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Thread: How long does it take for injection's effects to manifest?

  1. #1

    How long does it take for injection's effects to manifest?

    Im running my first cycle.
    250 mg enan/bi-w
    40 mg dbol/d

    age: 18
    5 " 10
    160 lbs
    BF about 10%

    Ive had my first injection about 4 days ago, how long before i can start seeing results on my body/workout/psyche?

    Im training 1 different muscle very intensively every day of the week.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Stop taking AAS, your hormonal system isn't full developed yet and if you shut it down you can cause yourself serious side effects like low test,depression, limp dick to name a small few.

    Stop taking gear.

  3. #3
    Ive had a few friends of mine taking em since they're 16. As long as i can reverse the effects later i dont care about ANY side effects. No problems.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Ive had a few friends of mine taking em since they're 16. As long as i can reverse the effects later i dont care about ANY side effects. No problems.
    hah your an idiot for saying that bro

    educate yourself man.... thats rediculous

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You cant reverse the side effects, your hormonal system (HPTA) hasnt fully developed so if you shut it down before this happens you run a risk of this system never reaching peak and having low testosterone for life, you also run a huge risk of not growing taller as aswel as other side effects - read this carefully

  6. #6
    Well im not too worried about that because i have finished growing since im 15-16. Im gonna turn 19 in about 2 weeks so im pretty sure i have finished growing everything...Not sure about the hormonal but it should be pretty much done, too? And i also plan to only do one or a few cycles.
    Last edited by Exilus; 10-17-2009 at 04:28 PM.

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    hmm, you havent finishd yet, 21-25 ithe majority scope

  8. #8
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    Let him get TRT,Educate berfore you medicate

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperLift View Post
    hah your an idiot for saying that bro

    educate yourself man.... thats rediculous
    I know all of the side effects, i documented myself for a month before i start injecting. I know all the effects, gyno, hairloss, etc... I just mean i don't care about the effects if i can reverse them later, whatever they might be. I dont think one cycle will hurt my endocrinal system. thats all...
    Im thankful If you're concerned about my future but this discussion is getting kinda offtopic....

  10. #10
    I agree with the above comments, but to answer your question, it can take up to 3 weeks for you to feel it.

  11. #11
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    like i said u cant reverse testosterone replacement therapy

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by THORSZ View Post
    I agree with the above comments, but to answer your question, it can take up to 3 weeks for you to feel it.

  13. #13
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    You're an idiot

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
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    You can't reverse the effects of damaging your HPTA

  15. #15
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    You can replace the effect of fusing your growth plates?? You must be the new Einstine. Im not talking about just taller and NO one stops growing at 16 hahahaha Typical moron kid...
    I would LOVE to follow your health over the next couple years and I would laugh in your face many times. Im sure you will be to stupid to add 2+2 and realize many of your future problems will be due to doing cycle WAY to young.

    Have fun needing HRT at 30, NEEDING viagra at 25, your premature baldness and all the other issues you KNOW about

    BTW agian since you know how to reverse all these issues Im sure you will be richer than Bill Gates soon since they are still looking for a cure for baldness, liver damage reversal and all the children who do have growth place issues Im sure you will be put on a pedestal since you have all the answers.

  16. #16
    I was 5" 10 at 16, im now 5 "10 at 19, i don't think im gonna grow again....As for one 6-weeks cycle, i dont think that'll cause me needing TRT....

  17. #17
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    Oh boy

  18. #18
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    You made a big mistake 5 days ago that is going to affect the rest of your life, well done.

  19. #19
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    6 weeks of Test E? Nice one dude! Just long enough to get barley anything out of it. Lol

  20. #20
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You cant reverse any of the sides effects your going to get, your 18yrs old and you havent finished growing hormonally or growth wise and by shutting down your HPTA what isnt fully developed will cause you serious sides in the future, but your young and stupid and dont care but you will care when you cant get hard with your girlfriend.

    silly boy

  21. #21
    Im asexual. Zero libido or interest in relationships. I dont really care about getting hard or not....what worries me much more is low testosterone in the future. That would mean i'd have to continue on steroids for the rest of my life if i want decent energy levels, strenght and life enthusiasm....

    Can you just tell me if just one cycle of 6 or 12 weeks of test-e stacked by dbol has considerable chances of damaging my hormonal system permanently? I trust your expertise.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Im asexual. Zero libido or interest in relationships. I dont really care about getting hard or not....what worries me much more is low testosterone in the future. That would mean i'd have to continue on steroids for the rest of my life if i want decent energy levels, strenght and life enthusiasm....

