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  1. #1
    aznegg is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007

    3rd cycle, test deca dbol winny... like a lil help here bros.

    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 190 (13%)
    Lifting history: serious for 4 years, lifting for 7
    Age: 23

    Cycle history:

    cycle 1: dbol (30mg ed) // 400mg test e .... started 177 8% wound up 230 16% (bloated as hell -- 6 months post cycle i was 215 14% -- 2 months after that i ****ed up my knee doing bench hops... and have just recently started working legs again 2 years later.....)

    (year and a half later) cycle 2: Test prop 100mg eod // tren ace 75mg eod // winstrol 40mg ed ......... well after this i was 212 11% (no leg workouts was still in rehab) i was so damn happy i was very much pleased with how i looked, and was thinking that was it for me... however 3 weeks post cycle i had an accident, and had to stop working out for 4 months road rash and shoulder impingement.... then 3 more months of piss ass workouts due to the linguring shoulder impingement causing me to drop down really quick to 185.....

    the cycle im looking at doing is:

    Week 1-12 -- Test E 500mg / week
    Week 1-4 -- 30mg ed maybe 40mg ed of D-bol
    week 1-12 -- 400mg / week nandrolone decanoate

    Week 13-16 -- test prop 75mg eod
    week 13-16 -- winny @ 50mg ed

    week 1-16-- 500IU 2x week of HCG (may turn into e3d depending on how my nuts look)
    week 1-16 -- .5mg eod arimidex (may sub aromasin @25mg ed for this)

    PCT starts 3 days after last test prop inject

    16 -- 100mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
    17 -- 50mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
    18 -- 50mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
    19 -- 25mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
    20 -- 25mg Aromasin ed.
    21 -- 25mg Aromasin ed.

    looking for feedback, or commends on my cycle. any advice would be great, i keep hearing about Pramipexole (similar to Cabaser) but unsure how much to take.. etc... any help would be great!! i hear it helps control prolactin levels...
    again any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks bros!

  2. #2
    wukillabee's Avatar
    wukillabee is offline Senior Member
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    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by aznegg View Post
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 190 (13%)
    Lifting history: serious for 4 years, lifting for 7
    Age: 23

    Cycle history:

    cycle 1: dbol (30mg ed) // 400mg test e .... started 177 8% wound up 230 16% (bloated as hell -- 6 months post cycle i was 215 14% -- 2 months after that i ****ed up my knee doing bench hops... and have just recently started working legs again 2 years later.....)

    (year and a half later) cycle 2: Test prop 100mg eod // tren ace 75mg eod // winstrol 40mg ed ......... well after this i was 212 11% (no leg workouts was still in rehab) i was so damn happy i was very much pleased with how i looked, and was thinking that was it for me... however 3 weeks post cycle i had an accident, and had to stop working out for 4 months road rash and shoulder impingement.... then 3 more months of piss ass workouts due to the linguring shoulder impingement causing me to drop down really quick to 185.....

    the cycle im looking at doing is:

    Week 1-12 -- Test E 500mg / week
    Week 1-4 -- 30mg ed maybe 40mg ed of D-bol
    week 1-12 -- 400mg / week nandrolone decanoate

    Week 13-16 -- test prop 75mg eod
    week 13-16 -- winny @ 50mg ed

    week 1-16-- 500IU 2x week of HCG (may turn into e3d depending on how my nuts look)
    week 1-16 -- .5mg eod arimidex (may sub aromasin @25mg ed for this)

    PCT starts 3 days after last test prop inject

    16 -- 100mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
    17 -- 50mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
    18 -- 50mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
    19 -- 25mg clomid ed // 25mg Aromasin ed.
    20 -- 25mg Aromasin ed.
    21 -- 25mg Aromasin ed.

    looking for feedback, or commends on my cycle. any advice would be great, i keep hearing about Pramipexole (similar to Cabaser) but unsure how much to take.. etc... any help would be great!! i hear it helps control prolactin levels...
    again any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks bros!
    Looks pretty good, just have a few things backwards. Cycle is good, just start pct 3 days after last test prop shot, no need to do pct while the test prop is still in ur system. If u choose to run aromasin during cycle then id do half that dose e3d throughout cycle bro, dont wanna kill all ur estro. If you use an ai during cycle (doesnt matter which ai just if u use one in general throughout cycle), u dont need one during pct. I would also add nolva in pct since clomid solo is not enough. For future reference, if u run an ai during pct, id run it only the first 2-3 weeks of pct and serms 4-5 weeks. ANy ai in general can cause an estro rebound effect so if u stop the ai same time as serms or even run ai longer then serms (like u outlined) it could cause problems. Not saying it will but very well could, not worth the risk and never a reason to run ai longer then serms in pct, never. Always use clomid/nolva for pct, tried and true for decades for a reason! 20mg/ed of nolva throughout pct is fine also, no need to run it 40mg/ed first week like how many like to do. Medical journals prove nolva past 20mg/ed cause no more benefit but only more negative sides. Clomid is the only serm id run 100mg/ed first week then 50mg/ed rest of pct because it does cause a much greater effect like this.

  3. #3
    aznegg is offline New Member
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    i was told never use nolva when on deca or tren or any other of their cousins... b/c it can cause gyno...

    also about the 3 days after prop is when pct starts, thats what i mean sorry for the messed up wording lol

    ty for the advice ill definitely look into the alternatives you have mentioned!! keep it coming!

  4. #4
    aznegg is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007
    friday night bump. please could some of the hall of famers please share their thoughts on my cycle? thanks!

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'd run the HCG at 500iu/e5d, if needed adex at .25mg/eod, and add nolva into pct at 40/20/20/20

  6. #6
    aznegg is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007
    thanks big!!! much appreciated!!! always puts my mind at ease when hall of famers chime in!!!

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