Tren is more toxic to the kidneys then most AS.(So people say) Are there any that are less toxic then others? The reason I ask is about two months ago I had just started a cycle of Tren@75mg/eod along with 500mg test enenthate when I started getting really sharpe quick pains in my lower back. I've heard people having back pains and a tight lower back when on Tren but this was not the problem I was having, something was wrong. I wasn't pissing blood but I still stopped the AS and the pain has gone away. I've be clean for almost two months now and I'm looking for my next cycle. I plan on seeing a doctor before and after this next cycle just to make sure every thing is in check. I going to stay away from Tren for good is there any other AS I need to stay away from to avoid these kidney problems from coming back? Any that are less toxic then others? I know orals are worse for the liver and I know you have to drink at least two gallons of water a day to keep your kindneys flushed. Anybody got any suggestions on what I can take to keep it safe or if I just stay away from Tren I should be fine? Sorry about the long read but if you don't give enough info it is hard to get the right info. Thanks and any help would be great.