Originally Posted by
The Deuce
I might get yelled at for this... but I PERSONALLY SEE NOTHING WRONG.. especially at your age, and the fact it technically isn't your first cycle.. apparently you used some orals before?? Well IMO, dude use the MAST E .. but use it right.. 400mgs EW Minimum.. 500 is good, hit that with an equal dose of TEST. Seriously. 12 weeks on that dose, will yield excellent results if you know how to properly eat. AAS aren't a miracle cure, everything else has to be up to par for them to work properly... so get your diet worked out first and go for it bro.. MASTERONE is a very very MILD compound, with not many sides at all...
and to the person suggesting 250-300mgs of Test per week.. what are you nuts?? At his age, his Natty test should long since been declining.. 500 per week minimum... at the dose you recommended that's BARELY past TRT dosing... he's looking to CYCLE.. not REPLACE what should naturally be there.. YOU HAVE TO TAKE INTO ALL VARIABLES when giving advice.. for someone who is 25 and doing their first cycle.. yah i could see 300mgs EW being a so-so starting point.. but not for someone a decade older.
OP.. Go for it bro, 500 of Test E , 400-500 of MAST E .. Two Injects per week.. every 3.5 days respectively... start PCT 2 weeks after last shot.. NOLVA/CLOMID therapy should work fine.. in the 2 weeks you are waiting to start your PCT in .. maybe throw in some HCG at 250iu's daily to kickstart them testes if you so desire.. or better yet .. run the HCG the whole cycle length at 500iu's twice per week on the same days as your injections...
That's MY OPINION.. and I am sticking to it.