Originally Posted by
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 190 (13%)
Lifting history: serious for 4 years, lifting for 7
Age: 23
Cycle history:
cycle 1: dbol (30mg ed) // 400mg test e .... started 177 8% wound up 230 16% (bloated as hell -- 6 months post cycle i was 215 14% -- 2 months after that i ****ed up my knee doing bench hops... and have just recently started working legs again 2 years later.....)
(year and a half later) cycle 2: Test prop 100mg eod // tren ace 75mg eod // winstrol 40mg ed ......... well after this i was 212 11% (no leg workouts was still in rehab) i was so damn happy i was very much pleased with how i looked, and was thinking that was it for me... however 3 weeks post cycle i had an accident, and had to stop working out for 4 months road rash and shoulder impingement.... then 3 more months of piss ass workouts due to the linguring shoulder impingement causing me to drop down really quick to 185.....
the cycle im looking at doing is:
Week 1-12 -- Test E 500mg / week
Week 1-4 -- 30mg ed maybe 40mg ed of D-bol
week 1-12 -- 400mg / week nandrolone decanoate
Week 13-16 -- test prop 75mg eod
week 13-16 -- winny @ 50mg ed
week 1-16-- 500IU 2x week of HCG (may turn into e3d depending on how my nuts look)
week 1-16 -- .5mg eod arimidex (may sub aromasin @25mg ed for this)
PCT starts 3 days after last test prop inject
16 -- 100mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
17 -- 50mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
18 -- 50mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
19 -- 25mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
20 -- 25mg Aromasin ed.
21 -- 25mg Aromasin ed.
looking for feedback, or commends on my cycle. any advice would be great, i keep hearing about Pramipexole (similar to Cabaser) but unsure how much to take.. etc... any help would be great!! i hear it helps control prolactin levels...
again any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks bros!