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Thread: Strange coughing and breathe post injection

  1. #1

    Strange coughing and breathe post injection


    first post for me

    thought i should join a forum to chat with like minded people. Any way yesterday i was injecting 250mg sust and 300mg of boldelone und in my right quad. When i pushed the needle in i had an initial tickle in my chest that past. Aspirated as normal and all was good. But post injection i seem to have experienced coughing fits and shortness of breathes to which i still have the shortness of breathe the next day.

    can any one offer any adivse please? is this shooting the gear in to a vein? emblism?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No if you got the gear in a vein you would have felt VERY sick within a few minutes. It sounds like you are getting the test flu Some people get this reaction. It will pass but not much for for a few days.

  3. #3

    i had a fever a few hours after and was tired, with shortness of breathe and coughing fits

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I got test flu on sus but it was gone in second day. Give it a few days or take paracetamol.

  5. #5
    thing is i ran sust solo for 5 weeks before introducing equip. and i did get sust flu in week 2 i am more worried about embolism and loosing the gear. do i need to re shoot

  6. #6
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    it doesnt matter, you body reacts different every time or maybe you really caught a virus.

  7. #7
    was the gear wasted?

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Whats happened is you have past through a vein when you injected and alittle bit of oil as gone into the vein and traveled to the lungs were you would cough it up.

  9. #9

    so will this cough/shortness of breathe pass its been 24hours?

    was all gear wasted?

    will the oil work its way out?

    thanks all

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sorebuttman View Post

    so will this cough/shortness of breathe pass its been 24hours?

    was all gear wasted?

    will the oil work its way out?

    thanks all
    You still have the cough after 24hours after the injection?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You still have the cough after 24hours after the injection?
    correct still got ze cough and a little breathing difficulty -

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    The coughing doesn't last that long unless you haven't got the oil up, I've known a few guys who had a cough all day when they have nicked a vein but it is unusual, normally its sosmething like 5 mins only post injection. Might not be related to the injection then if it carrys on, maybe its a cough you have picked up! monitor it for another 24hrs and see how you go.

  13. #13

    The coughing doesn't last that long unless you haven't got the oil up - what do you mean with this marcus?

    was the gear wasted you think

    thanks in advance

  14. #14
    BG's Avatar
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    I agree, the cough usualy goes away with in minutes but the memory last for a long time. I usualy just get it with tren but the other day I had gotten just a little bit after my trt inject, not to bad though.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sorebuttman View Post

    The coughing doesn't last that long unless you haven't got the oil up - what do you mean with this marcus?

    was the gear wasted you think

    thanks in advance
    I mean ive known some guys cough all day on and off due to nicking a vein, so I am presuming they havent got all the oil up from the lungs, because thats whats casuing the cough, unless they have got all the oil up and the coughing as caused some kind of irratation. You wouldnt of injected alot of oil, very very little amounts so dont worry about wasting anything.

  16. #16

    thanks all for advises
    seems like a responive forum reps to all that helped- thanks

    any one know how i can speed up getting the oil out of my chest

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sorebuttman View Post

    thanks all for advises
    seems like a responive forum reps to all that helped- thanks

    any one know how i can speed up getting the oil out of my chest
    Your not going to have any at all in now, when it happens its very little amount.

  18. #18
    ok marcus

    so why the cough still

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Your not reading are you! it must be from some form of irratation from the coughing but the oil wont be still there, that would of gone with mins or you have picked up a cough and its not related.

  20. #20
    thanks again

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