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Thread: Sustanon 250 horrible side effects.. help plz

  1. #1

    Sustanon 250 horrible side effects.. help plz

    Im currently using sustanon 250 1/2 amp a week thus being my first cycle EVER on steriods.

    Body: 19 yo, 5'6", 151 pounds, 7% body fat maybe less now

    Basically a day or 2 after i inject i feel like crap i am hot and get bad mood swings including feeling a little depresed and have a gut feeling like i should puke at times, i feel sleepy yet when i try to sleep at night i toss and turn and cant sleep.
    I have no energy what so ever, no appetite hardly.

    Is this normal?
    Is there anyway to prevent it?
    Will these effects wear off when my body adjusts to this?

    Any bit of word will help me.... thx

    P.S my plan for this was 1/2 amp first 3 weeks then bump to 1 amp split into sun/wed injection for the next 5 weeks totaling a 8 week cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You should not be cycling for so many reasons!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    dude... 1/2 an amp at 19 yrs old???

  4. #4
    why so? i am only 1/2 injection in so put yourself in my shoes dont just say your to young and you have no diet. i have a well thought diet i have been lifting for 3 years constant. on 2 different excercises no shortcuts. my weight has been stuck there forever. If you honestly think i should stop this cycle and give up on the juice then give me the honest answer i do NOT want to hurt myself and i am open to anyones explanation as to why or why not to stop or finish my cycle. thanks for the help
    Last edited by jenkrob; 10-21-2009 at 02:16 PM.

  5. #5
    first your too young to be doin AS. May I ask who told you to do 1/2 a week?

  6. #6
    i told myself. people told me to do 1 full amp a week and i told myself i was going to ease into it because its not worth hurting myself. i know 3 people on sust one being 19, 21, 23 yo. thanks guys

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    2 different exercises? wow! 19 is way too young plus you have no idea what you are doing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    shite man at 19 you already got about 1/2 amp of test in your body naturally,, need to educate yourself on the dangers of steroids before you go any further.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jenkrob View Post
    i told myself. people told me to do 1 full amp a week and i told myself i was going to ease into it because its not worth hurting myself. i know 3 people on sust one being 19, 21, 23 yo. thanks guys
    not sayin u cant cycle at 19,, its just not a smart idea. Youll regret it later down the road.

  10. #10


    thank you chuck you having some maturity. redz stop flaming and by 2 workout i am saying that i cycle the 5 day routine so i keep getting good gains. you say i dont know anything but yet you dont f*cking know me. so before you jump to conclusions because of my age think again. not saying i know more but i am saying i know plenty.. now can someone tell me how to get this out of my body asap so i can get back to natually lifting without flaming me or being a d*ckhead

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    lol, ther not tryin to be diccks there just tryin to get the point across that its a bad idea,, how many shots have you done?
    you should be ok if you just stop now,, it may take a few weeks to get out

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    lol, ther not tryin to be diccks there just tryin to get the point across that its a bad idea,, how many shots have you done?
    you should be ok if you just stop now,, it may take a few weeks to get out
    i have just done that 1/2 amp on sunday. how long until these effects diminish? is there anything i can do to get it out faster? i dont need to take a very small dose of PCT or anything do i? thanks

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    bro you have to understand that we get these posts everyday from peeps just like you that have already started running before thay learned how to walk....and at 19yrs old nobody but a straight up retard will recomend a cycle for someone your age.....what no one has pointed out yet is that if you dammage your HPTA system this early in life you may never recover....imagine life at your age with no desire and or ability to have sex anymore cus u couldent wait to get have your whole life ahead of you,try to see the big picture here....anyway the 1 shot shouldent mess u up to bad but others might basicly have to wait 2 weeks or so for it to clear......good luck...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jenkrob View Post
    i have just done that 1/2 amp on sunday. how long until these effects diminish? is there anything i can do to get it out faster? i dont need to take a very small dose of PCT or anything do i? thanks
    oh youll be fine

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    bro you have to understand that we get these posts everyday from peeps just like you that have already started running before thay learned how to walk....and at 19yrs old nobody but a straight up retard will recomend a cycle for someone your age.....what no one has pointed out yet is that if you dammage your HPTA system this early in life you may never recover....imagine life at your age with no desire and or ability to have sex anymore cus u couldent wait to get have your whole life ahead of you,try to see the big picture here....anyway the 1 shot shouldent mess u up to bad but others might basicly have to wait 2 weeks or so for it to clear......good luck...
    thank you putting it like that.. couldnt of said it better. I really regret doing it to my body and hopefully ill be fine. it just gets hard when you see everyone else gettin huge, constant gains every week and i get stuck behind. ive always been the one who said no to all of it but i got talked into it and saw everyone else having no side effects. but ill just blow it off and call it a lesson learned. thanks a billon for the honest help guys.

