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Thread: Kynoslene Info!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Kynoslene Info!!!

    Weel first off, Hey bros, been a LONG Dont get around to all the diffrent boards enough these days!

    Just woundering if any of you have tried or know people who have tried kyno? If so what kinda sides if any did you get/hear about? Any incresed heart rate? Shakeing? sweating? ect ect ect. Just got a few bottles today and will be trying it SOON but want a bit of info before I start

    Take care brothas!

  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest
    damn man, where the hell you been? Welcome back, I was just wondering where you were earlier this week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by ptbyjason
    damn man, where the hell you been? Welcome back, I was just wondering where you were earlier this week.

    HEY BROTHA MAN! long time no chat! Been busy with the ol board but mostly with SCHOOL! lol just started back to school this year (dont know what the hell made me think I could go back after being gone for this long...but Im Takeing some sciences and sh!t, got a little secret plan I am working I will try and make it back around here more now tho. You guys are doin a great job here!

    Take care bro!

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