Need some advise about diet..
Has anybody tried DNP, cytomel or triacana. if so what sort of results did you get.
need some major help to rid some major fat.
Need some advise about diet..
Has anybody tried DNP, cytomel or triacana. if so what sort of results did you get.
need some major help to rid some major fat.
i assume you have been dieting and doing cardio already?
give us the story and statistics first bro
do a search for DNP, I think Rampage had a good tread going about his experiance with it..
That being said, DNP is not joke make sure you do a bit of reserach before you start that shit.
MY girl's mother is a doc You can order a prescription called adapex. She said it was one of the safer scripts and very effective. MY girl models so her mother did some research she was scared she would start sticking her finger down the old throught instead of my tube steak. She was at 120 and droped to 100 in about three weeks with it. It can be expensive though. 90days is around 260 bones. Hope this helps.
Quick story so far....
training for 2 1/2 yrs,the past 18months i've been on and off sus250 & deca averaging 12-16 week cycles try'd D-Bol but that just fucked my head up and had to come off it.the past 6months has been pretty shit near devorce ect... and yes you guessed it she blamed the gear not that she's a back stabbin bitch(but thats a differant story) That kind of messed my head up but now i realise how much of a porker i've become over the past few months i've been hitting the cardio and diet.
at present 252lbs (18 stone) 6' tall and roughtly 18% fat.
So as you can see....shit i need help.
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