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Thread: First Injectable Cycle (how's it look?)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    First Injectable Cycle (how's it look?)

    I just got everything together and am pretty psyched about it!
    I ran Anavar only a couple months ago, but this is my first time injecting. it goes as follows:

    stats: age-21
    B/F- relatively low

    week 1-5 = Anavar 30mg/d
    week 1-10 = 500mg Omnadren

    running the var to help joints as it worked wonders for me last time.

    my PCT as is follows. 18 days from last inject
    day 1 = 200mg Clomid
    day 2-10 = 100mg Clomid
    day 11-18 = 50mg Clomid

    day 1-7 = 40mg Nolva
    day 8-18 = 20mg Nolva

    I have **** Arimiplex (A-dex) on hand for estro problems.
    I hear aromasin works better but I have this stuff on hand, it's OK right?
    I also dont plan on using HCG being that I seemed to recover extremely fast on Var, and I hear mixed opinions.
    I will be starting next week and will keep a log.
    Does this look OK for me? Any thing you guys want to chyme in on?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    You probably recovered fast from the var because it never completely shut you down as you are young and test levels are still very high. Ate your age and weight I think you could grow a lot naturally without using aas. In fact you are risking damaging your natural testosterone production. You should hit up the diet forum you might be surprised ehat those guys can do for you! That said if you do choose to use aas why not use test enanthate or cyp?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    yep I am young that could be why I recovered so fast. I chose Omna because the price I got and the availability. My diet is down pat and by my pic you would think I'm heavier (small legs). I am really trying to build them on this cycle. With that being said any suggestions?
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