Just about to finish up my prop/npp cycle and want to plan my next cycle for early spring and start gathering the necessary gear.

My mild option is 75mg of prop and 75mg of masteron ED. Wouldn't run adex bc of the masteron, but would still probably do swiftos hcg protocol. I'm doing that with my current cycle.

Next option would be 75mg of prop and 50mg of tren A ED. Being just my 3rd cycle, I know many might think this would still be overkill and since I'm in it for the long haul and don't compete or ever plan to, I'm fine putting it off for a spring 2011 cutting cycle if the majority feel that that's really the best thing to do. I've loved my NPP and now have a 19nor under my belt for what that's worth.

Stats are 6'3, 232lbs, ~13-14% bf (plan to gradually bring that down a percent or 2 before the next cycle)