im currently on about week 6 of a 300mg\week test-e ive seen some fat loss and toning, which is what im looking for. this is my second cycle, my first cycle was 600mg\week bulker, saw great results. my question is i need to cut 20 lbs in a month to make weight. i know a keto diet works, i threw my body into ketosis i belive today was the first day, couple eggs after my morning run, with a shake, a lil bit of meat in the after noon, and a lil oatmeal about 2 hours before training at night, im taking in a good amount of protein still.. about 200grams in shakes\eggs\meats (turkey, beef, ham etc.) just wondering... the roids im on, is a ketosis diet liek this safe while on cycle. im keeping the carbs.. for the last 3 days ive counted under 20g of carbs a day.. so yea. :-X i know its not a safe way to loose weight, just wondering if its .. more not safe cuz im on cycle lol if tha tmakes any sense..
sorry if im babbling i just got in from the gym and my head is pounding