hey everyone
iv been a member of this board for quite some time now
i finished my first cycle a month ago now and am currently running my pct of nolva clomid and letro
iv only lost 2 kg of muscle so far
my body doesnt look as big as when i was on cycle
my fat% is still 14% whick is what it was just before i started my cycle.
during my cycle i injured myself badly and was off for a month( major bummer)
although i was still able 17kg from (75 to 92)
my cycle was d-bol for 6 weeks along side sus250 for 15weeks
iv got enough juice to last me another 3months and its getting really, really hard to not take it (expecially when i keep watching kevin levrone video's)
before steroids my life was really dull , they made me feel as if i could succeed at anything i did , i felt better then most people , i was bigger than all my friends and still am , in fact concidering i had 4 weeks off i think that my gains were extreamly good
what are some of the results others have had from this type of cycle?
anyway down to the point.
for all the vets here and anyone really who is perminantly on steroids , i would like to know some of the downsides!
i feel as if i just cant take it anymore and iv come to the conclusion that i really dont care if my natural test shuts down, i wanna get big!bigger!
is it worth it?
are the health risks serious?
and also right now seeing that im on my pct wouldnt my testosterone be really low? if i went to the docs would i be able to get a perscription to steroids? if so i think im going to just get on and stay on for life...or would it be better to continue doung 12-16 week cycles and pct's
whats the longest someone can be on steroids and still have a very good chance of recovering natural test?