10-13-2009, 01:49 PM #1
test p to e.... cycle all screwed up...
Ok so please bare with me.. I have been running a cycle of the following:
1-14 test prop 100mg ed
1-12 tren ace 100mg ed
6-12 mast prop 100mg ed
methyl tren 2.5-3mg pre workout (not every workout just on for a week and off for a while then on a week and off)
1-6 winny 100mg ed.
anyway just to get to the point of all this.... i've been quite depressed lately because of a 6 year relationship gone sour and i'm currently in a fresh relationship of about 4 months new.. The cycle went great all the way up until about 4-5 weeks ago when I started forgetting to do my ed injections.... basically I would inject all week until thursday... then not inject again until the next wed. or thurs. I did that for like 3-4 weeks of on and off injections. (yes VERY STUPID) I'm really looking to get back on track with everything as I am not improving my life by just being a depressed piece of crap....
I injected today for the first time since last thursday and right now i'm doing 75mg test / 75mg mast / 75mg tren... I was thinking of just dropping the mast and tren when the bottles are empty (1-2 more shots) then just stick with the test.... I want to cruise my test for a while then blast somethings when I'm ready... then back to cruising my test...
I injected my 75mg of test prop today... and also 150mg of test e today (i would have done more of the test e but only had a 1/2 cc slin so I will inject more test e when i get home in a few hours) How much test e should i be injecting so I can get off the test prop and continue on with test e? I heard I should frontload the test e which makes sense to me so I was thinking of injecting 1cc of it today and 1cc of it 3.5 days from now.... then just do 1/2cc twice a week with the test e.. How long should I inject the prop for until the e has taken over?
Also.... would you say missing injections for a week then on for a week and off again for a week etc... helped me get to my depressed state? I certainly think it did but would like some more feedback on that as well. (I DO NOT RECOMMEND CYCLING ANYTHING UNTIL PERSONAL MATTERS ARE OUT OF THE WAY, unfortionately my personal issues arose at the end of my cycle and I wasn't strong enough to deal with them the right way)
Thank you for any help on this thread, i really appreciate you taking your time to help me out!
10-13-2009, 01:54 PM #2
I say take a break totaly and get your shit together....
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
10-13-2009, 01:59 PM #3
yeah i needed to do that before when my shit wasn't together.... i'm fine now and ready to do as planned (cruise / blast) i'm focusing on this more than anything else right now. I'm going to be avoiding a PCT while cruising of course which is good but that wasn't a reason for cruising at all, it's just a plus. I respect your opinion but am still going to be going forward with the cruise.... I hope you still don't mind giving me advice even though I am not taking the break as you suggested.. I don't mean any disrespect I just have my head on straight now and understand my cycling is more important than petty girl issues that have thrown me off track.
10-13-2009, 04:10 PM #4
bump... anyone care to help? maybe i typed too much... blah.. oh well if i don't get any help i'll search around but i'd appreciate someones advice/help.. thanks
10-13-2009, 06:00 PM #5
Keep fishing and you'll find someone that is going to tell you what you want to hear...i'm no expert but why not take a few weeks off..pct and come back at it?
Don't get me wrong...I've gotten a lot of solid advice b4 like that from BG to you only to discount it because the truth was I had my mind made up and was only looking for someone to "endorse" my BS...and I did whatever I wanted a lot..not always a good idea.
So good luck to you with your knew attitude..hope it all works out.
10-14-2009, 11:34 AM #6
It looks like you have your mind set on the cruising and blasting so im not going to give you the same old do a "PCT" get your "diet" in order bs. I did a simular cycle of P and Tren A and started my blast and cruise on test E as well. Keep doing your P and E together for at least 4 weeks then drop the P. I could tell around the 3rd week the E was starting to kick in but not fully. (Walking around work with wood is funny as hell sometimes.) Im running 150mg a week and kept almost all of my gains. Dont forget, try to get some blood work done at some point. Hope this helps... im just giving you my personal experience. Im no pro.
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