  16. #16
    Hang in here bro and you will learn more while you wait for the right time. Right now at your age your are a raging testosteron you will gain naturally. Good luck bro.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by xavier_888888 View Post
    Hang in here bro and you will learn more while you wait for the right time. Right now at your age your are a raging testosteron you will gain naturally. Good luck bro.
    thanks man. i cant wait to get this outta me then im gonna go work my ass of to try and bust my plateu i been stuck at forever

  18. #18
    Most of us here been there bro. By the time youre ready, you will have good base and outcome will be better. But more important you will gain more knowledge before you go to the dark side.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Look up in the sky...
    ^^^ better plan

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    You should not be cycling for so many reasons!
    You dont anything but proper diet and training at this age.
    I always suggest for someone to have there natural hormone levels tested before starting any AAS cycle.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    good luck bro! too young!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    the problem is not only we hear from kids like you almost every day after they have screwed up but also from kids every day who have not started yet and are convinced nothing will happen to them.

    You are to you BECAUSE you are going to screw up your natural test maybe for life, you are going to fuse your growth plates and we are not talking about getting taller but also filling out.

    Your diet is NOT good no matter what you think. I was convinced mine was also. If I knew at 19 what I know now I would have been HUGE. I was 110% sure my diet was good, it sucked....

    Please stop. do a pct and read the diet section.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I cycled when I as your age. Now I am on hormone replacement therapy for life. I didn't know what I was doing and used test for about 2 months and that was it. I'm 38 now and had a test level of 211 when I went to the doc. I screwed myself up bad. Just a personal story. Educate youself before using u will thank me later.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Gotham City
    wow dang bro

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    sounds like a bit of roid flu to me.............just thought i would answer the original question

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    When I ran my sustanon cycle I'd get a mild grade fever and body ache the day of the injection. Normally, it's gone by the second day. I had this feeling for about 6 or 7 weeks out of the 12 weeks on the cycle. Didn't think anything about it. I knew it was the sustanon but I figured it was just something I had to live with. It's probably not a good idea to run sustanon on your first cycle. There are 4 tests in there and you don't know which ones are giving you those sides. For the first cycle it's probably best to run test e for 12 weeks. Ok, after having said that I do agree with almost every on here that you're not doing yourself any favors by doing AAS at your young age. You probably have another 70 years to live and you don't want to mess yourself up for any of those years.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Canada eh?
    Buy some protein powder, some pure creatine, and load up on them. When you work out, ALWAYS rep until failure. I worked out for a year at 19 and hardly gained anything, because I wasn't working out properly to gain mass. Once I started with protein and creatine, and began lifting properly, I gained about 10 pounds in 3 months.

    And I can't recommend taking martial arts enough. It does wonders for self confidence. You will look around at everyone getting huge, and know that you could kick their ass regardless if how big they are!
    Last edited by SunHangDo; 10-22-2009 at 12:56 AM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Wtf.. Dude u will have more test naturally that 1/2 amp a week.. Hahahahahaahahahah

    If u wanna do it at least 2 amps a week u *****

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    * 5'6", 151 pounds * says it all.............. do some research first get a good foundation than think about it, dont rush into it like i did and regret it later

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Big... is this really you under a different name frustrating everyone to bump your "educational threads, have you heard of em"

    Fine i'll bump it

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    the problem is not only we hear from kids like you almost every day after they have screwed up but also from kids every day who have not started yet and are convinced nothing will happen to them.

    You are to you BECAUSE you are going to screw up your natural test maybe for life, you are going to fuse your growth plates and we are not talking about getting taller but also filling out.

    Your diet is NOT good no matter what you think. I was convinced mine was also. If I knew at 19 what I know now I would have been HUGE. I was 110% sure my diet was good, it sucked....

    Please stop. do a pct and read the diet section.
    i only did the single half amp though? i should be fine without a pct shouldnt i?
    thanks for all the support guys

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by jenkrob View Post
    i only did the single half amp though? i should be fine without a pct shouldnt i?
    thanks for all the support guys
    You should be fine. Just wait a couple of years before you cycle bro. Spend the time researching so when ur ready you can hit the ground running. You juice now you run this risk of stunting your growth by closing your growth plates. That right there in itself would be enough for me to reevaluate the situation. Now if you're 6'6 and a big boy then maybe it wouldn't matter. Just food for thought. Good luck in anyway you go brother.

  33. #33
    For example I started at 23 and had done years of research and natural lifting before I even got involved in the "game." Looking back, I wish I would have waited a couple of more years to even 25 or 26. But nothing I can do about it now. I am 6 foot 230 lbs (I know pretty light), 13% bf and I use TRT dosages weekly, blast twice a year at no more than 500mg test ent per week, and will pop an oral in there like dbol or turanibol for a 6 week period and thats it. The rest is DIET DIET DIET. No need for exotic crazy stuff for me at this point. Its really amazing what can be done with a proper diet. In the future I might try some IGF-LR3 & HGH, but that for another time. Peace. I'm rambling again.

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