Hello to the board!

just finished a 10 week cycle, gained 22 lbs ((at 217 lbs), went up to 222 lbs by the end of the Dbols)... a lot stronger, almost brake peoples hands when I shake them now...

Week 1-4 Dbol 20mg ED
Week 1-10 Test E 400mg EW

took the advice of the board and got a real trainer for workout and nutritional plan...

Time to start PCT...

a few follow up questions:

1. at about week 8, left nipple got sensitive and a bit harder... started Nolva 20 mg/day... did not improve much, went to 30mg/day... is improving now...

Should I continue the Nolva until the sensitivity and hardiness is gone?

2. planning doing Clomid, starting one week after last pin for two weeks.... 100/50... any suggestions?
