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Thread: Drug test coming up!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Drug test coming up!

    Hey All,

    I have a drug test coming up in about 10 days in order to be able to rotate on the ambulances in an inner-nyc hospital agency.

    I wouldnt think that steroids would be on their list of things tested for but if it is I may be screwed as I cycled test prop over the summer up until about a month/month and a half ago and cycled winstrol up until two weeks ago. I did only cycle the winny for around 3 weeks and at very low doses, as sort of an experiment to see what I would get out of the low doses, but still.

    Situation is that they WILL be testing for crack, marijuana, opiates amphetamines etc, that goes without saying. I need to know more about these tests to determine a plan of action and or feel a bit of relief. To do a standard urine test which tests for the aforementioned drugs, what else would need to be done to perform a test for steroids? Can the same urine be used for the schedule 1 drugs and the steroid testing?

    According to some literature I read, the test prop I may be good on but the winstrol not so much. Is winstrol another specific test? or can they detect it from a simple testosterone level determination?

    Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    there not testing for steroids

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I wouldnt think so, but please excuse me if I sound a little freaked out.

    The only real reason im concerned is that yesterday the instructor was talking to us about history taking(paramedic course) and finding out the medications a patient is taking, both prescribed and recreational. He asked us what recreational drugs are as a joke and subsequently said, well like the things youre going to be tested for next week! but then he sort of went back into talking about drugs that patients might be taking recreationally etc and mentioned steroids and I just couldnt tell whether or not he was saying that they will be testing for steroids or that you should be aware that some patients might be taking steroids. He may have even been talking about things like prednisone and other medically acceptable steroids.

    Any feedback anyone has will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    there not testing for steroids

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Paradise Valley
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    there not testing for steroids
    I agree w chuck. But you sound like you're not going to believe us anyway, so wtf you ask for? Wtf could we possibly say? How tf could we possibly know for certain? and why tf would you ask us?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I dont know man, I didnt ask you specifically or chuck, but do appreciate your responses. In regards to your questions, I ask here because there are people on here who may have undergone the same situation. These people could possibly tell me what they know and that could shed some light onto what I may need to do. Someone on here could possibly give me some tangible information that could put me at ease. But yes, no one will know for certain.

    Thanks tho

    Quote Originally Posted by 1bigun11 View Post
    I agree w chuck. But you sound like you're not going to believe us anyway, so wtf you ask for? Wtf could we possibly say? How tf could we possibly know for certain? and why tf would you ask us?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Prop would be out of your system by now anyway.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    True, I figured that. Im mostly worried about the winstrol and whether or not during a normal drug test it could be detected. My understanding is that you would have to test specifically for stanazolol metabolites. I understand that when testing for anabolic steroids initially the test consists of measuring a ratio between testosterone and a compound which I am not familar with called epitestosterone?

    My test levels should be within normal limits. If they were not that would be a red flag for steroid use but if that flag is not sent up I'm guessing that that will be all in terms of steroid suspicion; that is if they do indeed even test for testosterone levels, which would also have to or in most cases logically come before winstrol(or any other specific compound's) testing.

    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Prop would be out of your system by now anyway.

  8. #8

    steriod is the one type drug testing and this type of testing is one of the most method of the accurtly find the drug addictions and this type of addictors are easily find and cure it..

    Thank you...

    drug rehab

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