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I never got any bloodwork done. When I embarked on my first cycle, I was under the supervision of a F***ING IDIOT at my local gym who's been on steroids non-stop for the past 30 years. When I mentioned PCT to him, he was like "No bro you don't need that, you're young". He gave me my first 17 injections, and not once did he aspirate or even wipe the skin with alcohol beforehand. Luckily by the time I finished my cycle, I was doing my own injections, and I'd already gotten advice here about PCT, so I went to my local pharmacy and picked up Tamoxifen and Clomiphene. I've only got 6 days left of PCT now.
It's easy for an older person to tell a younger person to wait. But c'mon you know what it's like, you know that I have goals I want to achieve. I'm not going to say that diet and training don't make a big difference, but without being sensational I have to say that when I started taking Testosterone, I put on muscle ten times quicker. I mean really, no matter how good my diet is, no matter how well I train, no matter how much Creatine, BCCA, Whey Protein I pump into myself, none of that will ever compare to taking a shot of T in the butt every 3 days. I know that isn't something to preach about, because of course steroids can do damage and they have to be used with care, but I have to be honest about the results I got from my 1st try with them. I'd like to give both sides of the story, the good and the bad, and let the individual make a voluntary informed decision. I mean some people like to partake in Extreme Sports, and that's their choice at the end of the day.
Now that I've done one cycle of steroids, I really couldn't be bothered making much of an effort while I'm not on juice. Sure, I'll still go to the gym, I'll still eat as much as I can, but I'm not going to bust my ass to gain one measley pound per month. That's just my own choice.
I'm thinking, if I'm very careful using hCG and doing PCT, that I'll be able to come out of this with little-to-no damage to my body. I know full well that steroids can do damage, I mean I'm still a little unsure about my left testicle because it's still frightfully small, but if I didn't think steroids could be used safely and that the risks could be minimised then I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. For instance, there about a month ago I tried Melanotan for the first time (that's the stuff that makes your skin tan really dark); after about 2 days using it I got little red bumps on my skin and I was like "Do I really wanna f*** around with an experimental drug?", so I stopped taking it.
The reason I'm willing to take steroids is because there's thousands of people around the world who have taken them, and they've got statistics. For instance, I heard one guy on the PCT forum say that 99% of men regain normal Testosterone levels within 6 months after finishing a cycle. Now that's pretty good odds if you ask me. If I was totally reckless I'd just pump myself full of Trembolone, Test, Winny, Deca, but I wanna be sensible.
I do appreciate all the advice you give me here, and I know where you're coming from, but I really have to say:
Given that I've already done one cycle and gotten fantastic results without bad side-effects, it's pretty certain that I'll be cycling again in the future.
If I thought that my next cycle would damage my HPTA at all, I wouldn't do it, but I think I can pull it off with hCG, Clomiphene and Tamoxifen.