I just got everything together and am pretty psyched about it!
I ran Anavar only a couple months ago, but this is my first time injecting. it goes as follows:
stats: age-21
B/F- relatively low
week 1-5 = Anavar 30mg/d
week 1-10 = 500mg Omnadren
running the var to help joints as it worked wonders for me last time.
my PCT as is follows. 18 days from last inject
day 1 = 200mg Clomid
day 2-10 = 100mg Clomid
day 11-18 = 50mg Clomid
day 1-7 = 40mg Nolva
day 8-18 = 20mg Nolva
I have **** Arimiplex (A-dex) on hand for estro problems.
I hear aromasin works better but I have this stuff on hand, it's OK right?
I also dont plan on using HCG being that I seemed to recover extremely fast on Var, and I hear mixed opinions.
I will be starting next week and will keep a log.
Does this look OK for me? Any thing you guys want to chyme in on?