Quick question to everyone.
Test Heptylate
^has anyone ever used it? What's the effect? can anyone give me some info on this?
is it recommended?
Quick question to everyone.
Test Heptylate
^has anyone ever used it? What's the effect? can anyone give me some info on this?
is it recommended?
my friend used it...saw great gains...strength went through the roof...put on about 15 lbs of mass in about 5 weeks...he did that alone..i dont know how it works on evryone but he really like it..im starting to run some in my cycle im starting in feb...
There better tests. Best regards
It is slightly faster in effect than enanthate, it tends to cause less bloating yet has powerful results more akin to a prop cycle. If you can get it and you are sure it is legit, I would advocate using it. A friend of mine is starting his first cycle soon and I'm having him use test heptylate as his base.
what do you mean by better tests? test is test, plain and simple, you must mean there are better ester choices available...and agreed with nj like usual, stuff is supposed to be really nice and i wish i could get it, but even if i could i would be concerned about the legitemacy...best of luck!
Listen, THERE ARE MORE EFFECTIVE TESTS THEN OTHER TESTS. Plain and simple... It doesnt matter if it has better esters or ingredients, some give very different results when put side by side.
sorry i disagree totally, if you take the same ammount of test, say 100mg suspension and 100mg propionate, or 100mg of cyp and 100mg of enant and keep the doses equal for the same period of time, there is no way the test will be different from the next, its the exact same thing, how the hell is it going to exhibit differnet results? its simple, test binds to the androgen receptor and does its thing, its not like test cyp binds to a diff receptor than test prop and creates a different effect,
ohh ok. well i always thought that test prop=more hard muscles, test cyp=more bloat, well my point is, different test=different results. that's what i think. but anyway. how does this look?
weeks 1-10 400mg Test Heptylate
weeks 1-10 600mg Deca Durabolin
I think i might start it off with test prop... or should i stick with dbol?
WHat do you guys think? My goal is to make more quality gains. and size up alot. 160lb, 5'6, i think this will be my 4th cycle.
who makes this kind of test? Also any body got any pics or info about it?
Have you used Deca before bro? If not and are not familiar with that dosage I would lower the deca to 400mg and increase the test to 600. Don't want deca dick bro and 400mg is plenty for a first time deca user. Just my opinion though. anyone else?
This is the only heptylate picture I've seen so far...
the only reason you get more bloat from the cyp or enant is because of infrequent blood plasma levels, come on dood, think about this...your injecting prop say ED, @ 50mg, so your body has becomed somewhat accustomed to having CONSTANT blood test levels, whereas injecting cyp or enant lets say for 2wice weekly @ 200mg/each time, your getting 400mg compared to the 350 prop, and its all test, but your getting the bloat from the cyp BECAUSE the blood levels are not 'as' constant as the prop, granted the cypionate ester makes for a great time release, but its not nearly as consistent and propionate injected frequently...im sure if you read anywhere the bloat (or estrogenic side affects, retention of water, fat deposits, etc...) are from peaks and troughs in test levels, NOT from a specific ester, the only thing the ester contols is the timed release nothing more...im sure there is a thread in the educational forum about esters if this is unclear,
also take some anastrozole along with prop and/or cyp and tell me you get different results, there is no way, the aromitization will be blocked, and pending the test levels are kept constant, there is nothing present to create problems (bloat, fat, etc..)
well to answer the question. Yeah i've done deca before, but at 400mg a week. Your right the test mg should be higher than the deca so i guess i will do 300mg a week of deca, and maintain 400mg of test hyp. what should i jusp start with?
Throw in somd D's. Great kick start. I just finished a deca/test/d cycle and it's a classic. Try out 35mg d ED for 4-6 weeks depending how long your cycle is bro!!
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