Hello everyone,

I just have a few concerns about starting a cycle of Sestanon 250. Here's the list:

(About me: Male, 35 Years old, 6ft, 225lbs, 18%-20% BF)

(1) I thought about starting a cycle of Sestanon to help me increase the amount of cardio in combination with the strength training I do every week, therefore, I would THEORITCALLY burn more fat and maintain my mass. At least, this is what I'm hoping to achieve. Is this realistic?

(2) I planned the following intake levels:

Week 1 thru 6: 250mg Sestanon every 7 days
Week 7 thru 12:500mg Sestanon every 7 days
Week 15: 3000 I.U. HCG PREGNYL
Week 16: 3000 I.U. HCG PREGNYL
Week 17: 1500 I.U. HCG PREGNYL
Week 18: 1500 I.U. HCG PREGNYL
Week 19: 750 I.U. HCG PREGNYL

Is this adequate?

(3) My workout is as follows:

Monday: OFF
Tuesday: OFF
Wednesday: Heavy Lifting, Upper and Lower Body (6-8 reps max)
Thursday: Jogging 4-6 miles
Friday: High Rep Lifting, Upper and Lower Body (Over 12 reps)
Saturday: Jogging 4-6 miles (or off every other week)
Sunday: Polymetrics

FYI: First, I chose Sestanon because I have a VERY generous amount, that's the main reason why I choose Sestanon. Secondly, I stacked Sestanon with Deca and Winstrol in 2001 and 2003, so I'm not a newbee if it helps to know.

I would appreciate any and all comments; if I missed anything, please advise and I'll be glad to follow up ASAP.

Thank you!