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Thread: long term users

  1. #1
    bifda's Avatar
    bifda is offline Associate Member
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    long term users

    been wondering how many long term users of aas on this forum are on hrt?

    im wondering if its possible to run cycles yearly for many years, doing it properly pct, etc and then when the time comes to hang up the dumbells and retire, would natty test be affected? would there be normal function of the hpta? would libido be lost forever?

    these are mostly questions raised by my wife and id like to know also, cos ive noticed there a few vets on hrt.

    thoughts plz, bif.

  2. #2
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    honestly i believe they have alot more long term sides effects than what is let on by this board.

  3. #3
    BREW-MAN's Avatar
    BREW-MAN is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    honestly i believe they have alot more long term sides effects than what is let on by this board.
    i agree.

  4. #4
    DEE151's Avatar
    DEE151 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bifda View Post
    been wondering how many long term users of aas on this forum are on hrt?

    im wondering if its possible to run cycles yearly for many years, doing it properly pct, etc and then when the time comes to hang up the dumbells and retire, would natty test be affected? would there be normal function of the hpta? would libido be lost forever?

    these are mostly questions raised by my wife and id like to know also, cos ive noticed there a few vets on hrt.

    thoughts plz, bif.
    Good Question would like to know to.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
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    It really depends on alot of factors, like with anything there is use and abuse. If used properly the long term effects shouldnt be huge however abusers should be ready for problems.

  6. #6
    bifda's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    honestly i believe they have alot more long term sides effects than what is let on by this board.

    and this is why i think i won't get many answers or unbiast opinions.

    this is really pushing me away from starting aas, shame.
    Last edited by bifda; 10-20-2009 at 03:52 PM.

  7. #7
    bifda's Avatar
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    11pm here im off to bed, ill catch up with this in the morning.
    keep em coming.

  8. #8
    powerful intelligent is offline Associate Member
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    that is a good question.

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Constant use of disrupting the HPTA may lead to it "ageing" (if you will) faster. Using steroids that cause shutdown, will disrupt the bodies own HPTA and over time, seems to mean HRT. I dont know of any over 40yrs that seem to bounce back fine after PCT, but I'm sure they are out there.

    One can use steroids safely, but the risks are very real. From liver and kidney damage, to left ventrical hypoertrophy. There are sides and thats a fact. But one must use, not abuse. Abusing will almost certainly lead to more sides or a quicker onset of long term side effects from AS use.

    AS are safe used at sensible doses and for the right durations. I cannot emphazize enough how important BW is. When I use orals I get lipids and liver function tests every 5-6 weeks, depending on the compounds and doses. Blood counts on testosterone preperations. I also get a full blood panel proir to starting AS cycles and 4-6 weeks after PCT is finished. BW is imperitive.

    AS are safe when care is taken. Remember what there actual uses are in the end. There given to patients with various deseases to aid in there recovery. So they cant be that bad...

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I had a nice write up till my computer froze up so i'll keep this one short. Been using since 1996, and done some crazy cycles in the past with no pct whatsoever. Started using clomid a few years ago. I'm not on hrt and really have never had any problems at all till this year. I'm having a hard time keeping it up from time to time but i can get help for that i hope. It is a concern and i'll be visiting a doctor sometime next year.
    I'm 41 and other than that all's good.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I firmly believe that constanly shutting down your HPTA over many yrs by cycling does have a great effect on you long term, as regards to your natural test. Ive seen it happen many times over the years and it happens to often to say it doesnt effect it. I would say the % is high and people who do cycle on and off for many yrs end up on HRT sooner than they should of been if they hadnt.

  12. #12
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    So Marcus would you say that someone for example started cycling at age 25 and limits himself to a cycle a year with proper dosing and pct. By age 40 would he require HRT?

  13. #13
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    I agree that steroids do have an impact on your natty levels. after my first cycle my libido has never fully recovered and it seems to get a little worse every year. Ive had my test levels checked numerous times and they come back normal but I am feeling the effects. someone posted a study that used patients who had been on for two years straight and with the use of ancilleraries and hcg every patient produced sperm again. for some it only took a couple wks and others it took six months but every test subject did recover. they did not say how bad their test levels were affected afterwards just that they were all able to make babies again. also it didn't not specify whether this was humans or animals in the study and I cant remember how many subjects there were but I think it was more than a few. hopefully a glimmer of hope that i can have children one day.

