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  1. #1
    Flex Columbo is offline Junior Member
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    thinkn bout getting on and staying on

    hey everyone

    iv been a member of this board for quite some time now
    i finished my first cycle a month ago now and am currently running my pct of nolva clomid and letro

    iv only lost 2 kg of muscle so far

    my body doesnt look as big as when i was on cycle
    my fat% is still 14% whick is what it was just before i started my cycle.

    during my cycle i injured myself badly and was off for a month( major bummer)
    although i was still able 17kg from (75 to 92)

    my cycle was d-bol for 6 weeks along side sus250 for 15weeks

    iv got enough juice to last me another 3months and its getting really, really hard to not take it (expecially when i keep watching kevin levrone video's)

    before steroids my life was really dull , they made me feel as if i could succeed at anything i did , i felt better then most people , i was bigger than all my friends and still am , in fact concidering i had 4 weeks off i think that my gains were extreamly good

    what are some of the results others have had from this type of cycle?

    anyway down to the point.

    for all the vets here and anyone really who is perminantly on steroids , i would like to know some of the downsides!

    i feel as if i just cant take it anymore and iv come to the conclusion that i really dont care if my natural test shuts down, i wanna get big!bigger!

    is it worth it?

    are the health risks serious?

    and also right now seeing that im on my pct wouldnt my testosterone be really low? if i went to the docs would i be able to get a perscription to steroids? if so i think im going to just get on and stay on for life...or would it be better to continue doung 12-16 week cycles and pct's

    whats the longest someone can be on steroids and still have a very good chance of recovering natural test?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have done one cycle and you want to stay on for life?

    What are your goals and what do you want to achieve?


  4. #4
    Flex Columbo is offline Junior Member
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    im 21 ,
    have been training for 4 years now

    im currently 90kg
    and 14% bf

    i want to reach around the 120 mark cut up so id pretty much be your classic 240lb bodybuilder

    thanks for actually taking this serioudly thow guys , i though id just get blasted because to many it seems foolish , even to my self i agree it is foolish i just need to way the pro's and con's of such a decision

    one thing i know is that its killing me not being on cycle , im at the gym training just thinking how if i didnt stop i could get bigger and bigger instead of maintaining and gradually losing.

    frank mcgrath , trey brewer , evan cantopani

    these guys have to be on year round cycles

    how many cycles should i do before going year round?

    i know the general rule is time on=time off but what do you guys think? whens the soonest i could safely start pinning again
    Last edited by Flex Columbo; 10-24-2009 at 10:04 AM.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You shouldnt even be cycling at your age, your going to cause yourself damage,

    AAS: Things to consider before starting a first cycle

  6. #6
    georgebanks is offline Junior Member
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    you are definitely too young to stay on for life... staying on for life means a lifetime commitment.... this is called hormone replacement therapy......and usually only consists of 100mg of test per week...... this is not enough to turn you into a freak...... i know this because I'm on HRT myself

