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Thread: wrong injected? something wrong

  1. #1

    wrong injected? something wrong

    sup ppl

    on monday i added tren to my cycle and shot myself like always in the shoulder. next day, i wake up look into the mirror and my tricep and half of my bicep is red. like sunburn. its like red paint. the skin around is normal.
    its like something happened underneath my skin. have no clue what.
    also my tricep and half of my bicep is hard as stone and a lil bit swallowed. now its friday and its still there. its not confi at all.
    getting scared. dont know what to do. gotta shot today that site and idk if i should.

    need some help pls.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    did you clean the area before injection? new needles for drawing and injecting? new syringe every time?

    sounds like possible infection. is the area warm?

  3. #3
    My girlfriend is right beside me and she is an R/N she thinks it infected you should go to the docs asap. She says depending on the type of infecting it could spread into your blood stream. So go to the Doc's it wouldn't hurt to get it looked at

  4. #4
    jo nic

    cleaned the area, new needles, everything the way its suppose to be.
    this happened the first time. i mean its funny. i injected in shoulder and my tri and bi is effected from that.

    maybe the area is a lil bit warmer, i dont know for sure. almost the same.

    what should i do now? i shouldnt inject in that shoulder right now, right?

    need advice pls


    i was thinking the same thing that this is an infection. but i was hoping its gonna go away. idk, maybe im gonna wait till monday and then ill see i guess. idk.

    could it become that bad?
    Last edited by iNsAnEtHaBrain; 10-08-2009 at 11:42 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    IF you used new everything, had clean hands, and your procedure was proper, i'd then question how clean/sterile your tren is.

    if it's not sterile, you can endup with problems and fast...

    if it gets ANY WORSE, get yourself to a hospital......and dont bullshit them either. for them to diagnose you and treat you safely, they need to know the honest truth.

  6. #6
    I don't know not a doc but she says yes she said that there was someone with a bladder infection at work and because they waited so long it went into the kidney and then into there blood stream. Go get it look at they may just give you some pills and it will go away or they may say it nothing but why take that chance

  7. #7
    i understand nic. this is my 2nd cycle with that tren. never had an issue. maybe this particular bottle or what ever, idk.
    i wanna wait till monday. and when its not better then i go. what u think? or should i go asap. i dont wanna make a big scene out of it, but it doesnt look proper. whats the worse thing could happen?

  8. #8
    Man its your body you know what we think try it in the leg to see if it will go red there then you know its the gear J/K

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by StreetFx View Post
    Man its your body you know what we think try it in the leg to see if it will go red there then you know its the gear J/K
    lol. i have to do my butt tomorrow instead for first time. always did shoulder, im a lil bit scared to do other parts, idk y. idk how its gonna be but i dont wanna shot that shoulder yet until its healed.
    i just marked the spot where its red with a marker and i will see if it goes away until monday.

  10. #10
    the spot i marked yesterday got smaller for some reason and its not that hard no more. i gotto shot today in 2 hours and idk if i should do the shoulder again or just wait until its healed.
    would i make it worse with another shot?

    need advice pls

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by iNsAnEtHaBrain View Post
    the spot i marked yesterday got smaller for some reason and its not that hard no more. i gotto shot today in 2 hours and idk if i should do the shoulder again or just wait until its healed.
    would i make it worse with another shot?

    need advice pls
    seems like a no brainer to dont inject in that same have another shoulder right?....maybee try that one or hit your is almost painless for me.....give it a shot(pun intended lol)......good luck....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by iNsAnEtHaBrain View Post
    the spot i marked yesterday got smaller for some reason and its not that hard no more. i gotto shot today in 2 hours and idk if i should do the shoulder again or just wait until its healed.
    would i make it worse with another shot?

    need advice pls

    are u really considering injecting into the same shoulder again this soon?
    u do no that u should switch injection sites.

  13. #13
    jo moose

    i switch sites every 2nd day. and i only did my shoulders so far. today i did my glute because of my right shoulder, and it wasnt bad at all. i have to see tomorrow. but im still unsure if i did it correctly. i know, outer quadrant but still... .
    maybe im just gonna do glutes from now on. i ll see tomorrow.

  14. #14
    The same thing happened to me last week. Pinned in my left shoulder on Tues and the next day, triceps had a sunburn look. By Friday the sunburn look had spread and was warm to the touch. Went to the doc, he said I had cellulitis, and prescribed heavy duty antibiotics. Today, the area does not seem as warm and looks like the sunburn is fading; the doc said 2-3 days, everything should be good but to stay on the meds for the 10 days.

    Sux but something we have to deal with.

  15. #15
    hmmm celulitus??? so that mens i could have it??? dont believe it. my arm is healed to 95 % now. i shot my glute on friday and still cant move a 100 % but from now on i will only shot glutes. too scared to do shoulders anymore.
    i hope to doesnt happen again.

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