycle at 54 kg. I peaked at 65.2 kg. Now in my final week of PCT, I'm about 62.8 kg.

    After this week, I'm going to stay off the juice for 3 months, and then I'm starting my 2nd cycle.

    Here's what I have in mind:

    Week 1-4: 50mg of Dianabol taken orally every day
    Week 1-10: 1cc of Deca-Durabolin every 3 days
    Week 1-12: 1cc of Sustanon250 every 3 days
    Week 1-12: 200iu of hCG every day
    Week 13-14: --- 2 weeks of taking nothing ---

    I'm gonna mix the Sustanon and Deca in the same cyringe and shoot 2cc's at once into my glute.

    At Week 15 I start a four-week-long PCT as follows:

    Clomiphene 100/50/50/50
    Tamoxifen 40/20/20/20

    From my first cycle I didn't experience any bad side effects, I didn't have any gyno problems or health problems. The Clomiphene and Tamoxifen didn't cause me any problems either. I did bloat up quite a bit during the cycle though, so I'm thinking I might take a small mount of an anti-estrogen while on-cycle, how does 10 mg of Tamoxifen per day sound?

    One of my testicles shrank really small during my last cycle so that's why I'm gonna take hCG for this cycle.

    Anyway, first of all tell me if there's anything RIDICULOUS in what I've written above, maybe I've got a dosage wrong somewhere.

    What side effects should I be aware of when taking Test, Deca & D-bol at the same time? What's the worst that can happen? I want to be fully educated before I do this. I don't want to be frightened when side-effects start coming on, I want to be expecting them and know how to deal with them. What other drugs do I need to keep on-hand if side-effects appear?
    Location: 5'9" 180 lb?
    ^^ whats up with that?
    your stats are different?

  30. #30
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I have 180 pounds written beside my name because that's the weight I would be if I was 5'9". Whenever I tell people I'm 139 pounds they just assume I'm skinny so I find it's handier to take the average adult male height (which is 5'9") and give the equivalent weight for that height.
    Quote Originally Posted by DEE151 View Post
    Location: 5'9" 180 lb?
    ^^ whats up with that?
    your stats are different?
    when all else fails read the thread.

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