g2g i have the same ones
g2g i have the same ones
yep, legit, exactly what i had, i noticed that the amps were very slightly below the 1ml mark aswell (mine that is)
The guys that said they have used these amps, did the mf and exp dates rub off?
looks fake to me, the print of the dates is not normal
i have the exact same with the batch number 7022. I googled them to look for fakes and i found a pic where the symbol was different with mine next to it saying its fake?
its real bro i got 300 of them and they are different batch and they are exactly like yours and its good to go, dont freeze the shit its a myth, use it and you will know it is as real as it can get..
the only thing i heard was that it is over dose like 333mg and some says its under dose something like 150mg i am not sure what is the truth. on the next cycle i might just take one extra ml to be on upside
I just received the exact same stuff as the OP (matrix dot style date) but it seems some think that they are bulgarian fakes. Has anyone tried the exact same stuff and batch? Did you get any results from it? Are they g2g? please reply...
honestly i would not order any thing from anything from any suspect country like that .your crazy . your going to shoot something into your body from a terroristic country that would do anything to cause mass casualties. throw it out....... i spent to much time over in this part ofthe world , no trust from me, one shot one kill
thanks for your opinion but this is not what I needed. can someone who used this batch share some experience please...
Test prop will fall out of suspension quickly in the freezer.
Enanthate will not respond in the same manner.
Just to add to this cold snap non-sense. I just put a vial of my first batch of homebrew test prop in the freezer for 10 minutes on a tray of ice the prop is a straight 2/20/gso blend and its clear at 35°f as measured by my digital pyrometer. Oh and the stuff is legit and rocks LOL...so much for bunk gear only surviving in the cold.
I know that you guys are trying to help me, but I really need opinions from someone who has actually completed a cycle with them... thanks anyway
Agreed with Dec11th is crap like this that makes people worldwide think of Americans as morons.
PS to the OP, I have not done these myself but have read on numerous threads that you want the exp date batch number to rub off, the speil is that the real ones have the information printed on the vials with one process and the exp/batch printed with another process which is of a lesser quality. Whereas the fakes just run the stuff through the same printer for both labels...kinda make sense if you think about it.
Last edited by Far from massive; 12-31-2010 at 12:40 PM.
appreciate your reply dec11. so you used the exact same thing as in the pics batch 7022 thin matrix dot style dates? if, so what were your results with them? what did you stack them with? thanks
you love it .i dont think you rate to talk to me like that .im an american that served in battle ,my unit brought saddam in.2nd bn 4th marines .to say that i give americans a bad name is no laughing mater 2 me.... im a little paranoid about anything from over in that area.next time i will not say anything though dont want to hurt feelings.
Last edited by cro; 12-31-2010 at 12:55 PM.
Far from massive, yes the dates do rub off... but some people who tried them seem to think they're not as potent as they should be. I think that they may be bulgarian counterfeits underdosed. It seems that dec11 has tried them so if he could share some experience... Dec11 did they seem potent to you compared to other batches or other test?
or if anyone else has had any experience with them, please feel free to share your experience
The MFG. date and the EXP. date are printed after the amps are filled.
This printing is a different process and different ink than the logo, brand name, batch no. etc.
I have some batch no. 8030 and they look exactly like yours. including the dot matrix non permanent ink used for the mfg & exp dates.
Mine definitely have test in them. However mine are under-filled. I'm getting about .8ml per amp. I suspect this equates to about 200mg per amp.
For the doubters, this .8ml measurement is taken after drawing from the amp, holding the syringe upside down, pulling the plunger back to the 2ml graduation mark.
There should be 1ml of gear in the syringe, but no, only .8 I have other amps of a different brand that are indeed properly filled.
Thanks for your service, I am a couple of years older than you and missed the call for Nam by 2 years so I have the luxury of enjoying what others have sacrificed to protect. I did not mean to call you a moron but I guess thats how it read, my apologies for any hurt feelings. I really do feel for anyone trying to reintegrate themselves from a soldiers needed mindset back to a civilian mindset. That said you gotta realize deep in your heart that condemning the occupants of an entire country, due to the policy of their leaders is a mistake, one that unfortunately many in other countries will make when they view us in the US for some years to come, due to the decisions and policy of our government at the time.
I am so pissed, my source was supposed to send me galenikas but he ran out of them so he sent me these instead at the same price (cause the iranians were more expensive than the galenikas). He said he doesn't know when he will receive anymore galenikas. So now I'm stuck with these, it's also my first cycle and tomorrow will be my 2nd shot. I sure hope you guys are right and they are good and not severely underdosed. The oil is thick and all the amps have the same amount of oil in them. I have also sent an e-mail to aburaihan and I am waiting for a response...
To the OP, I know it does not answer your question but it really is amazing that people go to all the trouble to make ampoules of anything and when using an ingredient as cheap as test and they underdose it? It really gives you an idea of the scope of these operations that saving on the cost of the test would be something they think is worthwhile. I mean at my cost the test would be about twenty five cents an ampoule so you figure for someone on this scale its probably less than a dime...why the hell not overdose the stuff then people would be knocking down your doors thinking your stuff is the real gear and the authentic is the fake.....or is that already the case......
By the way you should post pics in the anabolic steroids picture forum for more replies.
I can't take any good pics because I only have a phone camera but I have the exact same thing as in nombie's pics. What bothers me as you said is that these guys go through so much trouble to fake these. I mean they look impecable, the oil is the same the amps are identical. The periods in the dates are there. The logo is between the letters n and e of testosterone. Everything seems to be perfect. The logo does seem a little wide. Also I have found quite a few persons who have the exact same thing as me and only one of them has replied to me and said that it's g2g but he also took deca with it so I don't know, maybe he would have gotten the same results from deca alone...
I don't think I'm gonna buy aburaihan test again. It's just too much hassle. They change the design and whatnot so often that you just don't know. I did a search on google for batch 7022 and most of the guys who had this batch and posted pics have the exact same thing as me. One guy had amps with different design and they were 100% fake. And I only found one or two guys with the design that it's supposed to be g2g (as posted on rbbgear). I mean if these are indeed fakes how many of them are there? Cuz it seems that there's quite a bunch of them. I mean ~70-80% of people who have this batch with posted pics have the exact same thing as mine. So, in my mind, that would conclude to only 10-15% of people having the real thing... that definitely doesn't sound right!
I've found one or 2 guys who had this fake 7022 http://rbbgear.blogspot.com/2009/11/...-lot-7022.html and two or three who had this http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/5695/testeg.jpg the amp on the right which is said to be g2g from rbbgear; the majority of them all seem to have what i have... i'm beggining to get paranoid) I honestly don't know what to think
thats a good start, and any of these ive had are always a shade less than 1ml per ampOriginally Posted by garcea;5475***
thanks man, I really don't know what to expect, being my first cycle and all that. I have to wait for 4-5 weeks for it to kick in and feel any effects, right? Should I feel anything else until then? I'm also taking naposim as a kickstart 40mg\day for the first 4 weeks. I have nolva on hand...
leave it alone, the guy already said he will stop posting stuff like that, please don't give him a reason to start again
well with using the naps you arent going to clearly assertain whether or not the test is good, this is why you should just stick to the test for a 1st run. id leave the dbol for your next run, or you could use it for the last 4wks. you should feel libido rising after 1.5-2wks. just make sure you have your diet up 2 scratch. alot of variables, so you could end up blaming the test when in reality your diet could be off. this game is not as easy or simple as ppl think
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