I've was on sust 250mgs for4 weeks, and have uped it 500mgs a week for the last 12 weeks, I have two more weeks on it which is a total of 16 weeks and I have to wait 3 weeks to start clomid. I cannot get Hcg, and I was wondering if the clomid will get me working again, after the long cycle. I have been doing 20mgs of tamoxifen a day, and they say it has a small ability to keep the testes working, my boys have barely shrunk, just a little, and I still have pretty thick semen, sorry about the grose details, but I figured it could help, and does this mean that I am not fully shut down? I know fina a deca can shut you down hard, so I figured that means you can still have some test flowing naturally on some roids, but in small quantity. Will I be able to make a full recovery after such a long cycle, nearly 20 weeks with just clomid therapy?