  14. #14
    bifda's Avatar
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    thank you for the replys and honesty.

    this pretty much sums it up for me then, ill only use them IF i have to.

    unless i compete or turn pro wont be risking my natty test or libido.
    im not bothered about kids, i have 2 and have been snipped, its basically sexual health and being able to enjoy my life without relying on drugs to do it.


  15. #15
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bifda View Post
    thank you for the replys and honesty.

    this pretty much sums it up for me then, ill only use them IF i have to.

    unless i compete or turn pro wont be risking my natty test or libido.
    im not bothered about kids, i have 2 and have been snipped, its basically sexual health and being able to enjoy my life without relying on drugs to do it.

    Everyone responds differently. Some bounce back quickly, others dont.

    I've done cycles as long as 16 weeks and recovered ok. It took about 4-5 weeks to get myself back fully. BW confirmed 4-5 after PCT, that I was back to basline values.

    By the look of your avatar, you have a great foundation. Cycling would certainly add a decent amount of LBM with the correct diet.

    Again, use dont abuse and pick your compounds and design your cycles accordingly. Using HCG 'on cycle' will help your HPTA out alot. Keeping the testes stimulated is very important.

  16. #16
    John88Test's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Constant use of disrupting the HPTA may lead to it "ageing" (if you will) faster. Using steroids that cause shutdown, will disrupt the bodies own HPTA and over time, seems to mean HRT. I dont know of any over 40yrs that seem to bounce back fine after PCT, but I'm sure they are out there.

    One can use steroids safely, but the risks are very real. From liver and kidney damage, to left ventrical hypoertrophy. There are sides and thats a fact. But one must use, not abuse. Abusing will almost certainly lead to more sides or a quicker onset of long term side effects from AS use.

    AS are safe used at sensible doses and for the right durations. I cannot emphazize enough how important BW is. When I use orals I get lipids and liver function tests every 5-6 weeks, depending on the compounds and doses. Blood counts on testosterone preperations. I also get a full blood panel proir to starting AS cycles and 4-6 weeks after PCT is finished. BW is imperitive.

    AS are safe when care is taken. Remember what there actual uses are in the end. There given to patients with various deseases to aid in there recovery. So they cant be that bad...
    I agree very much with this statement. However, when not abused, long term users can and DO live long and happy lives. Will you gain full function of your HPTA to that prior when you begin, NO. Or very unlikely. But with compunds such as HCG , HMG (especially) Clomid, Nolvadex , and whatever else the future holds, our lives are looking good. Don't let this be an excuse to be irresponsible. Responsible, Moderate AAS use can be ran for a long time. I suggest HRT doses and blasts of nothing too crazy along with interval use of HCG. Just my opinion though. I would rather people say he looks in pretty good shape at the beach than holy shit that dude is absolutely jacked laying in a casket.

    Oh and go pay for the blood tests, they are relatively cheap and will give you a peace of mind regarding AAS Usage. The key is of course, is moderation.

  17. #17
    bifda's Avatar
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    IF im going to juice its going to be a while off yet, i want to max out my natty potential, get my diet spot on, wait till my kids arent so reliant on me and when i cycle make sure its a damn good one, no distractions, low bf, etc.

    blood work would be a defo, its free in the UK, so that is covered.

    ill spend a couple of years maxing out, pushing as hard as possible and learning as much as possible.


  18. #18
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I AM 63 NOW AND STARTED USING STEROIDS WHEN I WAS 34. When i started using them we didnt do PCT because it wasnt really that well know except for HCG . we used Nolvadex for gyno but didnt know it helped stimulate your test. I personally never did cycles longer tha 8 to 10 weeks because i didnt seem to gain much after that. I have done at least 34 cycles and always let my system normalized by itself. I am not on HRT because i dont need it,my test levels are fine although probably not like they were when i was in my 20's. I think the problem with recovery is if you use really high doses for long peroid of time you can have problems.Use them for 8 to 10 weeks and get off for a while,let your body recover. staying on for long periods of time with high doses is bad and stupid,you will pay for it later.

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