  7. #7
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    You will get better gains coming off and going back on. My friend has been doing it properly for the last 5 years and gets sic gains. Also at your age you dont want to surpress your natural hormones, down the road it will be a bitch if youstop BB'ing for onr reason or another. Ive been on hrt for 5 years now, its just not the same when I bump up my dosage, you dont get that energy, that "great" feeling again. My friend I talked about earlier, just went back on after 6 months off and is feeling like an animal....I wish I could feel like that again. Ive also been having estrogen issues, loss of libido while still on 400mgs of test, bumped up from 200mgs. Take time off, give your body time to clear out from you constantly piosoning it.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  8. #8
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Look i understand what your feeling, but that comes with the cycling lifestyle. Being on and feeling awesome is a GIFT", its not something that you get to have all the time. I dont even feel diff when on. Most everyone loses some gains after a cycle(actually my brother lost 0 lbs or strenght after hsi first 2 cycles).
    And Of course it would be nice to have gaines all the time.
    I have thought aboutt hrt too but more so for male contraception purposes because i question the safety of vasectomy. Still i dont know if i like either option at this point.
    The HRT i am skeptical of. I notice strange things even right now just being on cycle of 400mg of test. An hrt dose is 100-200mg a week of test. When i started my cycle, i noticed a DROP in sex drive, AND body hair distribution. I first attrubuted this to my high does anavar kick start. Still, im an on week 8, and just now my sex drive is where its at NORMALLY. I was looking forward to all kinds of amazing sex drive. So if 400 is what i need to feel "normal", what would 100-200mg do? nothin? idk. Sometimes i wonder if esterfied testosterones are really as good as "your own" stuff. T-gel is un esterfied, but blood levels are variable, and its pricey. Striant(oral patch) is the same but u really want something in your lip all day?
    I just don'T KNOW. yOU NEED MORE EXPERIENCE WITH THESE COMPUNDS BEFORE YOU MAKE A DECISION. Your too young and to inexperienced. See how you do cycling. See how they make you feel. Personally i dont feel like "super man", i fel pretty much the same. My appetite isn't even super duper and i swear it feels less, and im also on 500mg of EQ too!
    And yes, my test is real, i got that from a doctor who i fooled by testing after comming of a cycle. Oh, and that endeavor, fooling a doc, is more than just one test after a cycle. It takes about 9 months or ayear lots of planing, "acting", and usually a couple tests to see if your really low. Then they want to test to see if the dose work for you.
    Theres alot to this. Your jour jumping the gun. ur making an emotional decison, and you know it. Persoanlly id wait another year before juicing again. Then cycle for several years before you contemplate that HRT idea again

  9. #9
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    You will get better gains coming off and going back on. My friend has been doing it properly for the last 5 years and gets sic gains. Also at your age you dont want to surpress your natural hormones, down the road it will be a bitch if youstop BB'ing for onr reason or another. Ive been on hrt for 5 years now, its just not the same when I bump up my dosage, you dont get that energy, that "great" feeling again. My friend I talked about earlier, just went back on after 6 months off and is feeling like an animal....I wish I could feel like that again. Ive also been having estrogen issues, loss of libido while still on 400mgs of test, bumped up from 200mgs. Take time off, give your body time to clear out from you constantly piosoning it.
    So your HRT dose is 400? or you hrt is 200 and ur doin a cycle at 400?
    Just curious, how long is your freinds cycles?
    Im on cycle of 400mg test and 500eq. im gonn have blood test withing a week or two to see what 400mg a week yeilds hormone wise and i will post. I actually am not getting any gyno at 400 mg a week and no ai, plus my bf was higher than i wanted it to start.

  10. #10
    fig's Avatar
    fig is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    You will get better gains coming off and going back on. My friend has been doing it properly for the last 5 years and gets sic gains. Also at your age you dont want to surpress your natural hormones, down the road it will be a bitch if youstop BB'ing for onr reason or another. Ive been on hrt for 5 years now, its just not the same when I bump up my dosage, you dont get that energy, that "great" feeling again. My friend I talked about earlier, just went back on after 6 months off and is feeling like an animal....I wish I could feel like that again. Ive also been having estrogen issues, loss of libido while still on 400mgs of test, bumped up from 200mgs. Take time off, give your body time to clear out from you constantly piosoning it.
    Great response

  11. #11
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    You will get better gains coming off and going back on. My friend has been doing it properly for the last 5 years and gets sic gains. Also at your age you dont want to surpress your natural hormones, down the road it will be a bitch if youstop BB'ing for onr reason or another. Ive been on hrt for 5 years now, its just not the same when I bump up my dosage, you dont get that energy, that "great" feeling again. My friend I talked about earlier, just went back on after 6 months off and is feeling like an animal....I wish I could feel like that again. Ive also been having estrogen issues, loss of libido while still on 400mgs of test, bumped up from 200mgs. Take time off, give your body time to clear out from you constantly piosoning it.
    So your HRT dose is 400? or you hrt is 200 and ur doin a cycle at 400?
    Just curious, how long is your freinds cycles?
    Im on cycle of 400mg test and 500eq. im gonn have blood test withing a week or two to see what 400mg a week yeilds hormone wise and i will post. I actually am not getting any gyno at 400 mg a week and no ai, plus my bf was higher than i wanted it to start.

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    hrt during summer is 150 so I dont hold water and winter is 200. I just bumped up to 400 because I was feeling "flat".

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

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