    Can you just tell me if just one cycle of 6 or 12 weeks of test-e stacked by dbol has considerable chances of damaging my hormonal system permanently? I trust your expertise.

    What exactly have you been using and how much?

    You cannot "reverse" a severly damaged HPTA. Your still growing and maturing, like it or not, and so is your endocrine system. Your endogenous testsosterone level (now) is as high as some members on light cycle. You DONT need AS at all.

    I actually cycled at 19. I was around 180lbs and wish I didnt. I have surpassed any gains I made then, now after 3 years of not doing a proper cycle.

    You need to build the house before you can paint it - SwoleCat (RIP)

  23. #23
    500 mg test-e per week+ 40 mg dbol daily.

    If i added HCG into my PCT, would it reduce the risk?

    I dont think i have that high natural testosterone....I lack energy, despite sports and training. i have sleep disorders and i am moody. All these symptoms disappeared when i started taking AS....
    Last edited by Exilus; 10-18-2009 at 01:12 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Im asexual. Zero libido or interest in relationships. I dont really care about getting hard or not....what worries me much more is low testosterone in the future. That would mean i'd have to continue on steroids for the rest of my life if i want decent energy levels, strenght and life enthusiasm....

    Can you just tell me if just one cycle of 6 or 12 weeks of test-e stacked by dbol has considerable chances of damaging my hormonal system permanently? I trust your expertise.
    If your set on a cycle, dont use ANY compounds that aromotase. You really dont want elevated estrogen levels at a young age. Estrogen (ER-beta primarily) is responsible for grwoth plate clousure.

    Compounds that dont aromotase and are not very androgenic is what you should use, IF you have too. But you dont.

  25. #25
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    If your set on a cycle, dont use ANY compounds that aromotase. You really dont want elevated estrogen levels at a young age. Estrogen (ER-beta primarily) is responsible for grwoth plate clousure.

    Compounds that dont aromotase and are not very androgenic is what you should use, IF you have too. But you dont.
    He needs steering away from AAS with hard facts and he doesnt need to hear what he wants to hear, there is no safe way to cycle at 18yrs old.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    He needs steering away from AAS with hard facts and he doesnt need to hear what he wants to hear, there is no safe way to cycle at 18yrs old.
    I compltely agree, but I was offering an alternative if he was to cycle.

    He does not need ANY steroids at ANY dose at all.

    He should be utilising non-hormonal supplements. Creatine, BCAA's, Beta-Alanine etc... Possibly high dose Ecdysterone.

  27. #27
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    You should seriously consider spending time in the diet section on this forum. I HIGHLY doubt your diet is on point. At 5'10 160 you NEED to focus on diet. A few small changes can make a world of difference. If you don't feel like reading watch the vids with Milos Sarcev at the top of the page. Wait at least a few years before running a cycle.

  28. #28
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I compltely agree, but I was offering an alternative if he was to cycle.

    He does not need ANY steroids at ANY dose at all.

    He should be utilising non-hormonal supplements. Creatine, BCAA's, Beta-Alanine etc... Possibly high dose Ecdysterone.
    Like I said he needs steering away, not telling him what he wants to hear. This place is full of very young guys at the moment and if we just gave in to what they want to hear because they are going to do it anyway this place would be dangerous, we should be strong in whats right and not weaken to their needs, I do understand your frustration but we must be firm of late.

  29. #29
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    Canada eh?
    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post

    If i added HCG into my PCT, would it reduce the risk?

    I dont think i have that high natural testosterone....I lack energy, despite sports and training. i have sleep disorders and i am moody.
    Sounds to me like you have all the symptoms of being an ordinary teenager. *chuckles* I was the same way. I even thought I was going crazy for awhile. Turns out it's just part of growing up.

    All these symptoms disappeared when i started taking AS....
    So? People who are nervous in social situations often turn to alcohol to ease their tension. Does that mean they have an alcohol deficiency? People who are tired all the time turn to caffeine, or even cocaine to give them energy. Do they have a cocaine deficiency? Some people work a stressful job, and relax with a few cigarette on their lunch break. Do those people suffer from a nicotine deficiency?

    The answer to all three is a resounding NO!

    Your problems are purely mental. And that's fine, because it's incredibly common, especially at your age. Don't beat yourself up ovef it, and DON'T compare you life or wellbeing to others. If you are really feeling down or lethargic, make an appointment with a local counsellor, and speak with him. I did when I was your age, and it was a very relieving experience. There's no shame in asking for a little help with sorting out your life. And the long term benefits will far outweigh anything that drugs or steroids will give you.

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