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  1. #1
    07sandiegomuscle's Avatar
    07sandiegomuscle is offline Junior Member
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    Heart problem side effects?

    I read in a few places about one possible aas side effect is some heart problems, specifically an enlarged left ventricle? How bad is this? How do you know if it is happening? Is it reversible? The heart is muscle and aas will make it grow also- is that bad or surprising? Why only the left ventricle? Can you do anything about it if it happens? I am just trying to size the pros and cons out- thanks.

  2. #2
    PC650's Avatar
    PC650 is offline Senior Member
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    well athletes alone can devolpe enlarged hearts even with out the use of aas. my buddy actually just had a heart attack hes been cycling for twenty years now, and the doctor said a his enlarged heart is not reversable. But he doesnt regret any of those twenty years.

  3. #3
    ted666's Avatar
    ted666 is offline Associate Member
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    i think, but dont quote me, that tren enlarges a part of your heart on cycle

  4. #4
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ted666 View Post
    i think, but dont quote me, that tren enlarges a part of your heart on cycle
    i think its safe to say that a lot of steroids could cause the heart to enlarge, not just tren and a specific chamber of the heart.

  5. #5
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 07sandiegomuscle View Post
    I read in a few places about one possible aas side effect is some heart problems, specifically an enlarged left ventricle? How bad is this? How do you know if it is happening? Is it reversible? The heart is muscle and aas will make it grow also- is that bad or surprising? Why only the left ventricle? Can you do anything about it if it happens? I am just trying to size the pros and cons out- thanks.
    im no doctor, but id imagine because the left ventricle is the strongest chamber of the heart. it has to pump blood to the whole body and back.

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